09/18/18 11:42PM
Name change?
Is it possible to get admins to change names of accounts? I've used an account name and I'm not happy with it now and would like to change it.
09/19/18 06:51AM
contact the user alaron he handles name changes.
09/25/18 12:59AM
Messaged him but got no reply, any ideas?
09/27/18 09:21PM
I'm having the same issue of not getting a reply. I sent two messages about a week apart and have not received an answer. I sent the messages a month ago.
09/28/18 10:38PM
I've been busy, everyone. Sorry for the delay. I've sent (or will send in a few minutes) a message to everyone that has messaged me seeing if they're still up for the name change. Please check your inboxes and confirm at your earliest convenience.

Also if you really want to get my attention quick feel free to join the rule34.xxx discord server and poke me there. You can also email me at [email protected]. Whichever is more convenient for you.

I apologize once again for the delay.

EDIT: Everyone should have a reply. If for some reason you don't but you've sent me a message then it got lost in the aether. Please send me a new one.
09/29/18 11:02AM
with that I think the issue has been resolved.

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