That One Game You Really Love But Nobody Else Played
You've all got one, right? For me it's <<|Hell Yeah: Wrath of the Dead Rabbit>> (currently 75% off on steam, available on ps3 and probably 360 too), which I discovered thanks to the time lost art form of free demos. It's dumb, controls kinda jank, has some bs parts in places, and the final boss is either ungodly hard, or a complete joke, depending on what upgrades you get, but dear god does it have so much charm, fun and sheer satisfaction. A part of it's probably nostalgia, but it always puts me in a good mood to go back to it.
<<|Side-mention goes to Spark the Electric Jester, Sonic/Kirby hybrid that got caught up in an oversaturation of Sonic and Not-Sonic indie titles.>>
<<|Side-mention goes to Spark the Electric Jester, Sonic/Kirby hybrid that got caught up in an oversaturation of Sonic and Not-Sonic indie titles.>>