11/04/18 02:56AM
smash bross pictures are being flagged and deleted
Those pictures are flagged: (luckly, the flag on this one was removed)

And this one was deleted:

original source of the deleted one:

I think it's better to clarify what the spirits are.

Hypno Eretica explain it to me on this one:

I think they are allowed on the hub as "possesion".

(I do not try to be aggressive. I suppose was the minunderstanding of a moderator so I thought it was a good idea to explain that.
11/04/18 03:03AM
Someone is going around flagging these posts.
one of them we decided to take down but the others were good to go
but someone is reflagging every shantea pic even as we approve them.
11/04/18 03:19AM
Jesus christ why is everyone suddenly up on a high horse about Shantae?
11/04/18 04:28AM
I think I found a possible clue to who's doing the flagging

check the comments on

Obscenario has a possibly suspicious comment

I also think the Shantae possessing Samus shouldn't be deleted, it's possession; if that wasn't allowed, there'd not be a possession tag
11/04/18 04:31AM
Just a little "protest" because the moderation team seems to be actively trying to drive traffic away from the site. I was simply testing to see if this was due to the moderators being actually malicious or simply incompetent. It appears to be the latter, so congrats on not being actively evil.

Either none of the Shantae spirits count or all of them do. Your arbitrary picking and choosing of when you think something isn't mind control is absolutely disgusting and appears to follow no consistent rules whatsoever. Users have no way of knowing what the tyrannical overlords will decide to delete for literally no reason.

Try being transparent with the community for once in your lives.
11/04/18 05:01AM
Obscenario said:
Just a little "protest" because the moderation team seems to be actively trying to drive traffic away from the site. I was simply testing to see if this was due to the moderators being actually malicious or simply incompetent. It appears to be the latter, so congrats on not being actively evil.

Either none of the Shantae spirits count or all of them do. Your arbitrary picking and choosing of when you think something isn't mind control is absolutely disgusting and appears to follow no consistent rules whatsoever. Users have no way of knowing what the tyrannical overlords will decide to delete for literally no reason.

Try being transparent with the community for once in your lives.

might not agree with your methods of going about this; but you have a point

mods should be as transparent as possible; being non-transparent just breeds hostility
11/04/18 06:05AM
I was the one who flagged that particular picture because I hadn’t seen the direct and wasn’t aware of the spirits angle, I thought it was just a transformed Shantae. Having gained the proper context, I wouldn’t have flagged it knowing what I know now and don’t think it should have been deleted.
11/04/18 07:08AM
I get that you are trying to ask for consistency, Obscenario, but I don't think being annoying, spamming flags, and potentially getting stuff deleted is the right way to show your displeasure with the mods...
11/04/18 01:48PM
So can we reupload the deleted picture yet? Considering we're allowing literally the same thing in different pictures and because it's actually hypnosis/posession?
11/04/18 03:00PM
Timo4545 said:
So can we reupload the deleted picture yet? Considering we're allowing literally the same thing in different pictures and because it's actually hypnosis/posession?

seconded, I know you can undelete stuff mods; I've seen it done for artists before

also, perhaps you should respond to our criticisms? Silence doesn't make you look good, it only serves to give the impression of cowardice and a lack of a desire to communicate with the community

edit: Make no mistake, I'm not angry at this, I'm merely trying to impart my viewpoint in a calm and logical manner
11/04/18 03:24PM
Obscenario said:
Just a little "protest" because the moderation team seems to be actively trying to drive traffic away from the site. I was simply testing to see if this was due to the moderators being actually malicious or simply incompetent. It appears to be the latter, so congrats on not being actively evil.

Either none of the Shantae spirits count or all of them do. Your arbitrary picking and choosing of when you think something isn't mind control is absolutely disgusting and appears to follow no consistent rules whatsoever. Users have no way of knowing what the tyrannical overlords will decide to delete for literally no reason.

Try being transparent with the community for once in your lives.

This is a porn site, it’s not that deep broseph
11/04/18 04:11PM
Neroblast said:
This is a porn site, it’s not that deep broseph

true, but the mods have not responded to his comments; Argonis made a comment to what he said here, but deleted it

this kind of thing needs to be addressed publicly by the mods; to not do so and to just hide in the shadows gives the regular users a bad image of the staff
11/04/18 04:34PM
godzillahomer said:
true, but the mods have not responded to his comments; Argonis made a comment to what he said here, but deleted it

this kind of thing needs to be addressed publicly by the mods; to not do so and to just hide in the shadows gives the regular users a bad image of the staff

Tbf, this kind of thing always spawns controversy, even when the mods do post something on these forums. I can understand the negative reaction to some of the deletions, but, knowing the feral rage with which some users argue against any decision that's contrary to their wishes, it doesn't surprise me that dialogue has petered out so much.
11/04/18 05:05PM
TheMadPrince said:
Tbf, this kind of thing always spawns controversy, even when the mods do post something on these forums. I can understand the negative reaction to some of the deletions, but, knowing the feral rage with which some users argue against any decision that's contrary to their wishes, it doesn't surprise me that dialogue has petered out so much.

really, with what people feel is unwarranted deletion, perhaps having an official appeal process could help

a lack of communication isn't going to fix anything, it'll merely make the matter worse and cause bigger issues in the future

for example, why not restore the deleted picture, it's MC as it is possession; to not do anything makes it look like the mods are afraid to admit they're wrong or can make mistakes

if they're talking privately about it, they need to let us know things are being done; it keeps them from looking indifferent to issues users raise
11/04/18 05:24PM
godzillahomer said:
really, with what people feel is unwarranted deletion, perhaps having an official appeal process could help

a lack of communication isn't going to fix anything, it'll merely make the matter worse and cause bigger issues in the future

for example, why not restore the deleted picture, it's MC as it is possession; to not do anything makes it look like the mods are afraid to admit they're wrong or can make mistakes

if they're talking privately about it, they need to let us know things are being done; it keeps them from looking indifferent to issues users raise

While I agree with some of your, and other people's, complaints, I feel it's important to remind everyone that websites like Hypnohub are not a democracy - if the mod team wants to take tyrannical steps to purge a certain type of content and ban the users opposing that purge, when it comes down to it, they have the right to do so because there's no law that regulates a privately-managed space like this. Hypnohub is not like a free nation, and has never been ; the only thing people can do is suggest improvements and feedback, but if the mods want to ignore it, they can perfectly do so - it's on the users to be convincing, not on the mods to listen.

If people are unsatisfied with the way things are, they're also perfectly free to create their own competing website, or attempt to join the mod team. In any case, I feel like the unbridled aggression that some users have displayed in the past is the least effective way to be listened to.
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