09/11/18 08:33AM
Anyone willing to lend a helping hand (incomplete fanfic)?
So I had a talk with a a writer on a fic we've worked on for a while and unfortunately, due to real life intruding on things and her ultimately coming down to the story not really working her sensibilities, we've decided to part ways on it. It was an amicable split and quite frankly, I'm happy it was. But now I'm left with an uncompleted story and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to step in and either complete it or start from scratch?

It's a Dragon Age harem/enslavement fic (<<|more details here>>) and I'm more than willing to discuss details of the story for those interested. And hell, at this point I might be willing to pay someone to do it, if need be.

Thanks in advance.
09/12/18 02:30AM
If it were a franchise I knew I'd be interested, but alas. Wouldn't stick my neck that far out for a fandom I've never dabbled in.
09/12/18 03:10AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
If it were a franchise I knew I'd be interested, but alas. Wouldn't stick my neck that far out for a fandom I've never dabbled in.

Know anyone who might be more familiar?
09/12/18 06:51AM
I'm very familiar with Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening, but I haven't played any other games in the series. From a cursory glance it seems I won't need much more than that? In any case I could potentially help out, time permitting.
09/12/18 07:02AM
Obscenario said:
I'm very familiar with Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening, but I haven't played any other games in the series. From a cursory glance it seems I won't need much more than that? In any case I could potentially help out, time permitting.

Correct. It strictly involves characters from Origins and nothing pertaining to other games in the series.

Would you be interested in finishing it or do you wish to start from scratch?
09/12/18 07:51AM
Contorted said:
Correct. It strictly involves characters from Origins and nothing pertaining to other games in the series.

Would you be interested in finishing it or do you wish to start from scratch?

I'd be fine either way, but I'll try to read through what's there right now before I say for sure.
09/12/18 08:23AM
Obscenario said:
I'd be fine either way, but I'll try to read through what's there right now before I say for sure.

Send me a PM to see what you think so far. I'm always open.

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