01/22/14 01:26AM
Low quality manips vs low quality drawin on the hub
I've noticed that a lot of people seem to think they can post low quality manips on the hub because there are lower quality DRAWN pictures on the hub. I personally do not understand why people think that drawing something and maniping something are the same thing in anyway.

A drawn picture takes more effort and skill as you are starting from scratch with a blank sheet of paper where a manip takes existing images and manipulates them which thought taking skill takes considerably less skill then actually drawing something yourself.

Which is why drawing get more leeway then manips do.
01/22/14 01:57AM
It's not like your a mod. Therefore it's not like you can do anything about it; rendering this thread somewhat irrelevant. If the mod duo says it's good to stay then that's that. Where you draw the line of tolerance might not be where others do and that can cause confusion if you push your views to much. It's best if the judgment is done by as small a group of people as needed.

I've come to understand that the Hub's policy on quality control is to only speak up when you like something not when you hate it. That's the reason negative votes don't count when an image is put up for expulsion.

01/22/14 03:06AM
Now lets not get all frazzled. Lets see some examples of what you mean before you make opinions. After all what you think is bad might not be to others. I for one have seen bad manips come and go quickly so I am not sure I follow what your getting at. Usually the more take them out fast.
01/22/14 04:02AM
00* said:
It's not like your a mod. Therefore it's not like you can do anything about it; rendering this thread somewhat irrelevant. If the mod duo says it's good to stay then that's that. Where you draw the line of tolerance might not be where others do and that can cause confusion if you push your views to much. It's best if the judgment is done by as small a group of people as needed.

I've come to understand that the Hub's policy on quality control is to only speak up when you like something not when you hate it. That's the reason negative votes don't count when an image is put up for expulsion.

He's not a mod, but he is pretty much describing exactly what happens, and Mindwipe has said as much in comments of now-deleted pictures - there are low quality sketches in the hub, which are permitted because it's scary and hard to push bad, beginner-level art into the world and if they're encouraged the artist could improve, but manips are simpler and less time consuming to create, and you can probably do at least a passable job on your first try if you care enough to just not use paint.
01/22/14 04:22AM
SirNobody said:
[...]but manips are simpler and less time consuming to create[...]

*pfft* maybe your's are... :P
01/22/14 04:35AM
I posted this thread after reading all the comments where mindwipe one of the admins has said a mannip is low quality and someone defends it by calling out pictures in the hub that have Ben drawn saying they need to be deleted as well.

This thread is to explain that manips and drawing are two complety sepeate items and should nt be used to defend each other. -.-

The fact I even have to explain this here is annoying as my fist post is explaining the difrence between a drawing and why they have more leeway with quality control and manips.

Not once did I say a single post was bad not say anything had to be deleted not did I say I was a mod or even remotely imply that I was such.
01/22/14 04:40AM
Fairy21 said:
I posted this thread after reading all the comments where mindwipe one of the admins has said a mannip is low quality and someone defends it by calling out pictures in the hub that have Ben drawn saying they need to be deleted as well.

This thread is to explain that manips and drawing are two complety sepeate items and should nt be used to defend each other. -.-

The fact I even have to explain this here is annoying as my fist post is explaining the difrence between a drawing and why they have more leeway with quality control and manips.

Not once did I say a single post was bad not say anything had to be deleted not did I say I was a mod or even remotely imply that I was such.

Ok ok. It's alright. I know what you are talking about. No need to get mad. I understand that when an arris takes a blank sheet and draws something that's not very good it's not the same as if I just slap a watch on a picture and call it hypno amazingness.

But dear, it's not really something you need to say. Are you a mod? No? Then this is your opinion. Therefore the least you can do is keep a cool head as we are discussing the topic. I'm no mod either and I agree with you 100 percent that a bad original work is not to be taken down just cause of some awful manips. That would make new artists scared to post.

Are we understood? I'm sorry you felt agitated. Was not my intention
01/22/14 04:53AM
Fairy21 said:
I posted this thread after reading all the comments where mindwipe one of the admins has said a mannip is low quality and someone defends it by calling out pictures in the hub that have Ben drawn saying they need to be deleted as well.

This thread is to explain that manips and drawing are two complety sepeate items and should nt be used to defend each other. -.-

The fact I even have to explain this here is annoying as my fist post is explaining the difrence between a drawing and why they have more leeway with quality control and manips.

Not once did I say a single post was bad not say anything had to be deleted not did I say I was a mod or even remotely imply that I was such.

You're right, my guess, though, is that your title was misleading. I think it should have been something like "Manips&Drawings Are Not the Same" or "Necessary Standard Differentiation"(idk >_<'). A title like "low quality manips" just makes people think you're zeroing in on manips that you don't like and that your entire argument (as sound as it is) exists for the sake of putting them down. That's just my two sense.

Again, I agree with you. The truth is it needs to be put in the rules in bold print that manips and drawings are held up to a different standard. It's already been declared by the mods numerous times but it will likely not be acknowledged until it's made an official part of the rules.
Although, that can cause more problems down the line.
01/22/14 07:27AM
Lillytank said:
The truth is it needs to be put in the rules in bold print that manips and drawings are held up to a different standard.

This can be done. Good point.
It'll still be a point of contention, though. But it should be said there, nonetheless.
01/22/14 07:49AM
Yay my thread was helpful

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