09/06/18 04:12PM
Need some help with Gelbooru.
I'm sorry if this thread is off-topic, but I kinda need to know. Gelbooru, the safe, safe holy haven, stopped showing images, even with AdBlock being turned off. I also can't ask about it on their forum, since 'create a new thread' option doesn't work for some reason.

If someone knows what's happening, please tell me. I really don't want to start using Danbooru again.
09/06/18 06:31PM
T323 said:
I'm sorry if this thread is off-topic, but I kinda need to know. Gelbooru, the safe, safe holy haven, stopped showing images, even with AdBlock being turned off. I also can't ask about it on their forum, since 'create a new thread' option doesn't work for some reason.

If someone knows what's happening, please tell me. I really don't want to start using Danbooru again.

Are you using anti-virus/spyware programms that have pop-up blocker / anti-banner / protection from datacolleting? These programms can block the appearing images...
Had the same problem, whitelisted gelbooru from anti-banner and the problem was gone. Yet the adds at the bottom came back as well.
09/06/18 06:38PM
Hmm. Mine does this when I have adblock on because it thinks the thumbnails are ads... have you cleared your cache recently? That can sometimes mess things up if it goes "oh we didn't load this last time because..."
09/06/18 07:27PM
Incubus said:
Are you using anti-virus/spyware programms that have pop-up blocker / anti-banner / protection from datacolleting? These programms can block the appearing images...

Apart from AdBlocker and my antivirus, nothing on my computer possibly could block appearing thumbnails, but I already listed site in 'approved' for my antivirus and turned AdBlocker off.

Toxic_Thunder said:
Hmm. Mine does this when I have adblock on because it thinks the thumbnails are ads... have you cleared your cache recently? That can sometimes mess things up if it goes "oh we didn't load this last time because..."

Yeah, not so long ago. To tell the truth, Gelbooru stopped working properly two-three weeks ago, I just kind of did nothing about it. Were hoping that it will fix itself somehow.

EDIT. VPN, ye cheeky bastard. Gotcha. Thanks, guys.
09/06/18 07:34PM
That'll do it.

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