12/16/18 04:21AM
Vague/Nonsensical Flags feel like a serious problem
I'm sorry, but I felt the need to comment on some of the utterly ridiculous reasons flaggers are giving. I mean, just look at this one:

I really have no idea why the flagger felt this post needed to be removed. I just wanted to get this off my chest. I understand the need for a flagging system, but some of these flags are getting insane.
12/16/18 04:31AM
Ever since they made flags anonymous flaggers have become more dense and confident in getting stuff removed. With the two purges we've had in the recent past (text only and loli/shota) some people seem to have it in their head that if they flag something it will disappear.

The death tag was created for a reason.
12/16/18 04:35AM
It might be a good idea to instate system of acceptable flags along with the removal of flagger anonymity.
12/16/18 04:41AM
I am locking this for now as it feels like it could easily start drama.

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