10/30/18 12:10AM
CYOA - Mindslaver
Hi !

Stumbled upon this while roaming /cyoa/. Thought it could be interesting to know what you would pick.
Still haven't decided myself. Depends on if I want world domination, or just harmless fun.

Also : can it be posted on the site, even if it isn't a hypno pic in itself ?
11/07/18 04:23AM
I reckon the first image is an acceptable one, the others are iffy.

It's kind of hard to play out the game, because 14 is a ton of points, for my tastes.
11/07/18 04:29AM
drawback: deus vult


11/07/18 06:36AM
These would be a pretty great tool for making an OC
11/07/18 07:07AM
Well, now, this looks fun ouo

EDIT: Yep, really fun c: Kind of feel like writing a story from this.
11/07/18 07:13AM
Let's do this shit...

11/07/18 08:36AM
Dreamshade said:
Well, now, this looks fun ouo

EDIT: Yep, really fun c: Kind of feel like writing a story from this.

Finish the other one...

Ignore my unfinished CYOA....Ninja smoke bomb full of hypno gas
11/07/18 12:34PM
For a World Domination Plot :

Mean of control :
- Siren Song (1)

Slave types :
- Conditionned Slave (1)

Boons :
- Normalize (1)
- Tireless Servant (1)
- Hive mind (3)
- Libido (1)
- Induce Fetish (1)

Power :
- Flesh Sculptor (5)

That would be the "easy mode". Any slave would be able to sing and expand the Hive Mind. They wouldn't need anything anymore, so it wouldn't consume a lot of resources to maintain. Normalize helps keeping everything under the radar (as people listening to the same song for 3 hours straight would become weird really fast)

And then, when a lot of people have been turned, you can start to have fun with the last 3 boons.

For a "hard mode", or "story mode", we could add :
- Sign of Influence : Purple eyes with a heart shaped pupil (+1)
- Star Guardians (+2)
- Pact of destiny (+2)
- Shared Senses (1)
- Monsterification (3)
- Illusionist (1)

Haven't decided on my "fun and chill" setting yet. I'll do it later.
11/08/18 10:18PM
This is what I'm thinking of running.

Control Type (2 pts):
Hypnosis (2 pts)

Slave Types (3 pts):
Happy (1 pt)
Conditioned (1 pt)
Unaware (1 pt)

Boons (7 pts):
Sensitivity (1 pt)
Libido (1 pt)
Rewrite Memory (1 pt)
Cum Addiction (1 pt)
Orgasm Control (1 pt)
Induce Fetish (1 pt)

Powers (4 pts):
Illusionist (1 pt)
Dream Weaving (2 pts)

Mostly fun tools, so things can still be a challenge.
11/09/18 06:15AM
Alright, I'll do one. I can't resist these things.

Post #63570 might interest anyone coming to this thread.

Control (0) - Contract
Slavery (-3) - Mindless, Unaware, Happy
Boons (-8) - Lactation, Hive Mind, Age Manipulation, Tireless Servant, Fertility, Pause
Powers (-4) - Alchemy, Expanded Mind, //-Dream Weaving//
Drawbacks (+2) - Mind Fucked, //-Rapey Slaves//
Pacts (0) - nil
Bonus Slaves (-1) - Victoria Valentine, Alexandra Archibald, Fukawa Mio

forget Dream Weaving, I don't need it

Hypnosis is versatile and all, but I wanted to run Contract control backed by powers of Alchemy. It's impractical... but cheap (in mindslaver points). Theoretically, you can promise, and produce, elixirs of immortality, aphrodisiacs, youth philters... Business is good.

I will just market fertility or infertility drugs, "miracle vaccines" from disease to the more ditzy-headed, and eternal youth.

Isn't Mindless Slavery equivalent to applying Pause, since, you're allowed to change the 'type of slave' at will? Other rules have glitches as well.[/spoiler]
11/10/18 02:23PM
Lloyd said:
Isn't Mindless Slavery equivalent to applying Pause, since, you're allowed to change the 'type of slave' at will? Other rules have glitches as well.[/spoiler]

Ah, yeah.
Maybe the "Pause" implies that when you "unpause" they start behaving like they were before being "Pause"'d. Or maybe they just becoming mindless. You're right, it's not really precise.

I like your approach, too. Making a business out of it.
I wonder if using "Siren Song" works if you're in a concert or a chorus, though.
11/10/18 04:12PM
Control: Parasite

Slavery type: Conditioned slave

Boons: Sensitivity, rewrite personality, Normalize, induce fetish, orgasm control, combat training, monsterfication

Powers: Summoning

Game plan: First of all, i assume i can move the first parasite around if need be. Second, i find someone to infect and control while they sleep. I give them the order to let me know when they are fully trained to obey me even without the parasite and to not lie. Then the fun begins. Give them a parasitism fetish to help things along, then keep them on the very verge of orgasm while giving them whatever command comes to mind. Eventually they become willing to be my slave even without the worm.

Onto phase 2. Make more worms in the summoning void for 2 months. Give her a temporary birthing fetish and powerful orgasm on birth to aid in the process.

Phase 3. Reward and recruitment. Turn her into a monstergirl of choice with her own, subtle enslaving power from the transformation. Give her combat training in case shit goes south and a fetish for recruitment. peacefully get someone to follow by talking/using subtle power to avoid issues.

Repeat. Reward first slave in good way for making this possible, make her top slave.
12/27/18 12:16AM
Control: Anchor
Slavery type: conditioned slave
Boons: lactation, futanari, immortality, tireless servant, self-hypnosis, Combat Training, Charm
Powers: Expanded Mind pocket dimension, Alchemy.
Limits: Permanent changes, Slave Limit, Sign of Influence (Silver Rapier Infantry insigna), Short Leash

Game plan:

Apply my boons to myself

Get Internet access in my pocket dimension. Turn a wing into my personal quarters. My quarters have a comfy bed, Internet access, enough space to store whatever I want in them, a bath with infinite water and scented soap, always just warm enough to be very comfy, a large swimming pool, a game table and office. Turn another wing into slave quarters. Each slave has a room big enough to stash belongings in, Internet access, a storage space to store more stuff, and a comfy bed. There's also a common area which includes a gym, a place to eat, a big swimming pool. Turn another wing into a war room. War room has an armory, and a strategy room.

Then find 4 girls who have an interest in vydia and tabletop, and are unemployed and who don't go to the university. Chat them up, and collar them. Give them a room in my pocket dimension as well as my boons, get them to gather their stuff and make them permanent residents. They get to keep their money and spend it as they please, but they have orders to not tell anyone of their slavery and to pretend they just moved up very far. If they want to leave the pocket dimension to do IRL stuff, I have to leave with them. I'll then give them orders to keep in shape, and to play with me and do other fun stuff. Then it's travel time to a war torn country. My Expanded Mind will allow me to find a way to use four highly trained immortal tireless warriors to bring back stability, and I'll be the general of my little war party. Once I have a firm grip on the minds of my 4 girls war party, I'll "release" them (conditioning and charm should make sure they stay loyal anyways), and I'll recruit 4 more girls. I'd probably stop around 50 immortal futanari real life tabletop RPG PCs. And once I'll have removed the militias and other violent actors threatening world peace, I'll plot a pacifist world domination scheme to become a fair and benevolent world leader whom would usher world peace and prosperity, and I'll produce permanent Tireless Servant Potions (Though I'll name them Perfect Health Elixir) so that people won't have to eat, drink nor sleep and won't ever get sick anymore. I won't stop producing them until everyone has had one, but I will keep time to myself for fun.

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