01/02/19 02:09AM
That One Game You Really Love But Nobody Else Played
You've all got one, right? For me it's <<|Hell Yeah: Wrath of the Dead Rabbit>> (currently 75% off on steam, available on ps3 and probably 360 too), which I discovered thanks to the time lost art form of free demos. It's dumb, controls kinda jank, has some bs parts in places, and the final boss is either ungodly hard, or a complete joke, depending on what upgrades you get, but dear god does it have so much charm, fun and sheer satisfaction. A part of it's probably nostalgia, but it always puts me in a good mood to go back to it.

<<|Side-mention goes to Spark the Electric Jester, Sonic/Kirby hybrid that got caught up in an oversaturation of Sonic and Not-Sonic indie titles.>>
01/02/19 02:12AM


01/02/19 02:19AM
The Tomba series is an amazing set of games for the ps1. It's a platforming game with rpg elements (mainly quests) and it's incredibly fun, plus it has some kick-ass music.
01/02/19 03:07AM
Kendo Rage

(a.k.a Makeruna Makendo)
01/02/19 03:39AM
Dual Heroes

Dual Heroes was an N64 game my brothers and I loved to death. It was a fighting game that used motion capture for it's characters. The story was absolute nonsense and the gameplay wasn't that great, but we loved that game and got really good at it. I looked it up a few months ago and it turns out it was considered one of the worst games ever made. Oh well.
01/02/19 04:46AM

Lost Odyssey - A fantastic old school style RPG in an age where they were becoming an endangered genre, all with a very serious but engaging story and great characters

Driver: San Francisco - An awesome driving game all about possessing multiple other people on the road at the same time for some awesome action movie scene like scenarios

Project Justice - A 3D fighting game that plays like Marvel VS Capcom as opposed to Tekken or Soul Calibur with an awesome story. It's a shame this and other Capcom fighting games still have to live in the shadows of MVC and Street Fighter

Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir - A 2D Exploration Platformer Hack and Slash RPG with the most beautiful graphics and a just as beautiful story. Seriously PLAY THIS GAME.

Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love - The best tactical RPG in my opinion. Not as hard as XCOM or Fire Emblem, but has interesting mechanics including Super Moves and different playstyles, and great waifu material considering half of the game is dating sim

Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes - Basically Dynasty Warriors (or in this case Samurai Warriors) only made by Capcom and somehow even MORE anime

Rogue Galaxy - It's like if Treasure Planet was an action JRPG. Need I say more?

Dark Cloud series - A real shame this RPG series didn't go anywhere, especially since some people consider it the PS2's Ocarina of Time

No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way - An FPS that's basically if James Bond was a woman. What else do you need to know?

Custom Robo Arena - So much customization and straight up addicting fighting, I SO want to see Nintendo revive this series

ANY Sega Saturn game - It's a shame that this console was so unsuccessful because a good number of games on this thing were genuinely really cool

Sunset Overdrive - Seriously, HOW DID NOBODY PLAY THIS GAME? It's got humor, style, parkour, great controls, a colorful and vibrant open world, crazy over the top weapons, and it's on Steam, GO BUY THIS GAME NOW
01/02/19 04:48AM
One Piece Burning Blood fooooor sure!
01/02/19 05:15AM
StepfordCrimson said:
Rogue Galaxy - It's like if Treasure Planet was an action JRPG. Need I say more?

Custom Robo Arena - So much customization and straight up addicting fighting, I SO want to see Nintendo revive this series

I loved those two
01/02/19 06:27AM
Craftknight swordcraft story old gba game that i actually have as a physical copy really fun
01/02/19 06:34AM
I want to say Blackguards 2, however I don't know about its level of popularity.
a close second would be an old old favorite: Whacked for the original xbox.

StepfordCrimson said:
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir - A 2D Exploration Platformer Hack and Slash RPG with the most beautiful graphics and a just as beautiful story. Seriously PLAY THIS GAME.

Rogue Galaxy - It's like if Treasure Planet was an action JRPG. Need I say more?

Dark Cloud series A real shame this RPG series didn't go anywhere, especially since some people consider it the PS2's Ocarina of Time

I have played dark cloud myself, have some friends who are big fans of it. Almost played Rogue Galaxy, and really wanted odin sphere.
01/02/19 06:46AM
StepfordCrimson said:
Custom Robo Arena - So much customization and straight up addicting fighting, I SO want to see Nintendo revive this series

Oh I forgot about that game! It was awesome!
01/02/19 06:48AM
Lost Odyssey - A fantastic old school style RPG in an age where they were becoming an endangered genre, all with a very serious but engaging story and great characters.

I will double down with you on this, with the addition that Gongora might be one of the most vile characters I've ever seen in gaming. At least people like Handsome Jack are FUNNY, Gongora has like... anti charm.
01/02/19 07:00AM
The Darkness from 2007, an adaptation of the Top Cow comic of the same name that's honestly one of the most tragic shooters ever made. Gameplay wise its pretty clunky but presentation and story wise, its beyond incredible.Brutal, exciting, disturbing, tragic and deeply melancholic stuff with a terrific voice cast to boot. Plus the score is just gorgeous.

What I wouldn't give to have this thing come back in some way shape or form these days.
01/02/19 08:06AM
Contorted said:
The Darkness from 2007, an adaptation of the Top Cow comic of the same name that's honestly one of the most tragic shooters ever made. Gameplay wise its pretty clunky but presentation and story wise, its beyond incredible.Brutal, exciting, disturbing, tragic and deeply melancholic stuff with a terrific voice cast to boot. Plus the score is just gorgeous.

What I wouldn't give to have this thing come back in some way shape or form these days.

Holy shit, someone else who’s played The Darkness. The sequel was pretty good, too.
01/02/19 08:30AM
Raidou Kuzunoha
1 2345>>>

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