10/05/18 12:45AM
preferd search?
Black lists remove things from your search but what if there was a preferred search like say i wanted to look up a character but a lot of the posts of them are wearing cloths so i could put in preferred nude and it would push all the pics of them nude to the front
10/05/18 01:57AM
no_gay said:
Black lists remove things from your search but what if there was a preferred search like say i wanted to look up a character but a lot of the posts of them are wearing cloths so i could put in preferred nude and it would push all the pics of them nude to the front

Combine tags. So, for example, if you wanted pics of Tifa Lockhart nude, you would type "tifa_lockhart nude" into the search bar. Note that this will ONLY show you pics Tifa Lockhart nude. There is no way to make it so that nude pics are shown first with clothed pics showed later.
10/05/18 06:13AM
yes i know that but what if you wanted to see a
Mindwipe said:
Combine tags. So, for example, if you wanted pics of Tifa Lockhart nude, you would type "tifa_lockhart nude" into the search bar. Note that this will ONLY show you pics Tifa Lockhart nude. There is no way to make it so that nude pics are shown first with clothed pics showed later.

yes i know that but what if you wanted to see all the images but you would prefer if they where nude like you still want to see the clothed ones but you want to see the nude ones first
10/05/18 07:28AM
no_gay said:
yes i know that but what if you wanted to see ayes i know that but what if you wanted to see all the images but you would prefer if they where nude like you still want to see the clothed ones but you want to see the nude ones first

There is no way to do that, sorry.
10/06/18 01:01AM
You could start, as Mindwipe said, by doing a search for "tifa_lockhart nude", where you see all the nude pictures, whereafter you would do a search for "tifa_lockhart -nude", excluding all the nude pictures.

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