12/02/18 02:56PM
question about posting art.
Hi, i am new here.... well new to posting I've been on this site for a while, i wanted to ask a few questions about posting here i'm not sure where to ask. so i came here:
First, i added art piece of a artiest whom's tag doesn't exist so it became a regular tag, how do i add a artist tag?
Secondly, a few tags are automatically added if i add others, i am specifiably talking about the tag spiral_eyes and symbols_in_eyes i get why that correlates with each other but why have the specific tag then?,
And lastly, this is a bit hypercritical of me because i already posted some art but should i ask for permission from the artist? how does it work?.

If this isn't the right place for question of this sort please direct me to the right place,
p.s i checked the chat option but it's just a discord server for rule playing with i am not ready for
12/02/18 03:03PM
>how do i add a artist tag?

For a new character Char:name, for a new artist Artist:name, for a new franchise copy:name

Just need to write the tag like that, for example: Artist:Anon

>And lastly, this is a bit hypercritical of me because i already posted some art but should i ask for permission from the artist? how does it work?

Are you making a manip or uploading straight art? In anycase you don't need to worry about it unless the artist is blacklisted on this site. Just remember to tag the artist and show the source.
12/02/18 07:24PM
HashaeBadooi said:
Secondly, a few tags are automatically added if i add others, i am specifiably talking about the tag spiral_eyes and symbols_in_eyes i get why that correlates with each other but why have the specific tag then?,

I would say that the answer to this particular question is that some people prefer to search for certain tags, while others prefer another search, but in the example you mention, an image could be defined as having both tags. Tags that are supersets of other tags tend to be automatically added, which makes finding an image easier.

It's kind of the same thing as having a franchise name automatically pop up whenever you tag an image as having a character of that franchise. Just makes searching more convenient.
12/03/18 01:58AM
thanks a lot!

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