10/02/18 12:32AM
What's your stance about spoilers in the hub?
Hey, quick question.

I'm making a piece and wanted to put something in it that could be considered a spoiler since it changes the tone of the picture (it's related to the first murderer of Danganronpa V3, specifically), but I'm hesitant because I don't want to spoiler people.

Would it be OK for me to do that since it's been a while since release or do I change it?
10/02/18 12:43AM
there's a spoiler tag so just put that on it and you'll be fine
10/02/18 12:51AM
Imasuky said:
there's a spoiler tag so just put that on it and you'll be fine

Thanks, I'll do that.
10/02/18 12:52AM
Plus the Danganronpa tag is FULL of spoilers. Lowkey I guessed who the mastermind in V3 was because BW did an image of that character getting mindfucked by the ghost of Enoshima when the game was only out in Japan and I suspected them from the start because of it.

Weirdly enough ghosts are still not a thing in the Danganronpa franchise outside of the time where Monoca's dad possessed Komaru for a scene to gave some exposition in Ultra Despair Girls.

Damn it Kodaka; there are active dangling plot threads to build the sequels with. Why bother bringing UDG elements into the anime if you're not going to show us what happened to the other Junko AI and the whole ghost dealio.
10/02/18 01:19AM
[spoiler=There is also a spoiler bbcode]So you could write the backstory of the post in the first comment without spoiling something |=(:3[/spoiler]

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