12/04/18 05:00AM
The importantance of Archiving
Hi all,
I know I'm the annoying person who always talks about tagging and sourcing but todays Tumblr incident got me thinking about the importance of archiving as much as we can.
We currently take hentai and other lewd art for granted, it's there if it's not here it's on Rule34 or E-Hentai or Purinin or E621 or any of the Booru, today we lost over 5000 NSFW pieces of content, imagine how much great content is lost, from Princess Belle to Mowgli, Naruto to Scooby-Doo ect ect you get my point, try to back up as much as you can, tag the artists and include source and the correct tags so it's easier for people to find art, what happens if Tumblr gets rid of your favourite Kaa hypnosis image or that one fetish that's hard to find but you love ya know...

Anyway just some thoughts of a lover of arts
12/05/18 03:06AM
Exactly that's why I have 80% of the Hub as my own personal collection~
12/05/18 03:51AM
pretty sure I've downloaded every image on the hub that ever interested me since it began, only problem is for some dumb reason I crammed everything into a single folder for years, so between that and other art finds over the years I'm looking at over 40k images with ultra generic filenames that need sorting
12/05/18 04:04AM
pokemongirl said:
Exactly that's why I have 80% of the Hub as my own personal collection~

that... must be a lot of data
12/05/18 05:29AM
ShadowSeraphim said:
pretty sure I've downloaded every image on the hub that ever interested me since it began, only problem is for some dumb reason I crammed everything into a single folder for years, so between that and other art finds over the years I'm looking at over 40k images with ultra generic filenames that need sorting

Dude... Same... I have mine on an external hdd, all in various folders with really unhelpful names. Every time i hit about 2k in my downloads, i just ship it off to the external and start fresh. I easily have 20k if not 40k+ and over 300 vids. I'm an archivist, i'd say, but an imperfect one at that, lol
12/06/18 02:40AM
pokemongirl said:
Exactly that's why I have 80% of the Hub as my own personal collection~

Is that in your "Totally Not Porn" folder?
12/06/18 05:47AM
It's a Lot of Data for sure XD
And lol actually it's all organized by artist and if its in a pool I have it named as that pool too.
Besides some massive pools that I like but are too big like manga uploads I have all of it.
12/06/18 06:17AM
pokemongirl said:
It's a Lot of Data for sure XD
And lol actually it's all organized by artist and if its in a pool I have it named as that pool too.
Besides some massive pools that I like but are too big like manga uploads I have all of it.

That's actually pretty impressive. Neat!
12/06/18 08:41AM
pokemongirl said:
It's a Lot of Data for sure XD
And lol actually it's all organized by artist and if its in a pool I have it named as that pool too.
Besides some massive pools that I like but are too big like manga uploads I have all of it.

Now I'm picturing pokemongirl as a librarian for porn, a sexy librarian of course.
12/06/18 09:05AM
Mr.H said:
Now I'm picturing pokemongirl as a librarian for porn, a sexy librarian of course.

Heck if you've seen her bio pic her first look looks very librarian like.
12/06/18 07:29PM
Yo guys, backing up is a good idea. Now, this is not some big program, but for people who have a lot of trouble with getting their own personal archives just right, i use Hydrus ( which is essentially a local booru. Just leaving for people interested.
12/07/18 02:47AM
Thanks Bullet~

And oh gosh Mr. H and Argonis *blushes*
Ya I actually wouldn't mind being a librarian or the like one day.
The quiet, the computers, and all those books. My kind of place with everything so organized too!
And yes I have quite the many fantasies about being a sexy hypno librarian @.@
12/07/18 06:01AM
minoaskisho said:
Yo guys, backing up is a good idea. Now, this is not some big program, but for people who have a lot of trouble with getting their own personal archives just right, i use Hydrus ( which is essentially a local booru. Just leaving for people interested.

I'm going to second hydrus. It really is useful. You can even have it serve your collection to other people over the Internet if you want. There's also the national treasure that is the public tagging repository but sadly I think that's down at the moment.

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