09/20/18 07:23AM
Venus Blood Frontier Translation Kickstarter is live.
VBF Kickstarter is live.

It's mainly corruption, but there's at least one "proper" MC scene by my recollection. More relevantly, if this succeeds, Ninetail has expressed an interest in translating VB Hypno, which, well, you can guess what kinda content that has. (also lots of corruption)

Also it's a decent strategy game.
09/20/18 08:59AM
Now I'll admit I don't know anything about translation/localization but isn't $148,561 like, a lot?
09/20/18 09:27AM
AmateurThrowaway said:
Now I'll admit I don't know anything about translation/localization but isn't $148,561 like, a lot?

An old rule-of-thumb in the industry is "one month for one staffer on a project will cost about $10,000" (when you account for things like higher-paid management, equipment, benefits, electricity, etc.), so if this is being done by a commercial or established studio, they're expecting close to 15 staffer-months for translation, testing, and at least one coder for the statistically-inevitable debugging. Not too absurd.

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