10/06/18 05:34PM
Is there anything that can be done about the ads for this site on mobile?
Not sure if this is just me, but the ads chosen for me when I’m browsing this site on my phone make this site damn near unusable at times. Sometimes I can’t even stay on a page for more than a second before an ad kicks in and activated a continuous chain of page-changes that pushes the previous page out of my “previous page” history with the redundant spammy chain, and then tries to scam me for my credit card info, just to add insult to injury. Is there anything that can be done about this? It only happens when I use my phone to browse the site.
10/09/18 07:53AM
It's something I've brought up before, and I've gotten no response other than "just sign in to avoid them." That's not worked yet, anyhow.
10/09/18 08:29AM
It may sound odd but I had this issue too. Then suddenly, for seemingly no reason...

It just stopped. I get literally no ads now. Not even banner ads, and I don't have an adblocker or anything. My mobile version went from an ad nightmare, to an ad-less wonder. And I have no clue why.

Here's hoping it happens to you, too
10/09/18 10:31PM
If I never see that uncanny af Ellen Page one ever again it'll be too soon.
10/10/18 12:28PM
akaece said:
It's something I've brought up before, and I've gotten no response other than "just sign in to avoid them." That's not worked yet, anyhow.

Triple: i got the same response and i never actally go on hypnohub without being signed on

Mindcollector13 said:
It may sound odd but I had this issue too. Then suddenly, for seemingly no reason...

It just stopped. I get literally no ads now. Not even banner ads, and I don't have an adblocker or anything. My mobile version went from an ad nightmare, to an ad-less wonder. And I have no clue why.

Here's hoping it happens to you, too

Triple: same thing happened to me but its started again just before this month

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