11/12/18 04:16AM
tips on making good manips
i have always wanted to make manips they seem very fun make but im having trouble with finding good images ,having good writing ideas and having good readable fonts.
11/12/18 04:23AM
morsecode said:
i have always wanted to make manips they seem very fun make but im having trouble with finding good images ,having good writing ideas and having good readable fonts.

never made one, but font wise, its easy on the eyes if its a wide-ish font. and no cursive like font at all
11/12/18 04:27AM
crazyman said:
never made one, but font wise, its easy on the eyes if its a wide-ish font. and no cursive like font at all

color choice is important too

you want a good contrast

yellow on white is a bad choice for example

black on white, is a good choice even if it is a bit bland
11/12/18 07:31AM
There's something like a 'manip tips & tricks thread' somewhere in the forums, might be worth looking for. On the topic of text, one nifty trick is selecting everything on the text layer (so really, the text), expanding the selection and filling a second, lower layer with a colour of your choice.

As for finding images, I guess gelbooru or sankakucomplex are your best bets. Both have a pretty extensive tagging, making it easy to look for images with props like computers, headphones, or poses and such that you can use as inspiration for a text.

Can't personally go much into writing ideas, but back when I manipped it was either that I saw an image and thought up a story (oftentimes as I was actually manipping the image proper, it doesn't necessarily have to come immediately), or had a scenario in mind already and looked for a suitable image to go with it.
11/12/18 07:37AM
Style aside, nothing kills a manip faster for me than bad grammar.

Please run your stuff through a spellchecker, even if you're fluent.
11/12/18 02:30PM

Pixiv, gelbooru, etc. But you need to search for the tags you are looking for.
For example if you want a girl acting like a dog, try to look for tags like "All_fours" "animal_ears" "paw_pose" "pet_play". Sometimes you'll be lucky to find what you're looking for, sometimes not.

>having good writing ideas
Reading this thread is a good way

>having good readable fonts
If you use a black background you need to use white/shinny/light colours on the font. Try that the size of the font works well with the size of the image. Do not use weird effects on the font, same rule for subtitles, "The important thing is that it's legible, it's not a logo contest".
11/12/18 03:33PM
AmateurThrowaway said:
Style aside, nothing kills a manip faster for me than bad grammar.

Please run your stuff through a spellchecker, even if you're fluent.

spellchecker can only do so much; a good beta reader is so much better

IDPet said:

Pixiv, gelbooru, etc. But you need to search for the tags you are looking for.
For example if you want a girl acting like a dog, try to look for tags like "All_fours" "animal_ears" "paw_pose" "pet_play". Sometimes you'll be lucky to find what you're looking for, sometimes not.

>having good writing ideas
Reading this thread is a good way

>having good readable fonts
If you use a black background you need to use white/shinny/light colours on the font. Try that the size of the font works well with the size of the image. Do not use weird effects on the font, same rule for subtitles, "The important thing is that it's legible, it's not a logo contest".

save weird effects for special things

like increasingly blurring the text of a dom to give the sense that the reader is drifting away into trance
11/12/18 05:00PM
TheKinkyFinn said:
There's something like a 'manip tips & tricks thread' somewhere in the forums, might be worth looking for. On the topic of text, one nifty trick is selecting everything on the text layer (so really, the text), expanding the selection and filling a second, lower layer with a colour of your choice.

As for finding images, I guess gelbooru or sankakucomplex are your best bets. Both have a pretty extensive tagging, making it easy to look for images with props like computers, headphones, or poses and such that you can use as inspiration for a text.

Can't personally go much into writing ideas, but back when I manipped it was either that I saw an image and thought up a story (oftentimes as I was actually manipping the image proper, it doesn't necessarily have to come immediately), or had a scenario in mind already and looked for a suitable image to go with it.

could i get a link to this thread
11/12/18 05:05PM
I'm gonna list some things which hasn't already been mentioned, but in my opinion greatly improve the overall appearance of the result. Some of this stuff isn't often included on manips here, but I do think attention to detail can make the image look a lot more polished. This will pertain mostly to text and formatting.

- PLEASE don't use bright/neon colours for either text or BG colours. In particular bright pink/magenta, green, yellow, red. These can be a strain on the eyes to read. I'd say stick to using duller (low saturation) colours.
- Use sans serif fonts, like Arial, Calibri, etc. Avoid using serif fonts, like Times New Roman. (Serifs are the small 'tails' you see on the ends of letters.) In general serif fonts are more difficult to read on a screen. You'll notice that most websites these days use sans serif fonts for their body text.
- Include some space between the text and the text box/borders. This is more of a visual thing but it makes the text look nicer. Don't put the text all the way against any edge.
- If you have some paragrahs of text, rather than just individual sentences, justify the text so that the lines are even in length. Again this is more of a visual thing, and probably the least important of the stuff I listed.
11/12/18 07:51PM
Ah, I knew this thread would come in handy someday !

Really helpful overall. Used it for almost all my manips. (okay, that doesn't mean much, they still have a LOT of room for improvement, but hopefully you're more skilled than I am)
11/14/18 12:14AM
im giving up on manips im just to lazy to properly spell check them.
11/15/18 06:39AM
Use photoshop or if you're too poor for it get Gimp. It's free and have silly name for a software.

Post your manip here and don't be ashamed to ask for criticism. You need to be thick skinned.

Take the criticisms and make better manips.


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