01/03/19 07:04PM
Games you have a love/hate relationship with.
Simple concept, this is a thread for those games you enjoy but something about it also annoys you. Can be new, old, whatever.

I have a love hate relationship with F Zero GX. I had a hell of a lot of fun playing it over Christmas with a friend, and when it's good it's really good, to the point I want a full on Switch F zero to build on and surpass it. But... sometimes that game gets harder then a hentai protagonist's dick after 12 days of nonstop tease and denial.
01/03/19 07:34PM
Sonic Heroes. I loathe Sonic Heroes. I despise every part of it's gameplay. It sucks, it's bad, I hate it.

But why can I not stop booting it back it back up to give it another chance? I love the aesthetic, the music, some of the story, the stage themes are great, but gooood does the gameplay cause me to start screaming and yelling very very quickly.
01/03/19 08:44PM
the first Nier. I love the story, the music, universe, the characters. the weakest part is the combat.
01/03/19 08:51PM
old as fuck flash games

enough said
01/03/19 08:59PM
League of Legends

I love this game. The gameplay is great, the graphics are beautiful, a diverse roster of characters, and some of the best lore and world building I've ever seen. Plus they are making comics and short stories on their website.

Unfortunately the game is notorious for having one of the most toxic communities in all of gaming. Every 2 out of 3 games you will find someone who takes the game way too seriously, rages at everyone, or insults you for doing something wrong. Also I get very addicted to this game, to the point where I ignore all my other games and only play LoL.

Monster Hunter World

This game was not initially on my radar for new games, but everyone was excited for it so I decided to board the hype train. The game is super fun, great combat system and visually stunning. I love the customization and the designs of the monsters are awesome.

I had never played a Monster Hunter game before so I didn't know what to expect. I had trouble understanding the armor and crafting systems at first. The monster fights got harder and harder, and since I didn't fully grasp the crafting system I couldn't get better gear. Eventually I returned it and let my PSN subscription run out.

Although I have been watching more videos about it lately, so I kinda want to go buy it again and give it another shot.
01/03/19 09:01PM
Fallout 4. It’s so damn disappointing but it’s so fucking fun!

At least it isn’t 76...
01/03/19 10:52PM
Dude, my relationship with Hearthstone is about as close as you can get to that of a troubled love story when talking about a game
01/04/19 12:47AM
WWE 2K14. Love the character creation, how many outfits you can choose from and how precise you can get facial/bodily details. Billions of random characters you can recreate, or dream up from your own imagination.

Hate that in order to get the full array of outfit pieces... you have to beat its Wrestlemania mode. For a game I don't imagine attracts a very hardcore player-base, mother-of-God is the timing in that game unforgiving. Maybe my reaction time just sucks, but it feels like there's such a tiny window to successfully execute a counter, each match is a herculean effort that often relies just as heavily on luck as it does skill... ...and you also can't save your progress after every match, so every time I get stuck and put it down, I'm practically right back where I started.

I just want to sit back and watch slugfests between characters from pop culture and ones I dream up... But I'm always taunted by the promise of more customization that I just don't have the skills to reach. Come on 2K Sports, gimme a cheat-code or something! xP

Also on the down-side, what's with no Royal Rumble option for Divas? There's canon-friendliness, and then there's the concept of a dream-match
01/04/19 02:54AM
Shadow the Hedgehog. I hate the game with a burning passion but I could 100% and A rank every mission in my sleep.
01/04/19 10:07AM
Madden. Any Madden.

I'm not that big on Football, I hate the yearly laziness of Madden, and the level of corporate greed the games, particularly the more recent ones, are loaded with. I hate EA as well.

Yet every few years I buy one of the older models of Madden pre-owned and have a solid month of playing the game obsessively. I hate everything the game stands for, but I adore career mode in almost any sports game, and I know enough about football to really feel awesome when I make a play.

Everything Madden stands for upsets me, but I just can't help but like playing it.
01/04/19 02:17PM
League of Legends - because it disappoints so much with every rework yet what made it fun is still somehow visible.

Fallout 4 - it's fun game, but it is beautiful compilation of everything wrong with what Bethesda did to franchise.

Conan Exiles - love the game, hate the lack of optimization in code
01/04/19 03:25PM
The Danganronpa games. I love the mystery solving, exploring, social interaction, and 90% of the characters. But it seems like for everything I like, there's a stupid plot twist, horrible character, or some speech about a concept that's not nearly as deep as the writers think it is.
01/04/19 09:29PM
Everything I've ever developed
01/04/19 09:44PM
Spec Ops The Line is one of the best games I never play ever again. It holds so much open contempt from the player and is borderline unplayable due to the mood of the damn thing but holy hell does it leave an impression. It really is a Survival Horror game in military shooter clothing.
01/04/19 10:01PM
Tales of Xillia

The game was mismarketed as a game featuring two stories.
The very first act made entirely no sense. Jude and Milla's chance meeting happened under circumstances that are in my opinion somewhat plot breaking.
The final fight was had for kinda stupid reasons.
Amongst those and a whole host of other reasons, I was never to keen on the idea of technology being able to use magic without a sufficient explanation so the concept of spyrix in general was jarring to me.

Lastly, I might be one of the only few Milla x Ivar shippers in the whole Tales fanbase and I can't accept the way they were in that game.
That's something I could talk about for a while.

Over all, it's a solid game in terms of mechanics, but it lacks in so many areas in which it could have excelled.
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