12/13/18 04:54PM
A picture got deleted for “text block” but i know for a fact it was mislabeled
The picture in is SO undeserving of a delete and i have no idea why it was marked to begin with. The post had perfect quality, it had ZERO text blocks, it was a higher quality picture than A LOT of the art on hypnohub, i may not have been the artist but i call bs. Im hoping there is some way this can be put back up, even if just cause i know it was a good post and my favorite on the hub.
12/13/18 05:01PM
Have you clicked the Parent Post?

The textless verison is still there.
12/13/18 06:53PM If you deleted that one for text block, then you should delete this one too (the other text manip in the pool the one mentioned by Neko was in), for consistent application of rules. They had about the same amount of text, from what I recall.
12/13/18 07:24PM
The one with text is te one i want restored, it was not breakign any rules lol the only “rule” it broke was being good art. I want to repeal that even if im not the artist or poster, it is unfair to delete a perfectly good post for nothing.
12/13/18 07:29PM
Heck even just send the post to me and i would gladly repost it somewhere else where it would not be deleted without any reason, the textless version may be up, but i liked that post BECAUSE of the text AND the art, i want to repeal this if i am at all able or at least get the post downloaded where i will gladly move it to a different site if it is not welcome here. I never bothered to download the image because i never thought it would get deleted. Text block? Wtf do ya call the 7000 other posts with text on the screen lol it did not block out the picture and the picture was reposted without the text so it is stupid af that it got deleted when there are INFINITELY worse quality posts that are allowed to stay up. It certainly didn’t hurt anybody to leave it up when it didn’t break any rules and the source is gone so i can’t find it amywhere but the hub which is why i want to get it back up. If there is not a real reason to delete it, then i don’t see why it can’t be put back up, i have seen posts from admins that say no post is ever truly deleted, just hidden and i want this post put back up. Im not trying to be an ass but i don’t understand why this even happened.
12/13/18 07:49PM
Neko712 said:
lol the only “rule” it broke was being good art.

That’s... not at all how things work here.
12/13/18 08:33PM
What percentage of the image was text and what percentage was the actual image? If it's more then 50% it's supposed to be flagged
12/13/18 09:13PM
Pro tip, if an image is deleted: View Source still has the image link in there somewhere. Download it from there. I recently found myself doing that with an adorable series of RWBY manips of which a pic right in the middle was deleted for "text block".

On an unrelated note, can we just not delete any posts for which the flag reason is that unclear? There's very concise guidelines around text blocks now, cite which one it violates or the flag doesn't stick - text blocks in and of themselves aren't deserving of deletion.
12/13/18 09:41PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Pro tip, if an image is deleted: View Source still has the image link in there somewhere. Download it from there. I recently found myself doing that with an adorable series of RWBY manips of which a pic right in the middle was deleted for "text block".

On an unrelated note, can we just not delete any posts for which the flag reason is that unclear? There's very concise guidelines around text blocks now, cite which one it violates or the flag doesn't stick - text blocks in and of themselves aren't deserving of deletion.

but the issue here is, the Source no longer exists and with manips, often times said source is the normal image; source isn't always the image on the HH
12/13/18 10:20PM
"text block" still seems like a nonsensical reason to delete anything. It's not even a quality issue, it's just "I don't like reading, so nobody should be able to enjoy it". It's not right.
12/13/18 10:22PM
Changer said:
"text block" still seems like a nonsensical reason to delete anything. It's not even a quality issue, it's just "I don't like reading, so nobody should be able to enjoy it". It's not right.

yeah, it hurts writers

and with some pictures, put the story in a comment wouldn't be viable (caption only posts for example)
12/13/18 10:38PM
I am also growing concerned about the circumstances here. As far as I can tell, this deletion occurred to ORIGINAL HYPNO ART that has a story connected to it. If the mods are now going to delete "text block" posts that are connected to original hypno art, we're going to start seeing some horrible double-standards or we're going to lose some AMAZING pieces.

For example, Skypenotized has at least 3 images which break the "50% rule" but which I had assumed were safe for being original hypno art. If the QCC starts applying hte 50% rule to hypno art, are they going to say "Text block applies for peons, but not for Zko"? Or are we going to say that Skypenotized needs to have random chunks of the story missing for completely arbitrary "taste" reasons?

Maybe the QCC just should not be making rules based on personal taste and should stick to ACTUAL quality issues.
12/13/18 10:53PM
Changer said:
I am also growing concerned about the circumstances here. As far as I can tell, this deletion occurred to ORIGINAL HYPNO ART that has a story connected to it. If the mods are now going to delete "text block" posts that are connected to original hypno art, we're going to start seeing some horrible double-standards or we're going to lose some AMAZING pieces.

For example, Skypenotized has at least 3 images which break the "50% rule" but which I had assumed were safe for being original hypno art. If the QCC starts applying hte 50% rule to hypno art, are they going to say "Text block applies for peons, but not for Zko"? Or are we going to say that Skypenotized needs to have random chunks of the story missing for completely arbitrary "taste" reasons?

Maybe the QCC just should not be making rules based on personal taste and should stick to ACTUAL quality issues.

That's not the case here. The Skypenotized was original and this is not, odds are this was taken down a long time ago and we are still deliberating on it.
12/13/18 11:00PM
I'm looking at the post pool, and it looks like, from what context is available, it was original hypno art commissioned from sleepymaid of the poster's OCs for the intention of going with a story.
12/13/18 11:32PM
Argonis said:
That's not the case here. The Skypenotized was original and this is not, odds are this was taken down a long time ago and we are still deliberating on it.

So original and derivative content have different standards in that the creator(s) matters more than the creation? And before an utterance of 'low effort' can be made, in what world is writing too much a sign of not trying enough?
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