11/25/18 03:52PM
Picture/Manip suggestion thread.
Hello. I'm fairly new here, don't post a lot. If this idea exists, or is not allowed, please delete it. But I saw a few artists recently who posted they wanted ideas for some reason or other. And I expect that some people have ideas for pictures that they might want to pitch but for some reason or other don't. So I figured that I'd make this.

Basically, post a suggestion for a picture or manip idea here. If people are looking for ideas, they can come here, maybe see one they like and draw it.

Few notes:

If you post a idea here, please recognize that it may not or ever get done, and there is no obligation for anyone to do any idea you or anyone else suggest. This is meant to be a fun thing artists can go though, and if they like a idea they might do it.

I'm not gonna say you can't suggest either your own or someone else's OC, but suggesting your own will probably be seen as tacky and you should talk it over with the other person about their OC first. Common courtesy and all that.

Keep the hub rules in regards. I assume I don't need to say this but will do anyway.

Anyway, let's kick off with some ideas!
11/29/18 03:28PM
My fetish is about a woman taming a man much more phusically stronger than her using her sexuality:
Scenario 1:
She's a thief that goes to his house later he discovers her presence, so he brings his guns so she moves charismatically towards him
kisses and touches him "bad boy" until he is totally under her spell then either let her tie him oor worship her body while she counts his money
Or she can drug him using her lipsstick to make him sleep or make him her little good boy.

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