08/25/18 09:49AM
Obscure Character or T.H.O.T Fetish?
Has anyone else got something like this?
08/25/18 11:57AM
LillyTank said:
Has anyone else got something like this?

T.H.O.T, as in That Ho Over There?
Nah, can't say I'm that interested in the types. If anything, the overt deceptiveness is a turnoff.

Not really sure what you mean by obscure character however. Obscure as in 'hard to read' and character as in 'personality'?
08/25/18 02:15PM
TheKinkyFinn said:
T.H.O.T, as in That Ho Over There?
Nah, can't say I'm that interested in the types. If anything, the overt deceptiveness is a turnoff.

Not really sure what you mean by obscure character however. Obscure as in 'hard to read' and character as in 'personality'?

As in not in the spot light sort of characters. They're not there to steal the show and are usually not the focus. They're just there briefly or peripherally as the plot demands.
08/25/18 04:06PM
So you have a fetish for one-off characters?
08/25/18 06:47PM
Neroblast said:
So you have a fetish for one-off characters?

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08/25/18 08:20PM
LillyTank said:
Sort of

I remember a (pretty shit) anime based on a VN, called Shuffle! I dunno why, but the only girl I actually found tolerable in that show was a side character that's never a potential love interest of the protagonist in the original game.

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