12/28/18 07:48PM
Hypnohub University
Basically came up with this discussion idea from another thread. If Hypnohub had or was a university, what would it teach? How would it be taught? Who here would be tutors and who would be students? Would we have a sports team or cheerleaders, or would it be more intellectual activities for big events?
12/28/18 09:21PM
Ainsley said:
Basically came up with this discussion idea from another thread. If Hypnohub had or was a university, what would it teach? How would it be taught? Who here would be tutors and who would be students? Would we have a sports team or cheerleaders, or would it be more intellectual activities for big events?

I would teach Erotic Literature.
12/28/18 09:38PM
Film Studies.
12/28/18 10:07PM
Honestly, similar to what Equestria Girls wound up doing, I picture Queen Lindabelle being more of the principal/headmistress. 'Course, that's the issue with making a character whose power far exceeds their popularity, because I imagine that spot's reserved for someone more representative of the site.
12/29/18 12:22AM
Almost all the teachers are ms. Erikson pulling a funny valentine
12/29/18 12:40AM
I'll just say the obvious: If this were to become a fleshed-out setting, HHU better have a really good psychology college in it. I mean "best psychology classes around or bust" levels of good.
12/29/18 01:11AM
Mathematics teacher. Hardly done an animation that doesn't use some trigonometry. Even if it's just a sine wave. And wrote a looping particle effect system and fractal midpoint displacement generator for manips
12/29/18 01:48AM
Ideas like this for a setting of sort that OCs can be in just for fun are always fun to think about.
12/29/18 01:55AM
Home ec.

Duh :P
12/29/18 02:06AM
StepfordCrimson said:
Home ec.

Duh :P

I actually had you in mind when I came up with Mrs. Spring for MC Tech's home ec teacher.

I think chemistry would be a very popular course.
12/29/18 02:08AM
This might actually be fun to do commissions in and add to a group pool. I wonder how Lindabelle would look in a suit and skirt...
12/29/18 05:44AM
weird, my OC is a college psychology professor

So, following up on that, I could see her being the Ethics in Hypnosis teacher

other ideas for classes

History of Hypnosis
Hypnosis Resistance
Common Mistakes of the Hypnotist
Hypnosis Improvisation
Inductions 101
Programming and Computer Science
Stage theatrics
12/29/18 06:56AM
I guess I'd be a student. History major.

Maybe we can have a group of lovable misfits like Community. I'd say Mask would be the Abed of the group. The socially awkward, popular culture savvy member with an air of mystery.
12/29/18 07:30AM
I reckon I would be a student. Out of the classes said so far, I think I'd take up Erotic Literature, home ec, inductions 101 and programing and computer science. The first would be fun with Imasuky''s abilities, home ec could be handy just having those skills for a clean house, programing and computer science seem like a handy trade skill and induction 101 you can probably guess.
12/29/18 10:55AM
I dunno about the rest of you, but I'd totally be up for a series of collab pics based on this.
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