09/04/18 06:07PM
Pathfinder or FFXIV groups/guilds?
Hey, all.

So I am curious about this.

I have just started playing Pathfinder, and looking over the list of spells and traps, there are some interesting MC aspects that are in the game. It made me wonder if there was a group on the site who meets and plays via Roll20 or any other system.

Also, I've seen several people who play FFXIV, and am curious if there is a hypno themed guild in the game?
09/04/18 06:26PM

There is lot, looot of Pathfinder communities. Unfortunately I do not really know of many that are in it for kinks.
09/04/18 07:06PM
Quailman said:
Also, I've seen several people who play FFXIV, and am curious if there is a hypno themed guild in the game?

It's been years since I've played and I've never really gotten into RP, so I have no idea if there are any guilds like that. If there isn't any, I suppose you could try starting a guild on a RP focused server. If I was naming the guild, I'd call it 'Tempered' (since it fits within the story).
09/04/18 09:18PM
I've been looking for a pathfinder group for over a year, yet to play a single game though and that general inexperience plus anxiety stops me from worming my way into anything, so send me a message if someone starts something

as for FFXIV, can't say I've seen much to that effect- problem is it's tough to get onto the RP-focused servers
09/05/18 05:31AM
Im on lomia in 14 ^_^ thats about it
09/05/18 07:33AM
I'm currently DMing a Pathfinder game over Discord/Roll20 and, while it is strictly non-lewd, it naturally contains heavy themes of mental manipulation and control. Unfortunately, I am not accepting players right now. I could tell a funny story or two, or share the setting primer, but again. I have 6 players; please, no more.
09/05/18 07:43AM
I would like to join a pathfinder group that is open to new players, mainly so I can learn the game better. I'm DMing my own game right now, and it's literally the first time I've played, which is making things far more difficult.

As for FFXIV, if there are enough people interested, we could always start a guild for the Hub. I'm not sure I'd be good as guild master, someone else would need to fill in that role since I just don't think I have the time needed to give for that. But I'd roll a character on any needed server, or move an existing one, to be a founding member.
09/05/18 01:01PM
I might get involved with FFXIV if there are enough people and the RPs aren't too overtly sexual in nature. I'd have to start over from scratch nearly, though. I haven't played in ages and I always get bored because I never get to play the game with other players thus defeating the purpose of the MMO experience. Go figure?
09/05/18 02:35PM
I don't RP but if there is anyone on adamantoise i'm open to partying.
09/05/18 02:50PM
I like Helic Array as a guild name but... not a player yet so...

Edit: Actually scratch that. I like Think Helix Dev. Array sounds a bit better.
09/05/18 06:37PM
Obscenario said:
I'm currently DMing a Pathfinder game over Discord/Roll20 and, while it is strictly non-lewd, it naturally contains heavy themes of mental manipulation and control. Unfortunately, I am not accepting players right now. I could tell a funny story or two, or share the setting primer, but again. I have 6 players; please, no more.

Please do, it's always fun to read and compare other GM settings and horror stories.
09/05/18 06:56PM
LillyTank said:
I like Helic Array as a guild name but... not a player yet so...

Edit: Actually scratch that. I like Think Helix Dev. Array sounds a bit better.

Is that from something?

So, for FFXIV, who would be interested in building a guild? I know you need at least three people just to start. My initial thoughts on it would be this.

1: It would need to be on a server where RP is allowed and ok'd, but not absolutely necessary as not everyone is going to want to RP.
2: RP adult hypno stuff would be fine, but keep it out of the main guild chat. It needs to be private. This would also protect the guild from possibly being shut down. Separate channels could be created for people who want to be doing something a little more kink oriented, and private parties made for anything beyond that.
3: This is a guild for the hypno community.

These are just initial thoughts, not set in stone or anything like that. What would you guys like to see in a guild?

As for pathfinder, I'd like to see what some scenarios people have come up with that are more MC related, even if they aren't lewd in nature. Seriously, reading through some of the spell lists, there is some definite interesting MC aspects in this game world lol.
09/06/18 06:38AM
Balmung and Mateus are the go-to RP servers, it's mostly ERP so anything can happen. You can hit me up if you want; my handle on FF14 is Holly Souther (you'll have to search cross-world since Balmung is seriously locked now).

Or I can make an alt on whatever server you play on lel
09/07/18 12:01AM
I'd be interested in joining. I've been wanting to make a new character for a while, this would be a good motivation to do so. I love FFXIV way too much lol.
09/07/18 12:15AM
I'm interested in knowing what the group would entail, besides sexual stuff, I mean.

For instance, I want to know what would distinctly make this a hypnosis group?
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