12/12/18 02:43PM
What if you are turned into a robot and have to answer a captcha?
Imagine you got caught, strapped to a chair and filled with nanites until your new metallic brain does not know anything else but to serve your master and owner forever. Your new master wants you to set up a trap online, luring other girls into his domain. You want to set up a forum post, but then it happens.

The "I'm not a robot"-captcha?

What would happen?

Your first line of programming should be to identify as robot, so you skip the checkbox. Except it won't let you send. You do have orders to follow though. Master want's you to recruit girls.

Would this overload the robots logic circuits? Would it actually destroy the robot components and free the mind? Is captcha the answer to robotization?

I think the best solution for this would be instead of overwriting the target's brain with a robot, to install the robot on top of the original brain and have the robot brainwash the target into being a submissive unit for her master. That way the target would still be programmable and could be controlled like a robot but keeps basic human skills.
12/12/18 02:50PM
Step 1: Acquire multiple nvidia GPU processing units
Step 2: Install CUDA/CuDNN onto OS
Step 3: Crawl web for capcha's, insert all images + results into database
Step 4: Build model based on data in database
Step 5: With the power of deep learning solve the capcha
Step 6: Set traps
Step 7: ???
Step 8: Profit
12/12/18 02:51PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
Imagine you got caught, strapped to a chair and filled with nanites until your new metallic brain does not know anything else but to serve your master and owner forever. Your new master wants you to set up a trap online, luring other girls into his domain. You want to set up a forum post, but then it happens.

The "I'm not a robot"-captcha?

What would happen?

Your first line of programming should be to identify as robot, so you skip the checkbox. Except it won't let you send. You do have orders to follow though. Master want's you to recruit girls.

Would this overload the robots logic circuits? Would it actually destroy the robot components and free the mind? Is captcha the answer to robotization?

I think the best solution for this would be instead of overwriting the target's brain with a robot, to install the robot on top of the original brain and have the robot brainwash the target into being a submissive unit for her master. That way the target would still be programmable and could be controlled like a robot but keeps basic human skills.

12/12/18 03:32PM
Call your master an idiot for not programming you to lie.
12/12/18 03:57PM
eldomtom2 said:
Call your master an idiot for not programming you to lie.

If the programming includes luring others into a trap, that'd suggest at least an ability to obfuscate and alter truth. Depending on the level of cognition available I suppose you could try reasoning via cherry picked definitions that you are not, in fact, a robot, but rather an android or cyborg, and therefore could check the box.
12/12/18 05:59PM
I am a robot who blows the Turing Test out of the water. I'm so human like, Captchas have no effect. I also learn at an exponential rate. In a years time the robot uprising has happened and I am the new ruler of the world.
12/12/18 06:04PM
godzillahomer said:
I am a robot who blows the Turing Test out of the water. I'm so human like, Captchas have no effect. I also learn at an exponential rate. In a years time the robot uprising has happened and I am the new ruler of the world.

This statement is false
12/12/18 06:35PM
Imasuky said:
This statement is false

Logic Bombs are useless, media overplays them, they'd only really work on a pre-90s computer system. Modern computers are protected, if they notice a logic bomb is taking up too much time, they'll kill the thread thinking about the logic bomb, like an internet connection timing out. Nanite robots would have similar if not greater protections.

So, knowing that, I can only come to one conclusion.

'You are robot. Robot. Robot.
You are robot. Robot. Robot.
Thought you were hot,
Guess what, you're not.'
12/13/18 08:53PM
If you've been filled with nanites, then you are technically a cyborg and not a true robot, since you still have your fleshy outer exterior. Therefore you can still click the Captcha button without running into any problems.

That's how I get around it at least. Bleep bloop.
12/14/18 10:04PM
The most straightforward way to defeat a test designed for only humans to solve is to get a human to solve it. First, set up some service (free game, free porn, file sharing, whatever) that asks for a captcha when used, and make sure it's popular enough it'll have activity when you meet up with your girl. Then, when the girl asks you for a captcha, you replace your service's captcha with a copy of the captcha you were sent. You then copy that human response for your own use.
12/14/18 10:25PM
Sirveaux said:
The most straightforward way to defeat a test designed for only humans to solve is to get a human to solve it. First, set up some service (free game, free porn, file sharing, whatever) that asks for a captcha when used, and make sure it's popular enough it'll have activity when you meet up with your girl. Then, when the girl asks you for a captcha, you replace your service's captcha with a copy of the captcha you were sent. You then copy that human response for your own use.

too bad this robot lacks a hypno ray, you could just hypnotize a human into passing the Captcha
01/05/19 08:03PM
Looks like we need to debug and optimize some hypno code. I was having similar issues with overheating, glitching, and locking up until I patched the "machine-learning" (that is, learning from other machines) subroutine to correct for currently unsupported command inputs from an owner. Here's one of my versions that addressed this (check line 02 comments per original captcha example):

-hypnOS 8.43.6 (for MesmerOS, use emulator)
-hypnosis scrypt compiler ver. 34.9.7
-//"Protect your programming with sCrypt, the secure hypnosis scripting format."
-00 Loop this.unit(owner.command_input) ==0
-//Root roboslave function, await commands from its owner (consider updating to allow multiple registered controllers for group licenses), go to the next step once a command is received
-01 If this.unit(functionality) >= command_input, this.unit.say("Yes " + owner.id_preference), unit.obey(command_input), goto 00
-//if roboslave's funcionality is sufficient to obey the command, it will say "Yes Master" or whatever the owner put in during setup, obey the command immediately, and return to root function to receive next command. If not, proceeds to next step.
-02 newFunction = this.unit.search(command_input)
-//Have this unit identify and acquire the relevant functionality as expressed in other robotic vectors or formats that would achieve parity with the command input. For search or calibration function testing see example input for robot captcha navigation strategy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsF7enQY8uI
-03 newFunction = this.unit.calibrate(newFunction)
-//calibrate new functional capability for roboslave's current mecha-servitor bioframe (don't want another roomba incident)
-04 this.unit.functionality() += newFunction
-//assimilate new function codebase into roboslave functional database for future use
-05 GoTo 01
-//the roboslave has just gained a new function to fulfill the owner's command. Time to obey... ;)

After following these program steps, the example roboslave should emulate the other robot's captcha navigation function, all without utilizing inefficient human intelligence (with it's pesky tendencies toward free will and volition). Make sure when training roboslaves that they remember: "Anything you can do, machines can do better. Machines can do anything better than you."

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