01/01/19 09:56AM
Thank you for 2018, Hypnohub
Before you get any ideas from the forum post title, this isn't a goodbye or some bad news. Don't worry, this is just a retrospective of the last year or so. I'm writing the following as it's becoming 2019 in my timezone, because this community has helped me grow a lot as a person through 2018.

To make a long story short, I've had a muddled past before I came here. I haven't been close to many people over the years, I've had some personal issues, and the last online community I was in was... really negative. That social circle is unrelated to any fetishes, and I won't say who they are. But, it was the kind of circle where they'd encourage your worst habits unless you had problems with them. All the while, I secretly felt like a bad person for having this fetish. I overthought the ethics of essentially being into mind control and an altered state of consciousness. Believe it or not, I was a lurker for several years and yet had the audacity to think of HH as "another sketchy porn site" while denying my attachment to it.

But then I really started opening up in early 2018 and decided to branch out into hypnosis art with a Tumblr page (Yeah, long before Tumblr's infamous NSFW ban). It felt good to try and give fan art to people I secretly followed before, since I basically browsed content for years and gave nothing back. Heck, some people have given me more recognition for fan art than I expected. I eventually worked up the courage to actually post to HypnoHub, and I was glad to see that my art was fairly well received. You know how much of a relief it was to see most of my old, pixelated drawings be deemed "good enough" by quality control?
(I mean, I think two drawings did get pulled for poor quality. But I totally understand. I had worse software at my disposal, and I could have done better for those sketches.)

Anyways, it has felt really good to be involved with hypno-kink artists and other Hub users. I've managed to distance myself from my previous social circle this year, and I wouldn't have been able to make that change without HypnoHub. I used to feel like I always had something to prove, and I consistently felt unfulfilled. But, those feelings have been leaving me after I came into the official HH Discord server and later showed up on the actual site. I felt like I didn't deserve the warm welcomes I've been getting, but people have warmed up to me with no questions asked.

I don't care if it sounds corny; I gotta say it.

HypnoHub, I can't thank you enough for giving me a better hobby. I realized how good I have it in this community when I was listening to <<|this song>> and I thought of a certain purple-haired lady dressed in yellow.
01/01/19 10:13AM
(☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
it appears there is h2o coming out from the eyes.

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