12/18/18 01:02PM
Does/Has anyone done a White Elephant before?
It seems no matter who I talk to, they've never done or even heard of this game and I feel like I'm the only one who ever has xP

To those who don't know, the White Elephant is a game played for holidays like this. Here's how things go: You need a big group of people to do this like 10 or more for best results, so either do this at a party or with a huge family like I do. Anyways, each person puts one gift they bought in a pile and everyone gathers around it. After deciding a turn order, one person at a time picks out something from the pile, and whatever they get, they're stuck with it. After the first person, every other person can either pick out another present or steal one of the already claimed presents, and to make sure things don't go on forever, each present can only be stolen a certain number of times (usually 3). This goes on until the last present is taken and if the person who went first decides to swap their present with someone else (since they didn't get an option to steal anything since they went first).

The fun is seeing what kind of stupid or useless gifts everyone gets and seeing that one person who gets something that really is genuinely awesome and everyone trying to steal it while also convincing everyone else to take what they got x3 Like one time my family practically fought over this rare video of Empire Strikes Back that was autographed by Frank Oz~ This game is actually a riot~

Anyways tell me if any of you guys ever did this at your holidays or family gatherings. And if not, then maybe you now have something fun to do with your family now~ ;)
12/18/18 01:14PM
StepfordCrimson said:

Learned that game existed a few days (weeks ? Can't remember.) ago, but I didn't really find the appeal in it. Maybe I'm not that playful, but maybe I'm not considering with the right state of mind.

I mean, usually, presents take into account who they're for. So that would kinda piss me off if I lost a gift I like, or someone I like didn't get the gift I offered them.
With very generic gifts, however, maybe it could work. I don't really know.

I don't do many family gathering anyways.
12/18/18 02:21PM
AnnoyinGoblin said:
Learned that game existed a few days (weeks ? Can't remember.) ago, but I didn't really find the appeal in it. Maybe I'm not that playful, but maybe I'm not considering with the right state of mind.

I mean, usually, presents take into account who they're for. So that would kinda piss me off if I lost a gift I like, or someone I like didn't get the gift I offered them.
With very generic gifts, however, maybe it could work. I don't really know.

I don't do many family gathering anyways.

same, I only went to my family's Christmas Lunch because members I liked were going; most members I don't know enough to care about
12/18/18 02:32PM
Heard of a similar game before but not under this name also never played it.
but thanks for sharing the description
12/18/18 03:16PM
I played it back in my college's cosplay group. I put in a collection of Azumanga comics. I think I got a pack of batteries.

College kids. Am I right?
12/18/18 04:09PM
I never played, though my parents have. Dad went out of his way one year to visit antique and novelty shops until he found a particular statuette. He wanted to bring an actual white elephant to a white elephant party.
12/18/18 04:37PM
I played it at work one year. It was fun. I threw in a Nerf gun to the pile and everyone fought over it the entire time.
12/18/18 05:06PM
Did one with my GF's family a few years back. Her family is very practical in nature, which worked well for me. All the gifts in the pile were useful to anyone in some way, so I had a good time. It wasn't "toss in something awesome and get a brick in return."
12/27/18 11:28AM
StepfordCrimson said:
It seems no matter who I talk to, they've never done or even heard of this game and I feel like I'm the only one who ever has xP

To those who don't know, the White Elephant is a game played for holidays like this. Here's how things go: You need a big group of people to do this like 10 or more for best results, so either do this at a party or with a huge family like I do. Anyways, each person puts one gift they bought in a pile and everyone gathers around it. After deciding a turn order, one person at a time picks out something from the pile, and whatever they get, they're stuck with it. After the first person, every other person can either pick out another present or steal one of the already claimed presents, and to make sure things don't go on forever, each present can only be stolen a certain number of times (usually 3). This goes on until the last present is taken and if the person who went first decides to swap their present with someone else (since they didn't get an option to steal anything since they went first).

The fun is seeing what kind of stupid or useless gifts everyone gets and seeing that one person who gets something that really is genuinely awesome and everyone trying to steal it while also convincing everyone else to take what they got x3 Like one time my family practically fought over this rare video of Empire Strikes Back that was autographed by Frank Oz~ This game is actually a riot~

Anyways tell me if any of you guys ever did this at your holidays or family gatherings. And if not, then maybe you now have something fun to do with your family now~ ;)

My family does that every year, although one year my cousin was dating a dude on meth, brought him along, and the gift hebrought, all wrapped up and everything, in a perfect Christmas present box, he brought a horsetail buttplug.
12/27/18 10:31PM
MissCass said:
My family does that every year, although one year my cousin was dating a dude on meth, brought him along, and the gift hebrought, all wrapped up and everything, in a perfect Christmas present box, he brought a horsetail buttplug.

Throw it at him, it'll do what it was designed to do and shut him up. ;)

man, that's an old joke I just made

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