09/07/18 05:22AM
Possibly cool story (maybe game) idea
This idea just popped in my head while I was casually browsing the hub.

Basically the story starts out with a human male, named Lucas, in his 20s getting abducted by an alien race that is made up of only females, called Gesterons. These aliens look somewhat humanoid, but you guys can leave their features to your imagination. These aliens reproduce asexually, but they can edit their offspring before birth to look different. They found that Earth had a very abundant source of copper, which aids their editting process. Their own planet was run ing out of copper very quickly, and they needed it desperately. When they came to Earth, they did not want to resort to violence until absolutely necessary, but they were the type of aliens who wanted human slaves to mine the copper. The Gesterons came up with an idea to give a human male mind control powers in order to hold dominion over the entire planet while also staying loyal the alien race. The only reason they gave the powers to the human instead of themselves was that their minds did not have enough space to hold those powers, but we relatively dumb humans had a lot of space to harbor those powers. When they kidnapped the good ol' Lucas, they successfully gave him mind control powers, perhaps too successfuly, since Lucas was still freely thinking and decided to use the powers on the alien race.

(Im sure you can imagine what happens next). The human ends up mind controlling a somewhat small group of Gesterons to create a device that could allow his mind control to reach every person on a planet. He is successful. Next he decides to use the same device on Earth, and also succeeds. He moves from planet to planet, doing the same thing, while also fucking any beautiful girl he wants. Eventually Lucas was known as the Emperor of Minds.

So I hope you guys liked this idea, if you get any art ideas or game ideas from this feel free to add to the story or ask me about more details.


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