08/26/18 07:42AM
Suggestion: Interviewing a Hypnotized Person
Okay, so I was looking through some of the pictures here, some with captions, some without, and I daydreamed about a hypnotized sex slave being asked how much she loves jizz. Her response, naturally, was "I love jizz!", but that's not the point.

The point is, what if someone wrote a story where someone was interviewing someone who was hypnotized (sex slave or otherwise)? This idea's not fully fleshed-out yet, because the answers would be pointless, but suppose someone hypnotized someone else to be their usual love slave, and the interviewer asked them a ton of questions. Like, here, I'll give an example:

"So Erika, tell me your idea of a perfect day."
"Well first I wake up, make breakfast, put on my slave clothes-"
"Wait, I'm sorry, did you just say your slave clothes?"
"Oh yeah, it's a whole ensemble. I got a nice black leather collar with a matching leash-"
"You have a collar and a leash?!"
"What-yes, I have them both, now let me finish. So there's the collar and the leash... oh! And there are two sets of nice lacy stockings, and those are always fun. One's black and one's white. So I put those on, and when Master's breakfast is ready-"
"You call him Master?"
"Well yeah, I mean, you can't have slave clothes if you don't have a master. Think, woman."
"I just can't believe you would do such a thing."
"Yeah well, I can't believe Trump got elected, but here we go, so... (beat) Did you want me to continue, or...?"
"Huh? Oh yes, please continue."
"Okay, so once Master's breakfast is ready, I go to his room and wake him up. Y'know, normal slave duties."
"And it's not just a simple touch-and-go thing, it's really more of a process."
"All right, so first thing I do is reach under his pants and start stroking his dick-"
"You what?!"
"Stroke his dick. Jesus, what is so hard to believe about this? Do you not wake your husband up by stroking his dick?"
"My husband and I are divorced."
"Oh, see? That's where you went wrong, you weren't making his breakfast and stroking his penis every morning."
"Excuse me-"
"So anyway, while I'm stroking his dick, I usually stick my butt out, and I do this because Master likes to squeeze and fondle it-"
"He gropes you?!"
"Squeezes and fondles. Totally different thing. Sometimes there's squeezing, sometimes there's fondling, sometimes it's a nice, gentle caress once in a blue moon, but mainly squeezing and fondling. So anyway, once Master's penis is nice and hard, I take off my slave clothes - 'cept the collar - and put his penis in my mouth for my morning load-"
"Your morning load?"
"Okay, are you gonna parrot me every time? Because you've been doing that an awful lot and I gotta say it's getting old."
"But why would you drink a load every morning?"
"Oh well y'know, I made him his breakfast, I gotta get mine, right?"
"... unbelievable..."
"I know, I couldn't believe it at first either when I first started, I was like 'Holy shit, you're gonna do this every day? Score!' You know, you'd be surprised how much semen that man's balls make every day, it's really impressive. Like, one load and I'm completely full, like, stomach is filled. To. Capacity. Like, imagine a sign on my stomach, 'This stomach's maximum occupancy number cannot exceed 350,000.' (beat) So yeah, that usually holds me until lunch-"
"Oh my God..."
"That's what I said at first! And my midday load holds me until dinner - which is also a load - and, uh... yeah. Those're my three meals a day."
"That's disgusting."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had this pristine, guilded vagina that enables you to float above the rest of us."
"Well I'm sorry, but this is depraved! This man's turned you into a pervert!"
"Okay, are you going somewhere with this?"
"... no."
"Okay, so then when that's done I put on my face cream - which if you can't tell by now is a loa-"
"A load, yeah, I know."
"Okay, so... after that I sweep and do chores around the house-"
"I think I've heard all I need to. Good day."

And that's sorta what I had in mind. Kind of an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia-type tone, which is what I tried to capture here and failed. Thoughts?
08/26/18 08:15AM
Loving it. Your name, too.
I'd be glad to help put something like this together, if you're looking for assistance. I'm no writer, if you judge by published content, but I'd offer up any ideas I can muster.
EDIT: Oh, and proofreading. I'm really good at that.
04/22/19 03:06AM
Okay, so I've been thinking about writing something for you guys, but I'm stuck on whether or not to write it as a script (you know, for someone who might want to draw it out), or in prose. I'd like your suggestions. I do have a title for the piece; it's called - and get ready for this - "The Gang Comes to Hypnohub". Basically, Dennis, Dee, Mac, Frank and Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia all enter the world of Hypnohub. I think I know how I can sell my idea to the readers; but I want to know if I should write it in prose or script form. Can anyone help me make a decision here? Thank you in advance for your time and for whatever help you can provide.

EDIT: So I'm actually having second thoughts about the premise. What do you guys think I should do? Should I do a straight IASIP story where the Gang enters Hypnohub and interacts with it, or an original story with original characters written in IASIP's signature style? Again, your input is greatly appreciated.

04/22/19 04:35AM
Wienerman said:
Okay, so I've been thinking about writing something for you guys, but I'm stuck on whether or not to write it as a script (you know, for someone who might want to draw it out), or in prose. I'd like your suggestions. I do have a title for the piece; it's called - and get ready for this - "The Gang Comes to Hypnohub". Basically, Dennis, Dee, Mac, Frank and Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia all enter the world of Hypnohub. I think I know how I can sell my idea to the readers; but I want to know if I should write it in prose or script form. Can anyone help me make a decision here? Thank you in advance for your time and for whatever help you can provide.

EDIT: So I'm actually having second thoughts about the premise. What do you guys think I should do? Should I do a straight IASIP story where the Gang enters Hypnohub and interacts with it, or an original story with original characters written in IASIP's signature style? Again, your input is greatly appreciated.

Maybe instead of all of the gang discovering it though, maybe it could be like "The Gang Discovers Their Fetish", and Dennis happens to find that his is hypnosis. Dennis discovering HypnoHub in particular seems like the perfect recipe for disaster.
04/22/19 05:07AM
geekgirl8 said:
Maybe instead of all of the gang discovering it though, maybe it could be like "The Gang Discovers Their Fetish", and Dennis happens to find that his is hypnosis. Dennis discovering HypnoHub in particular seems like the perfect recipe for disaster.

Maybe. I was thinking that if I did something involving IASIP, then it would involve the Gang actually entering Hypnohub as opposed to just browsing the site, only for it to end up not being the case.
04/22/19 05:23AM
I think if you're going for readability, then prose is the way to goes.
Script is fine, but it's not as challenging to write IMO, and an artist can draw inspiration from both. But you can be more subtle about describing things accurately in prose, too.
04/23/19 10:05AM
I had an idea like this once...

Only in my story, the reporter knew from the beginning that they're interviewing a hypnotized slave. Also, the reporter gets hypnotized and turned into a slave once the interviewed starts recounting first meeting her master...

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