12/31/18 10:56PM
Black Wave’s Top 5 Hypnoartists to Watch in 2019
I am a huge fan of erotic hypnosis art. Maybe that seems too obvious to be worth mentioning, given that I’ve spent the better part of the last decade enjoying, and eventually creating, exactly that. But the more I think about it, the more important it feels to express it. I’ve been thinking a lot about community in 2018, and especially these past few weeks. I’ve been thinking about what it is, what it means to have one… and what it means to lose one. I think that what we have, whether it come in the form of drawings, paintings, photos, videos, audios, animations, music, writings, any combination or manipulation thereof… what we have, whether you find it on Hypno Hub, DeviantArt, Twitter, Newgrounds, Pixiv, Hentai Foundry, Rule 34, any site large or small, corporate or independent… what we have, whether you be creator, fan, lurker, or anywhere in between… is a community. I think that’s worth preserving, and I think the best way to preserve it is to celebrate it. That’s what I want to do here, partly because I think that perhaps it really could help put out the right kind of positive vibes that I think are so important, but mostly because… I am a HUGE fan of erotic hypnosis art!

So here we are, finally, at the point: I’m giving a shoutout to five artists who are already incredible, but whose work I think has the potential to reach new heights that will leave our jaws on the floor in the coming new year. This list is, of course, subjective to the extreme, and tailored to my personal tastes. It consists of artists who I became aware of in the past year, though some of them have technically been around a little longer. Note that these are not necessarily my best or most favorite artists (though they’re certainly all up there), but the artists I’m most excited to watch grow. Also keep in mind that I am not all-seeing! Plenty of great and promising work flies under my radar. With that said, here they are in no particular order, the five artists I’m most excited to watch in 2019.

1. <<|AmateurThrowaway>>
I have to admit, when I first laid eyes on AT’s puppeteered assets, I wasn’t especially impressed or enthused. This is where I must admit to a bit of snobbery, as my bias favors illustration, the medium that I chose for myself when I dedicated my time to this hobby. While I may still like to tease other artists for not creating completely from scratch, the results of prolific, rapidly improving creators like this one will shut my mouth every time. In 2019, that username may have to change, or we’ll all just have to appreciate how it became quickly and increasingly ironic.

2. <<|Dina M.>>
This artist, on the other hand, was a head-turner from the word “go”. So much so, in fact, that I wondered if she would stick around, or turn out to be too good to be true. But after so many drawings that are not only beautiful, but thoughtful and deliberate in a way that I consider instructive, it would seem that Dina is here to stay. Her focus on the spirit of a thing makes both her fanart and original works instantly lively and endearing. In 2019, I’m excited to see what she sets her ambitions towards, because I suspect we’ve only seen the beginning of her ability to make characters and worlds spring to life.

3. <<|FoolyCooly>>
With a keen eye for great expressions, poses, and concepts in general, this artist captures so much of what I find myself loving in many of my favorite illustrated works, and adds the kind of gorgeous lighting and depth that only a practiced painter can produce. Here’s hoping that soft, drool-worthy bodies and mindless, drooling expressions are only the beginning, because in 2019 I’m eager to see the continued honing of this craft, and its expansion into ever more imaginative and fun places.

4. <<|TheHeckle>>
Despite my earlier playful jabs at the medium, it seems to me that with artists like the aforementioned AmateurThrowaway, and TheHeckle popping up, 2019 really does have the potential to be the year of the 3D artist. TH demonstrates that there’s more to the craft than just adjusting the joints on a digital doll. A layer of personality makes this artist’s work unmistakable, and as they branch out and experiment more and more, I find myself increasingly excited for what they will discover in 2019.

5. <<|Nexus Light>>
Bringing a dose of irreverent humor into some fairly typical hypnosis scenarios may seem like an obvious enough gimmick, and though it brought a smile to my face, I can remember a time when I wondered if that was all Nexus Light was about. That changed when reoccurring original characters started to enter the mix. The ongoing adventures we’ve been introduced to bring with them genuinely compelling antics that leave behind none of the humor. What will we see in 2019? It could be more of what’s already begun, or maybe even the start of something we’ve not yet seen from this artist. In either case, I believe the foundations for something really special were laid this year.

And that’s the list! If all that isn’t enough to make you excited for what may come, don’t forget that there will also be new names and faces that we’ve never even heard of yet entering the fray in the coming year. I hope you’ve liked my little appreciation project for this community and a few of the people in it. Let me know what you think, and tell me some of the people and projects you’re most excited for in 2019.

Good luck out there,
Black Wave

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