09/20/18 08:01AM
Taking SFW Hypnosis Requests
Hey sorry for being curt here.

I want to try out a new method of drawing.
Would anyone be so kind as to offer some drawing cues for me to try out?

The rules are simple:

* The request must be SFW.
* No Zombie-Walking, Haigure, or Kaa
* I will not draw femdom without femsub
* All drawings will be in anime style, so if you aren't okay with that then don't pay this thread any mind.

This is entirely optional but I would love it if someone were to suggest something featuring a character from these series:
- Pokemon
- Tales of
- Touhou
- Fate/
- Xenoblade 2
- God Eater

I would also like it if someone wanted me to draw a classic female stage hypnotist scenario.
All requests will be considered individually and I will select the one(s) I most prefer to draw.
Also, I know I've done this many times before, because I keep catching winds. This time I feel like I've found a method of drawing that as suitable for me to use. I hope that people here will still consider this thread and give me a chance to try and make an artistic contribution while I'm still here.

That's it, as far as I can tell. Let me know what you want here or in a note.

Anyway thanks for reading and happy posting.
09/20/18 08:11AM
Hmm, keeping the idea train (semi)-original here: May from Generation 3 surrounded and hypno'd by a ton of Spinda. They can learn hypnosis, and there's a whole freaking road where you run into them and skarmory.
09/20/18 08:20AM
Hmm, I'd request something with my own Character but since you're looking for characters from specific things and I don't have exact idea, I'll leave you be.

Good luck
09/20/18 08:35AM
Kachopper9 said:
Hmm, I'd request something with my own Character but since you're looking for characters from specific things and I don't have exact idea, I'll leave you be.

Good luck

You can request something with your character. I am looking for specific things but that part is optional.

I'll adjust the OP so that this point is more clear.
09/20/18 08:42AM
LillyTank said:
You can request something with your character. I am looking for specific things but that part is optional.

I'll adjust the OP so that this point is more clear.

Then I'll request my own Character, Caelia:

Feel free to do as you please and take liberties on here hair and/or body type.
09/20/18 09:20AM
I'm going to request the Scarlet Sisters from Touhou staring blankly at a pendulum mid-swing.

Remilia Ref:

Flandre Ref:
09/20/18 09:44AM
I don't know if you'd consider drawing a live action character, but what about Rey from star wars getting a taste of her own medicine, and being mind tricked by somebody? Bonus points if she's drooling
09/20/18 10:29AM
Kachopper9 said:
Then I'll request my own Character, Caelia:

Feel free to do as you please and take liberties on here hair and/or body type.

Actually, I got an idea that will fulfill one of optional character things as well.

How about a pic of Caelia having turned Patchouli Knowledge into a fellow princess friend, maybe a little haughty?
09/20/18 10:50AM
If possible I'd like to ask about image of Salazzle wondering why the hell Kya is affected by pheromones and if she (Salazzle) should go back to pokeball.
(For outfit for Kya I'd suggest copying Touko/Hilda/BW1 girl's outfit)
09/20/18 04:25PM


I have a question about this one, so... the character just must to be just falling under or we can suggest stuff for the hypnotized character when they're under as long they are SFW?
09/20/18 04:51PM
IDPet said:
I have a question about this one, so... the character just must to be just falling under or we can suggest stuff for the hypnotized character when they're under as long they are SFW?

I'm not sure that I understand. I guess both. Anything is fine as long as it doesn't detract from the hypnotism.
09/20/18 05:06PM
LillyTank said:
I'm not sure that I understand. I guess both. Anything is fine as long as it doesn't detract from the hypnotism.

For example, my idea is:
What about 2 pokegirls hypnotized via stage hypnosis with a pendulum to do stuff? Could be Flannery and Whitney... Maybe they could be hypnotized to think like pokemons and fight...

A girl could be all fours in a cat pose trying to scratch as a cat (Persian?) and the other one roaring or growling on all fours (Arcanine?) and the hypnotist watching the scene with a pendulum (could be francesca?).

So I don't know if you just want just the Hypno part with Francesca hypnotizing both girls sitting on a chair while she's swimging a pendulum or the pokemon fight is fine too.

In any case, both scenarios are fine to me.
09/20/18 05:17PM
IDPet said:
For example, my idea is:
What about 2 pokegirls hypnotized via stage hypnosis with a pendulum to do stuff? Could be Flannery and Whitney... Maybe they could be hypnotized to think like pokemons and fight...

A girl could be all fours in a cat pose trying to scratch as a cat (Persian?) and the other one roaring or growling on all fours (Arcanine?) and the hypnotist watching the scene with a pendulum (could be francesca?).

So I don't know if you just want just the Hypno part with Francesca hypnotizing both girls sitting on a chair while she's swimging a pendulum or the pokemon fight is fine too.

In any case, both scenarios are fine to me.

As long as it involves hypnotism and hypnotism is the focus than I'm more than happy with drawing it.

Edit: I don't consider anything involving post hypnotic suggestions to be a sub-fetish on its own.
09/21/18 04:19AM
Can I use my request to second the May and the Spinda idea lol?

Seriously though, I’d like to see Dawn in a magician’s outfit (something like Francesica’s but blue or pink) hypnotizing Jesse with a Hypno’s coin.
09/21/18 04:15PM
From Pokemon, Moon hypnotizing Lillie to make her undress and do stuff to her. You're free to choose the method of hypnosis.

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