11/29/18 10:50PM
you wanna know how kinkshaming feels?
in all my life I never felt kink shamed for my hypnosis fetish I just felt awesome when I learned I wasn’t the only one and from there all was great, sometimes people would argue "this is too much" or "this kind of hypnosis or mind control is icky” but it was always from the mouth of someone who likes hypnosis just "not that kind"
This post isn’t actually about "a serious attack!" or "I was harassed!" nah nah nah chill, its much less than that but I wanted to share it with you none the less.
there is this guy called Captain Midnight, he makes video essay about movie media and he made a video about the latest Fantastic Beasts movie and [SPOILERS]:
he talks about some hypno elements in it:
hear it till min 5:20 and tell me if you don’t feel like "ouch dude... you hurt mah feeelings" xD
as I said it isn’t nothing really serious I just found it interesting enough and I wanted to bring the topic, first of: have you ever being kink shamed for this particular fetish? Would you mind to share?
11/29/18 11:31PM
I mean...I have never been kinkshamed. Not that I'm that public about my kinks anyway, but this video doesn't invoke that feeling. Unless consensual, our fetish is one of the worst things you could do to a person. I'm not one for the over-use of the rape word, but I wouldn't have problems calling non-consensual hypnosis akin or worse than rape.

Sure, consensual hypnosis is nothing to be ashamed of, and we all have our guilty pleasures here and there but...let's not lie to ourselves, if half of the pics in this site were to be true they'd be one of the worst situations to find yourself in.
11/29/18 11:43PM
I will never share my kinks outside of this community. To me, you’d be insane to. Which is surprising considering I am insane.
11/29/18 11:43PM

Unless shame is your kink
11/29/18 11:51PM
The closest I’ve ever experienced kinkshaming is someone accusing me of drawing rape. Which is annoying to me, considering my drawings are probably some of the least rapey in this niche and I put a lot of effort into making them come across as very pleasant experiences for everyone involved :P
11/30/18 12:18AM
T-rot said:
I mean...I have never been kinkshamed. Not that I'm that public about my kinks anyway, but this video doesn't invoke that feeling. Unless consensual, our fetish is one of the worst things you could do to a person. I'm not one for the over-use of the rape word, but I wouldn't have problems calling non-consensual hypnosis akin or worse than rape.

Sure, consensual hypnosis is nothing to be ashamed of, and we all have our guilty pleasures here and there but...let's not lie to ourselves, if half of the pics in this site were to be true they'd be one of the worst situations to find yourself in.

Yeah, I agree. I'm never going to criticize people for their fetishes, but talking realistically, mind-control would not be a positive thing. I don't think it's a coincidence the vast majority of users in fiction are, well, evil.
11/30/18 12:19AM
I've been kinkshamed many times on this website alone so I'm used to it... :/
11/30/18 12:25AM
I find all this answers so damn fascinating , like personally I thik im a preaty shameless bastard, in rp im all for lots of "twisted stuff" like I love non consent, I love mind break, I love corruption and irreversible tranformations and a looong list of even "worse" stuff and I am fine with it.
and to see the other side of the coin its so interesting to me
11/30/18 12:31AM
I separate fantasy from reality. If a situation of someone dominating the will of others in a non-consensual way happened in real life, it would clearly seem something terrifying to me.

As I separate fiction from fantasy, I hide this fetish from my normal circle of people (even in internet I don't use this nickname for normal stuff), because if someone discovered it, that person would possibly start to see myself in a weird way and I would be very embarrassed. And I can understand that, the nature of the fetish that is based on controlling other people is clearly negative, possibly they call me sick or a weirdo.

This fetish is not something like "Foots turn me up", Some people would find it strange, but they would see it as something harmless. Now, try to say "people brainwashing others to follow their orders turn me up" :/
11/30/18 12:35AM
There's a quote for this stuff:

The big thing about fetishes is the difference between having it used online and in a consensual environment. Morally it is wrong, but that doesn't stop it from being hot in just images and stories. In an actually review of something, he's right, that technically is wrong morally.

I separate fantasy from reality, something that I've noticed some people can have problems
11/30/18 12:40AM
Hypno-Eretica said:

Unless shame is your kink

This comes to mind

TheMadPrince said:
Yeah, I agree. I'm never going to criticize people for their fetishes, but talking realistically, mind-control would not be a positive thing. I don't think it's a coincidence the vast majority of users in fiction are, well, evil.

I'm glad to see someone else say that cause for the longest time i felt i was the only one to see the skill for what it is, an evil skill, controlling someones mind against there will is not something i would think was a good thing but i've seen quite a few people here that say the opposite and frankly i'm baffled.
11/30/18 12:50AM
Argonis said:

I'm glad to see someone else say that cause for the longest time i felt i was the only one to see the skill for what it is, an evil skill, controlling someones mind against there will is not something i would think was a good thing but i've seen quite a few people here that say the opposite and frankly i'm baffled.

Really? Cause for longest time I've felt that. For single images or short stories I'm fine with hypnosis and mind control in an environment that's short and doesn't really have continuity.
But if there's an actually story? I don't want the person using mind control to win.
11/30/18 12:53AM
Kachopper9 said:
Really? Cause for longest time I've felt that. For single images or short stories I'm fine with hypnosis and mind control in an environment that's short and doesn't really have continuity.
But if there's an actually story? I don't want the person using mind control to win.

heck, most of my story preferences these days when it comes to hypnosis point towards the consensual

the old evil hypnotist thing doesn't work for me, unless the story is about said hypnotist getting good character development like in Falling for Her Tits
11/30/18 01:41AM
Didn't really get that feeling; When a show like Jessica Jones exists that plays up the "Mind Control as Rape" (both metaphorically and physically), it doesn't hurt to have self awareness on how it can be. I've even had discussions with my mom on my fetish and honestly, what I say is tame in comparison into she'd abuse such power.

It doesn't hurt to have self awareness on a fetish like this but don't let it bog you down; Simply acknowledge it and keep beating your meat, amigo. I know I do.
11/30/18 02:28AM
grimest said:
I find all this answers so damn fascinating , like personally I thik im a preaty shameless bastard, in rp im all for lots of "twisted stuff" like I love non consent, I love mind break, I love corruption and irreversible tranformations and a looong list of even "worse" stuff and I am fine with it.
and to see the other side of the coin its so interesting to me

Oh, don't misunderstand me, I'm a pervert for those kind of things too and as a switch I love them from both sides of the coin. Hell, I remember one of the best RP's I had was about [spoiler=gross stuff]a woman being mind controlled by an unknown force and compelled to slowly fall in love with the idea of assassinating her lover and bathing in their blood as they feast on their flesh just for then reveal that it was a wide-spread thing and society itself would crumble under this new phenomenon once the woman finally snapped and gave in.[/spoiler] My first few fantasies were of corruption, mind break, betrayal, netorare, etc.

It's just...a reality check doesn't hurt from time to time and, honestly, it might even flare the flame up if ever so slightly. As long as we all know the limits and accept the true nature of it, I don't see anything wrong.
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