12/31/18 06:45AM
Had a interesting hypnokink dream.
Not sure if anyone is really interested but it's rare that I have these so figured I'd share. There is the odd bit that is weird, and I do not know enough about the subject matter to know if it would work or make things worse, but bear with me.

So, this was a mind control facility that takes people away to teach people who at the time did not want it to love all aspects of sexual fantasy. This time it was about ball gags. The person involved hated ball gags, and really most sex stuff. They also hate balls in general.

Step one was to get them to play tennis. At certain times in the week they would play tennis in front of a crowd, and their (planted there for reasons) opponent would give them just enough of a challenge to excite them but would still end up losing to the victim. This served two purposes:

1: It gets them to hate balls a bit less, since they keep winning with effort and tennis involves balls, so the adrenaline from a close victory "teaches" them maybe balls are not so bad.

2: They get the idea in their head that maybe this facility ain't so bad or has their best interest at heart if they allow them some fun. This will help when the next stages of ball gag 101 get a bit more extreme.

After about a week or 2, it's time for step 2, a sort of flooding technique. They are restrained, have a ball gag put in their mouth, and exposed to sexual stimulation without being allowed to cum. This goes on for a while, and the desperation from being gagged and the torment of being stimulated without cumming breaks their mind down to be more malleable and makes them desperate to cum in the end and willing to do anything for it, even think different about stuff.

Step 3: they are exposed in this state in front of a crowd again and allowed to cum over and over. The idea at this point is to reduce them to a state where their minds are malleable enough to let in the thought that they love ball gags, as well as introduce them to the idea of maybe loving exhibitionism. Which works on our protagonist. There is a moment where they are like "but I'm being forced to like this" and then it just kinda "clicks" in their head that they now love ball gags and they are like "but I'm loving every second of it!" Mission accomplished. Step 2: Exhibiting! But I woke up by then.
12/31/18 09:16AM
Damn, I've never had any dream like that so detailed. Only ever had a dream about hypnosis about 3 or so times. 2 were very short lived and blurry, and only 1 was somewhat interesting. Everyone around me was hypnotised mindless doing what they were told while I wasn't. I felt so left out =(.

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