12/02/18 05:49AM
Translation Rules?
Is it ok to translate a picture/pool of pictures to english and re-upload it? The rules page doesn't seem to say anything about that
12/02/18 05:53AM
edcellwarrior said:
Is it ok to translate a picture/pool of pictures to english and re-upload it? The rules page doesn't seem to say anything about that

Some people have done it before, but it'd just be easier to add a note with the translations on it.

Example: hypnohub.net/post/show/72...e_only-fumituki-greyscale

(This is the first picture that showed up when I looked up the translated tag btw)
12/02/18 06:01AM
I say its ok I actually prefer that
I like the extra effort some people go to actually not just put a note but to actually go out of there way to put that not on the page itself.

so long story short
unless someone else tells me so you my A ok.
12/02/18 06:17AM
Argonis said:
so long story short
unless someone else tells me so you my A ok.

Ok, thanks
12/02/18 08:33AM
It would look way better than just using a note anyway.
12/02/18 09:18AM
Timo4545 said:
It would look way better than just using a note anyway.

As much as I appreciate people translating things through notes, I've always been annoyed that you can't download the notes if you want to download the picture. Since I've pretty much given up on making manips, I might do some translations whenever I have time.
12/02/18 09:19AM
edcellwarrior said:
As much as I appreciate people translating things through notes, I've always been annoyed that you can't download the notes if you want to download the picture.


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