10/06/18 06:39AM
Mezzberry's Request Corner - A Contest of Whimsy and Boredom!
It's probably not a big surprise at this point that I spend most of my drawing time on long, hard (giggity) time-consuming projects. So it occurred to me today that it might be fun to end each week on a quick, fun piece with no brain-draining preplanning or mountains of little detail (not that I don't love both, but sometimes I need a break from the routine ^^). So I've decided - in very limited and control-freaked capacity - to open requests into the indefinite future :D

Now, this is important, so I will bold AND caps it:


For a number of reasons, I have to strictly limit requests I take. I can take one per week from here, and one per week from my matching topic on my DeviantArt page. If I'm feeling really, really saucy I might try to do more, but don't expect more than one per week from each site. And the following guideline is important enough to also bold, but not necessarily capitalize:

Every week, the request to be drawn will be chosen in secret by me, based simply on how much fun it sounds to draw.

Call me selfish, but ideally I want this to be something fun I can look forward to at the end of the week, not something I feel obligated to do. If enough time goes on and this 'contest' is and remains successful, I'll try to widen the pool to two requests per week, with the second chosen by random lottery of some kind.

Anyway, no one will know the winning request until it's finished and posted, so keep checking back to see if your submission was the winner! ^^

So, here are the aforementioned control-freak rules, in both regular version (for those who want an explanation) and the short short version (for those who quite justifiably think I talk too much):


- Requests will be open every Friday, from 9 AM to 9 PM EST. Please maintain a limit of one request per week per person. If you live in a time zone where you are asleep for every one of those hours, I will make exceptions. And if for some reason I'm not here to open the requests on time, go ahead without me ^^

- the subject matter for your requests is wide open. Can be fetish, non-fetish; girl or guy (I prefer drawing women, but I might be in the mood to draw a guy that week, who knows?). If it's a fetish request, it can be plenty of other things beyond hypnosis, so long as it follows my usual rules just below. Honestly, the more surprising and creative your idea is, the more likely it'll get picked.

- the usual rules for my artwork (aka 'list of won'ts') apply 1) no hardcore porn, images must maintain DA standards; 2) no sexualization of death, violence, or unwilling abuse of a submissive 3) no nude / sexualized likenesses of real people / actors 4) no sexualized depictions of underage characters

- try to keep your requests down to a single character. You can request two doing something together if you want, but unless I'm really hot for the idea it'll probably hurt your chances.

- keep your requests equally simple - one to two sentences describing what you want to see. If it takes you a little longer to give a blurb on your character, that's okay :-) What I'm trying to avoid with this rule is overspecific details, things like 'I want so-and-so with her arms up like this and her foot turned inward like this while arching her back and holding the Scepter of Guldorn while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and wearing her uniform seen in Episode #347 and these exact kind of spiral eyes.' That level of specification is a privilege reserved for paying customers ;-)

- please provide a link to a reference image of your character of choice in the description. What I don't know could fill a Spirit Library, and there's a lot of characters and franchises I'm not familiar with. Might I be convinced to draw Kagumi Lightbreast from Battle Valkyrie Academy Nocturne Remix? Certainly. But not if I have to hunt down a decent pic of her ^^

- Original characters are more than welcome for request submissions. But obviously, including reference pics is downright essential in this case. And I'm going to kick myself for doing this, but for the sake of injecting a touch of impartiality into these shenanigans, my own OCs are disqualified from being used for these requests (this may seem silly now because I've only shown, like, two of them; but I've got an army of sexy OCs I'll be deploying on your all very soon :D).

- if your request happens to get chosen and drawn, you aren't allowed to make a new request submission for this contest for at least a month. Gotta try and give others a chance :-)

- IMPORTANT - after the winning request is chosen every week, all the requests made that week are disqualified / no longer to be considered. This is meant to keep people active in these topics, and to keep me from having to sift through weeks of ideas every week. This is not the type of request topic where you can put out an idea once and expect me to get around to it eventually. If your's isn't picked, you are welcome (and encouraged) to make the same request next week and any week after, if you are passionate about the character / idea in question. To be honest, that kind of determination can only help your chances.


- the winning request each week will be chosen by me, based on how fun it sounds to draw

- you won't know who won until it's drawn and posted, so check back often on the weekend / beginning of the week!

- requests open every Friday from 9 AM to 9 PM EST. One request per person per week, please ^^

- the request can be just about anything in terms of subject matter

- my usual list of rules and wont's applies

- try to only request a single character

- keep the description of your requests simple, 1-2 sentences max please.

- please provide a link to a reference pic of your character when posting the request

- OCs are welcome!!

- if your request gets chosen and drawn, you can't make a new request in this topic for at least a month.

- after the winning request is picked each week, all requests are considered null so we can start again fresh the next week. You are more than welcome to submit the same request every week.

Simply put, the better you follow these rules, the better your chance of getting picked ^^

I hope you all like this idea, and I'm looking forward to reading your posts :D

- Mezzberry
10/06/18 06:58AM
Heyo! Guess I'll start with my OC, Caelia:

What exactly you can do to her I'll leave up to you, there's certainly plenty of ideas, hypno harem girl, some more of her succubus self, or maybe just her sexily drooling at a hypno screen while masturbating, just some ideas, but your call!
10/06/18 07:00AM
Oooooooooooooooooooooh this sounds interesting. When do the gates open up?
10/06/18 07:02AM
Great! Thanks for the request, we'll see what happens!

I forgot to mention that, since I made this topic after what should have been this week's cutoff point, the requests will be open from now until 9 PM EST tomorrow (Saturday). Want to give people a bigger opportunity in the first week ^^
10/06/18 07:15AM
Mezzberry said:
Great! Thanks for the request, we'll see what happens!

I forgot to mention that, since I made this topic after what should have been this week's cutoff point, the requests will be open from now until 9 PM EST tomorrow (Saturday). Want to give people a bigger opportunity in the first week ^^

Ah! Well I think this site could use some more SpiderByte (the pairing of Widowmaker and Sombra from Overwatch). Was thinking of a situation where they're trapped in a room of repeating spirals that causes them to engage in (rather passionate) hypno sex. Sound like fun?
10/06/18 07:20AM
Personally I'd love to see a pic of Mina Ashido wearing a tight gym t shirt and gym shorts, in a daze after somebody activated a hypnotic trigger to make her start melting her own clothes off. But you said nobody underage, and canonically she's 15, though she doesn't look it...

Consider this my backup request only for if Mina's not acceptable subject material, and to be disregarded otherwise: Adult Shadowcat / Kitty Pryde using her powers to put on a hands-free strip show as her clothes just fall away from her body. Jesus Christ the kind of strip show somebody with her powers could do, it boggles the mind.
10/06/18 07:23AM
Contorted said:
Ah! Well I think this site could use some more SpiderByte (the pairing of Widowmaker and Sombra from Overwatch). Was thinking of a situation where they're trapped in a room of repeating spirals that causes them to engage in (rather passionate) hypno sex. Sound like fun?

Well, if I'm being brutally honest, two characters + background + no reference pic provided = outlook not good. I'm hoping these will be very simple drawings I can knock out with 2-3 hours work; nothing close to my usual level of brain-melting time investment.

No worries though, I know I've got a lot of rules about this and it might take some time for everyone (including me) to get a better feel for what I'm trying to accomplish. You're more than welcome to make another request if you want :-)
10/06/18 07:26AM
Mezzberry said:
Well, if I'm being brutally honest, two characters + background + no reference pic provided = outlook not good. I'm hoping these will be very simple drawings I can knock out with 2-3 hours work; nothing close to my usual level of brain-melting time investment.

No worries though, I know I've got a lot of rules about this and it might take some time for everyone (including me) to get a better feel for what I'm trying to accomplish. You're more than welcome to make another request if you want :-)

Reference picture for the environment or the characters themselves? Or something else? I'm willing to go for something simpler if need be.
10/06/18 07:27AM
If you're willing to do a bit of a chubbier-shorter character, <<|Xania>> is offered up! Something happy or sexy would be lovely~ But anything you have in mind I'll gladly accept!
10/06/18 07:40AM
I'd love to see more of Luna Platz from Mega man, especially in your style of art.
10/06/18 08:28AM
OC's welcome? I suppose I'll submit my own <<|Mary-Annette>>, perhaps playing with a voodoo doll of herself.

Additional reference:
10/06/18 10:45AM
I volunteer <<vignette.wikia.nocookie.n.../latest?cb=20120618053434|Janine Melntiz>> from The Real Ghostbusters. Perhaps possessed to be a sexy french maid or covered completely from the neck down in a latex bodysuit (or if you can manage, a combination of both? x3 )

Contorted said:
Ah! Well I think this site could use some more SpiderByte (the pairing of Widowmaker and Sombra from Overwatch). Was thinking of a situation where they're trapped in a room of repeating spirals that causes them to engage in (rather passionate) hypno sex. Sound like fun?

DarkMask said:
I'd love to see more of Luna Platz from Mega man, especially in your style of art.

If my request doesn't go through I support the use of Luna or Widowmaker
10/06/18 10:55AM
BlackWidow69x said:
If you're willing to do a bit of a chubbier-shorter character, <<|Xania>> is offered up! Something happy or sexy would be lovely~ But anything you have in mind I'll gladly accept!

I also vote widow if it means anything
10/06/18 10:58AM
<<|HollyDolly>> as a <<|Greybot>>. Crim and I were pretty disappointed when it became apparent that wasn't gonna happen <<| here on this thread.>> And if you do somehow choose mine, put a big white bow in her hair please
10/06/18 01:38PM
Might be overly specific, but I'd be intrigued to see <<|Ciri (The Witcher)>> hypnotized by tech or hacking, in a Cyberpunk setting. Maybe just getting bot'd, maybe a Sombra-like form of hacking. Do something that you find interesting or fun. I'll be happy either way.

Found also <<|this picture>> and <<|this picture>> as ideas for outfits in a Cyberpunk universe. However, obviously, you're not restricted to those outfits. Anything will be good, even her "medieval" classical clothes.

Also, I'm really happy to see your pictures on the Hub again !
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