11/17/18 11:03PM
[Pokemon Let's Go Spoilers] So let's talk Leaf's little "moment"
So, to summarize, after catching Mewtwo in LGP/E, Leaf, to whom catching Mewtwo was a huge goal, kind of... doesn't take it well when you tell her that you already caught Mewtwo as she was waiting at its cave. She breaks down, going bonkers, tossing Pokeballs at you while yandere laughing and insisting that you should be one of her Pokemon along with "her" Mewtwo. From then on, it's a bit of a running gag that whenever you face her again, she tries to pelt you with at least one Pokeball, and when it has no effect, she un-subtly states that the offer is still on the table if you wanted to come voluntarily.

And for the record, she is not being compelled or influenced by any outside source, or if she is, it's never implied so in the games and is frankly a stretch where evidence is concerned.

BUT! Pokeballs have been known to be designed to make Pokemon unwaveringly loyal to their masters (at least, in the games), so I think that the matter still has some relevancy. Had any of those catches succeeded, for whatever purpose, the player would have been left solely beholden to Leaf.

So... discuss! What are your thoughts on the matter? Would you take Leaf's offer?
11/17/18 11:57PM
If the player character is female, it's a win win situation.
11/18/18 12:10AM
pokefannafekop said:
So, to summarize, after catching Mewtwo in LGP/E, Leaf, to whom catching Mewtwo was a huge goal, kind of... doesn't take it well when you tell her that you already caught Mewtwo as she was waiting at its cave. She breaks down, going bonkers, tossing Pokeballs at you while yandere laughing and insisting that you should be one of her Pokemon along with "her" Mewtwo. From then on, it's a bit of a running gag that whenever you face her again, she tries to pelt you with at least one Pokeball, and when it has no effect, she un-subtly states that the offer is still on the table if you wanted to come voluntarily.

And for the record, she is not being compelled or influenced by any outside source, or if she is, it's never implied so in the games and is frankly a stretch where evidence is concerned.

BUT! Pokeballs have been known to be designed to make Pokemon unwaveringly loyal to their masters (at least, in the games), so I think that the matter still has some relevancy. Had any of those catches succeeded, for whatever purpose, the player would have been left solely beholden to Leaf.

So... discuss! What are your thoughts on the matter? Would you take Leaf's offer?

I call BS on the unwavering loyalty claim

if that was true, you'd not have strong ones disobeying weaker trainers

and have some video of it too!

11/18/18 12:18AM
godzillahomer said:
I call BS on the unwavering loyalty claim

if that was true, you'd not have strong ones disobeying weaker trainers

and have some video of it too!


B2W2 explicitly state that pokemon are loyal to whoever owns their pokeball. The shadow triad taunt Hugh with that information because they are in possession if her sister's stolen pokemon.
11/18/18 12:31AM
EoD said:
B2W2 explicitly state that pokemon are loyal to whoever owns their pokeball. The shadow triad taunt Hugh with that information because they are in possession if her sister's stolen pokemon.

yeah, loyal to a point, they respond to strength of some kind

the Shadow Triad is strong, so they likely have no issues; with just 4 'badges' worth of strength they'd have unquestioned loyalty; could have it with just 2 'badges' worth; it's never shown what level the Liepard is, so I assume somewhere between 20 and 50

a newbie trainer would have issues with anything over level 10
11/18/18 12:48AM
godzillahomer said:
yeah, loyal to a point, they respond to strength of some kind

the Shadow Triad is strong, so they likely have no issues; with just 4 'badges' worth of strength they'd have unquestioned loyalty; could have it with just 2 'badges' worth; it's never shown what level the Liepard is, so I assume somewhere between 20 and 50

a newbie trainer would have issues with anything over level 10

So...you're going on about Trade Mechanics.


If you catch a Pokemon yourself it's always loyal to you.
11/18/18 01:28AM
oh man.
i forgot green was a character
11/18/18 01:35AM
EoD said:
So...you're going on about Trade Mechanics.


If you catch a Pokemon yourself it's always loyal to you.

if his sister had it caught, I'm sure it being stolen would count as a trade; due to a new trainer giving it commands

trade disobedience is part of in-universe lore

for an example: RBY/FRLG: In Cerulean there's an NPC near the Pokemart with a disobedient Slowbro/Electrode

but I think the main thing here, is that I don't believe Pokeballs make a Pokemon unwavering loyal on their own in-universe; it's a combination of the Pokeball and the trainer's personal frequency or something (I'd say Pokedex, but not every trainer has one)
11/18/18 03:29AM
godzillahomer said:
if his sister had it caught, I'm sure it being stolen would count as a trade; due to a new trainer giving it commands

trade disobedience is part of in-universe lore

for an example: RBY/FRLG: In Cerulean there's an NPC near the Pokemart with a disobedient Slowbro/Electrode

but I think the main thing here, is that I don't believe Pokeballs make a Pokemon unwavering loyal on their own in-universe; it's a combination of the Pokeball and the trainer's personal frequency or something (I'd say Pokedex, but not every trainer has one)

Ya know what? Never mind. We aren't even talking about the same thing anymore
11/18/18 03:36AM
Maybe it doesn't make every Pokemon infallibly obedient, particularly in event of abuse and outstanding incompetency, but I still think the ball or processes within the ball, at least somewhat, compels the Pokemon to bend to the trainer's will. Bulbapedia also mentions Pokemon being marked upon being caught, and that might be part of it, as part of the releasing process is the deliberate removal of the mark.

So if Leaf had caught the player against their will and then neglected them, then yeah, the player would probably have the base to resist enough to at least deliberately not do what Leaf told them, but I think as long as Leaf was generally good to the player, then the player wouldn't have the base to really resist her.

So really any scenario where the capture attempts worked and Leaf was generally benevolent enough, or any scenario where the player willfully took her up on her offer when she was (slightly) more lucid could, I think, be used as the basis for an interesting story.
11/18/18 05:37AM
EoD said:
Ya know what? Never mind. We aren't even talking about the same thing anymore

yeah, that argument kinda degraded, let's just drop it

pokefannafekop said:
Maybe it doesn't make every Pokemon infallibly obedient, particularly in event of abuse and outstanding incompetency, but I still think the ball or processes within the ball, at least somewhat, compels the Pokemon to bend to the trainer's will. Bulbapedia also mentions Pokemon being marked upon being caught, and that might be part of it, as part of the releasing process is the deliberate removal of the mark.

So if Leaf had caught the player against their will and then neglected them, then yeah, the player would probably have the base to resist enough to at least deliberately not do what Leaf told them, but I think as long as Leaf was generally good to the player, then the player wouldn't have the base to really resist her.

So really any scenario where the capture attempts worked and Leaf was generally benevolent enough, or any scenario where the player willfully took her up on her offer when she was (slightly) more lucid could, I think, be used as the basis for an interesting story.

heck, going into lore, if the myths are true about humans and pokemon sharing ancestors are true (and I'm not misremembering the lore Platinum had in Canalave)

I'd not be surprised if Pokeballs could work on humans, they just have a lock built in by Silph or something to prevent it (from what I've heard, the player can collect the balls thrown by Green; if they'd been failed catches)
11/18/18 05:32PM
This is a game made specifically for small children, please stop.
11/18/18 05:39PM
Neroblast said:
This is a game made specifically for small children, please stop.

Tell that to Salazzle.
11/18/18 05:39PM
Neroblast said:
This is a game made specifically for small children, please stop.

nope, people are going to perv over it if they want to; trying to stop it will only make them perv more

please don't be one of those people who think only children play Pokemon, I've been playing since Gold and Silver and have played every game up to Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun
11/18/18 05:46PM
Pinkanator said:
Tell that to Salazzle.

or Gardavoir
or Hypno
or Sabrina
or Francesca
1 2>>>

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