02/04/14 04:28PM
Project Boys Hypnosis
Hey so does anybody know the password to the albums on this site?
02/04/14 10:18PM
From what little I remember reading on Hypnochan about this, it's a scam and the owner never gave anyone any password to it. He just likes flaunting the fact that he has hypnosis art.
02/04/14 11:17PM
Oh awww that kinda sucks welp guess i'll go look for something else unless the pw magically pops up somewhere
Thanks though
02/04/14 11:19PM
Yeah this guy once messaged an artist Hypnogoat who posted about it here. It seems he just messages tons of artists to scam some free art out of them, a few Google searches don't seem to bring up anything but warning signs.
04/20/14 05:42AM
Yeah!! Warning for that Project XD
04/20/14 08:27AM
MasterTrevor said:
Yeah!! Warning for that Project XD

*glances at name* o.O'
*rolls eyes* <.<

*shakes hand*

Welcome MasterTrevor, ye purported art scammer and owner of the mysterious site that no one seems to be able to access. >.>'
04/20/14 11:08PM
Vanndril said:
*glances at name* o.O'
*rolls eyes* <.<

*shakes hand*

Welcome MasterTrevor, ye purported art scammer and owner of the mysterious site that no one seems to be able to access. >.>'

I implore you, delete this thread ASAP and be prepared for Trevor to also flaunt his ability to google public proxies.

It only gets worse from here.
04/20/14 11:13PM
PurpleLink said:
I implore you, delete this thread ASAP and be prepared for Trevor to also flaunt his ability to google public proxies.

It only gets worse from here.

Good taste in avatars m8
04/21/14 01:22AM
I love all this very good "welcome" on me, >_< thanks so much.
I promise i will continue working hard to rise more and more in the next years the Project Boys Hypnosis : album.blog.yam.com/HypnoShota ;)
04/21/14 01:58AM
Welp here's your chance for a Q&A with the man himself, I guess
04/21/14 11:09AM
PurpleLink said:
I implore you, delete this thread ASAP and be prepared for Trevor to also flaunt his ability to google public proxies.

It only gets worse from here.

I definitely understand your worries, but I think I'll pass. It would be a bad standard to react on reputation alone. If the thread becomes an obvious trollbait, it'll go.

For now, I ask that everyone try to behave themselves, here.

MasterTrevor said:
I love all this very good "welcome" on me, >_< thanks so much.

To be fair, you have quite the reputation and I fear it precedes you. :P

petal said:
Welp here's your chance for a Q&A with the man himself, I guess

My thoughts exactly.

I have to ask, MasterTrevor: does anyone actually ever get themselves access to your galleries on the site linked in the OP? It always seems like no one's ever heard of anyone ever getting access, ever since I first heard it brought up on Hypnochan so long ago.

And another question, if you would: I notice that many of your comic's (I assume they're comics, anyway) title pages have strikingly similar art styles, almost as if done by the same artist. Do you happen to draw art, yourself? Or do you just happen to get a lot of your art from a particular artist?
04/21/14 12:06PM
O_O! wow
Sorry but i cant respond all that, >_< you knows , my english suxs :D !
But ... am gonna try ;) :

I think when someone no likes something, them, why continue watching? just ignore it and thats all. I already know many of the bad and evils fairy tales the persons say about me and the Project Boys Hypnosis , all knows when someone wants something and in the ends cant receive it , him start to say a lot of bad words and stuffs. Is so natural. But "to be fair" no cares, they are just text stuffs.

Many people always contact me via e-mail , i receive a lot of good and fantastic hot ideas >///< hehehehe because i open to requests, i show a lot of the ideas i receive in comics and gallery all the time >_< , i contact too in skype and i always show something , like a comics/gallerys in the Yam page , pages comics are working in that moment and others stuffs. XD the style of each comic or gallery is not always the same, there are differents because its no just me are working in this project >_< ! .

In the same time are a lot of people say bad words about me, there are too a lot of continue helping a lot this project and of course i share a lot of this stuffs with all theys, i mean , thanks for all they good persons bring the project, in May 2014 the Project wins 7 years in create a lot of new hypnosis shota works >_< !!! (In this May , i will upload Dragon Ball very hot latex hypnosis stuffs ;) )

There are anothers good and best project/clubs/artists makes hypnosis stuffs >_< am no the only one, so , each persons are free to select they likes. Each one are free to judgment (or comment) about the Project Boys Hypnosis whatever they likes ;) no problem.
Thanks :)
04/21/14 08:14PM
TakyonH said:
Good taste in avatars m8

Et tu, @_@
04/21/14 11:52PM
MasterTrevor said:
O_O! wow
Sorry but i cant respond all that, >_< you knows , my english suxs :D !
But ... am gonna try ;) :

Oh! Sorry. I didn't know. I'll make my words easier to read.

I think I understand. You're not the only artist involved in the project. And those that help you with the project get access to the project site. You also sometimes share samples with people who contact you about the project. Is that so?

What is your goal for the project? Do you sell it? Or is the reason something else?

TakyonH said:
Good taste in avatars m8

PurpleLink said:
Et tu, @_@

Lol, I just realized you were both using the same image for an avatar.
Mister Vi
04/21/14 11:55PM
PurpleLink said:
Et tu, @_@

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