10/28/18 08:53AM
Halloween story: let’s get the community involved!
I’m planning to do a Halloween oneshot, so let’s hear what the community wants!
I don’t draw, unfortunately, but I’ve been told I write very well.
So who wants to suggest a scenario first? I’ll use the most popular. You can go ahead and vote on what you want to see in characters/costumes.
10/28/18 02:02PM
Trippy: this sounds cool let's start with something that your avatar made trippy think of, two sexy demon girls hitting up the town Halloween night to tick some mortals and treat others to some fun~
10/28/18 02:33PM
Full moon hypnosis to make characters relaxed and put them to sleep before they transform into something.
10/28/18 03:56PM
CJO1234 said:
Full moon hypnosis to make characters relaxed and put them to sleep before they transform into something.

I've seen you comment several times about this "full moon hypnosis" thing, I thought I'd point out that actual scenes with exactly that exist, just in case you weren't aware :

10/28/18 05:29PM
TheMadPrince said:
I've seen you comment several times about this "full moon hypnosis" thing, I thought I'd point out that actual scenes with exactly that exist, just in case you weren't aware :


10/28/18 05:54PM
I rather like the idea of demons walking among men this night for their kicks. How often do they get to play without some ridiculously overblown summoning ritual? (Their words, not mine.)
10/28/18 05:56PM
I keep meaning to write a Halloween story of my own. look forward to whatever you end up doing
10/28/18 06:43PM
I'm always a sucker for the stories of a hypnotist hired for a halloween party doing their thing, silly and fun show with a little sexual teasing thrown in for good measure... then giving everyone the suggestion that they're sexy caricatures of their costumes, and sending them back out into the party after the show.
10/29/18 02:16AM
How about two succubi transforming hapless trick-or-treaters into what their costumes represent?
10/29/18 02:52AM
Would love to see some women become actually playboy bunnies from a bunny costume.
10/29/18 03:55AM
bullet said:
I'm always a sucker for the stories of a hypnotist hired for a halloween party doing their thing, silly and fun show with a little sexual teasing thrown in for good measure... then giving everyone the suggestion that they're sexy caricatures of their costumes, and sending them back out into the party after the show.

This is an awesome idea
10/29/18 05:25AM
also sex
transformations good too
10/29/18 05:56AM
Can you make a Werewoman scenario, but without transformation? Just hypnotized to believe that.
Something like that the girl was hypnotized in a party to believe that during the nights of full moon she should undress and "believe transform" until she totally believes to be a wolf in heat, but she's still human. So she runs on all fours, grunts and becomes wild and howling to the moon.

We can make the same thing for other girls that went to the party.
>A girl that thinks she's a vampire, but change blood for sex (hypnotized hypnotist?). And thinks the sunlight and stuff like that can hurt her.
>Another girl that thinks she's a Witch.

And so...

Everything would be post-trance suggestion, so the next day the girls are still in trance and doing their stuff. Until it could be done that other girls who went to the party are triggered to be victims.

for example if the Werewoman thinking like a wolf attacks a hypnotized girl, she become other Wolf. Same think for vampires and Witchs using love potions.
10/29/18 07:18AM
IDPet said:
Can you make a Werewoman scenario, but without transformation? Just hypnotized to believe that.
Something like that the girl was hypnotized in a party to believe that during the nights of full moon she should undress and "believe transform" until she totally believes to be a wolf in heat, but she's still human. So she runs on all fours, grunts and becomes wild and howling to the moon.

We can make the same thing for other girls that went to the party.
>A girl that thinks she's a vampire, but change blood for sex (hypnotized hypnotist?). And thinks the sunlight and stuff like that can hurt her.
>Another girl that thinks she's a Witch.

And so...

Everything would be post-trance suggestion, so the next day the girls are still in trance and doing their stuff. Until it could be done that other girls who went to the party are triggered to be victims.

for example if the Werewoman thinking like a wolf attacks a hypnotized girl, she become other Wolf. Same think for vampires and Witchs using love potions.

So we've got two camps, one for party hypnosis and one for two demons out on the town. Which camp has the most support?
10/29/18 07:21AM
Hypno-Eretica said:
So we've got two camps, one for party hypnosis and one for two demons out on the town. Which camp has the most support?

Why choose? Two demons out for some fun and decide to make a local party their entertainment.
1 23>>>

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