12/30/18 01:07AM
Holly is not Mistletoe
Holly is a plant with stiff, spiky leaves that function like thorns, and red berries. It is closely associated with Christmas. However, it is not mistletoe, a plant with smooth, round leaves and white berries, under which it is traditional to kiss.

Currently, several images under the "mistletoe" tag that are clearly depicting holly.

Seriously? Why even have tags? Who needs them, huh? Anything can just be anything, apparently. At least, that's the message that I was given this week, when I flagged those three mistagged pictures because I am unable to edit tags myself (when I select Edit, the page breaks). I checked back today, and found that while the flags have been removed on two, the tags have not been corrected.

Now, you might be asking, "Why does it matter?" (You're actually probably wondering why I don't correct the tag myself because you missed the part where I said the Edit function is broken for me.)

Well...how about I ask you this; What if every image of a redhead was tagged "White Hair" instead? What if all the images of people with hearts in their eyes were tagged "Spiral Eyes" or even had the "Kaa Eyes" tag? Speaking of Kaa, what if we just started tagging every snake as him?

The tags exist for a reason. It's one thing to just not know the difference, but when someone points out a mistake, not correcting it is bullshit.
12/30/18 01:15AM
I don’t mean to be a jerk, but is this really something to make an entire thread over? Again, I don’t mean to instigate anything, it’s just it doesn’t seem so big an issue...
12/30/18 01:34AM
Most people don't know the difference. People know both plants are associated with Christmas and like to portray them, however pop culture has blurred the line between them. Since most people will never see real Holly or Mistletoe, simply decorations, they may not realize that they're using the wrong name for the plant.

Also, people will be more likely to accept what you say if you didn't say it in an insulting way.
12/30/18 01:50AM
You could have also tried to DM a moderator, or post in the Official Tags thread that's made for these types of things. I understand your frustration, though.
12/30/18 02:06AM
Defcon7 said:
I don’t mean to be a jerk, but is this really something to make an entire thread over? Again, I don’t mean to instigate anything, it’s just it doesn’t seem so big an issue...

I cannot edit tags, and reporting through the flag system has not only been ignored, but gotten me insulted. So yes. It is now something to make a thread over. It should not have been, but this is where we're at now.
12/30/18 03:12AM
DanGambino said:
I cannot edit tags, and reporting through the flag system has not only been ignored, but gotten me insulted. So yes. It is now something to make a thread over. It should not have been, but this is where we're at now.

Anyone should be able to edit tags if you can't there's something wrong with your account and the admins will need to fix it.
12/30/18 05:58AM
Trippy: yes hollydolly is not mistletoe, trippy will now leave :3
12/30/18 06:17AM
Holly is a onahole? XD
12/30/18 06:48AM
Defcon7 said:
I don’t mean to be a jerk, but is this really something to make an entire thread over? Again, I don’t mean to instigate anything, it’s just it doesn’t seem so big an issue...

Yes! Goddamnit! This is a big issue! The little things in life are what matter most!
12/30/18 06:52AM
DanGambino said:
I cannot edit tags, and reporting through the flag system has not only been ignored, but gotten me insulted. So yes. It is now something to make a thread over. It should not have been, but this is where we're at now.

I didn't intend my comment to sound offensive. I apologize if it did so. I was more shocked and confused by those posts being flagged since I figured anyone can edit tags. But I already made the changes. And to be honest, this is the first time I have ever heard of a holly. So, I guess I learned something.
12/30/18 05:08PM
111 said:
Trippy: yes hollydolly is not mistletoe, trippy will now leave :3

*Giggles* Aww, I was going to make that joke.

Although going by those descriptions, since I am smooth and round, and people like to kiss me, am I actually MistletoeDolly? :O
12/31/18 12:52AM
HollyDolly said:
Although going by those descriptions, since I am smooth and round, and people like to kiss me, am I actually MistletoeDolly? :O

Only if you're on top?
12/31/18 05:08AM
HollyDolly said:
*Giggles* Aww, I was going to make that joke.

Although going by those descriptions, since I am smooth and round, and people like to kiss me, am I actually MistletoeDolly? :O

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Only if you're on top?

Only if you're on top in threesomes?

12/31/18 05:21AM
HollyDolly said:
Although going by those descriptions, since I am smooth and round, and people like to kiss me, am I actually MistletoeDolly? :O

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Only if you're on top?

TalahDarkfang said:
Only if you're on top in threesomes?

I think now is the finger-quotes "appropriate" time for suggesting that we should experiment together and find out.
12/31/18 05:55AM
DanGambino said:
I cannot edit tags, and reporting through the flag system has not only been ignored, but gotten me insulted. So yes. It is now something to make a thread over. It should not have been, but this is where we're at now.

I really thought this thread was a joke until I got to this point.
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