08/24/18 08:02AM
Hide account from search results
I'm wondering if there's a way to stop my account or my favorites from showing up in Google search results. I, accidentally, share a username with someone on another site, and I don't want to cause problems for them if someone tries to search for them and ends up seeing this stuff.
08/24/18 08:08AM
I don't know how to help you with that but i'll ask the other mods if there is anything i can do.
08/24/18 08:59PM
Yes, there is technically something to do about it.

<<www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html|Enter robots.txt>> and <<www.robotstxt.org/meta.html|META Robots tag>>


This means HypnoHub isn't searchable anymore with internet search machines at all. It's you and a few vs the other persons who want to be find in internet search machines.

Also, both does not help for the few internet search machines and crawlers who do not respect robots.txt nor <meta name="ROBOTS">-tag.

You likely want to change your username (or the other person his) to overcome the issue, or do noting at all.

08/24/18 09:15PM
You could just throw the profiles of people who don't want their profiles to be crawled into robots.txt. It won't prevent crawlers from seeing comments you leave, your name in the uploader field, etc., but due to SEO rules those sorts of things are much less likely to show up in search results anyways.

Side note, it's always fun to look at the robots.txt of random websites. You can find all kinds of things that ignorant webmasters don't want you to. In-development tools that don't have security tightened, random documents, etc. Was always my first stop when I was messing around with penetration testing.
08/26/18 07:28PM
Is there an option of just changing your hub name? I couldn't see it in my profile settings but it would solve some of the issues people have. Even if it can only be done once every so often.
08/27/18 12:02AM
There at least was in the past. I know a handful of people that changed their username over the years, but I don't know if the current mod/admin team is doing it anymore.
08/27/18 09:05PM
Wait, is it possible to change your username? I thought it wasn't possible because reasons.
If it is possible to change my username, could someone tell me how? Again, I don't want to cause problems for the other guy with the same username.
08/28/18 02:30AM
kittyissac said:
Wait, is it possible to change your username? I thought it wasn't possible because reasons.
If it is possible to change my username, could someone tell me how? Again, I don't want to cause problems for the other guy with the same username.

[copy pasted]
I recommend sending a DM to the user alaron He will help you with your name change.
08/29/18 06:00AM
Is this user on here or Discord?
08/29/18 07:28AM
kittyissac said:
Is this user on here or Discord?

Its on here.

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