01/04/19 10:14AM
Consensual Hypnosis as a concept is weird
Okay, so the point of mind control is to control what a person does, right? But if a person consents to being told what to do, why is mind control necessary? Could they not simply follow your directions?
01/04/19 10:22AM
ReyXD.VaXRuby said:
Okay, so the point of mind control is to control what a person does, right? But if a person consents to being told what to do, why is mind control necessary? Could they not simply follow your directions?

It's more of a "trust" thing when I like it. The sub gives consent to be brought under and be unable to refuse your commands. If the dom wanted to they COULD make the person do anything, but the sub is into it as well, and has consented to the idea of having no control.

It's the difference between "giving up" control and "taking" control. Both can be incredibly hot, but some enjoy it more to know that the sub is giving up control on their own, to know that they truly want to sub just as much as the other person wants to dom.

And as I said, another layer is trust. Some people find intimacy very attractive, and telling your dom "I trust you enough to give you my entire free will. I trust you enough to let you command me in any way you want, because I know I'll enjoy it too" is something that people can find very erotic and intimate if done right.

Consensual hypnosis, as I enjoy it, doesn't mean that the person does what you want them to do. It means that the other person is completely willing to GIVE you control. As a Sub, I love the idea of giving up control willingly, but just being told what to do isn't as kinky. I like not being in true control, and knowing the dom can command me is hot as Hell, even though I consented to it, it's that loss of control that takes it that extra step over the edge. I CAN'T refuse, and I consented to that of course, but now I can be made to do anything without my control.

Meanwhile, as a Dom, I do like knowing that my sub wants this, and that they enjoy it as much as I do. So the consent factor is one good way to know that they want it as much as I do.

Of course, I like all sorts of hypnosis and mind control, consensual and non-consensual. Just wanted to explain some of the things I like about it at least.
01/04/19 10:49AM
Everything that shotgun said, basically. Sure, you could just follow orders, just like you would with a teacher or a boss. But with that, there's always the option to do something else instead. When you give up control to your hypnotist, you're essentially taking away that option. You know you could stop at any time, but you never quite want to stop just yet. And if you're with a hypnotist you trust, one who knows the right song for your mind to play, you never really want to stop at all.

It also gives extra responsibility to the hypnotist. Like, 'I will give you control of my mind. Don't make me regret that decision'. It's what I think stops most actual hypnotists from doing the things you see done on the Hub - the fact that they are completely responsible for what I do when under.

Also, it makes the whole thing a lot easier! Trying to put someone under when they don't want to be and making them do things they don't want to is such a hassle. Consensual hypnosis is like a contract - 'stick to this, this and this and I will go under for you'. Makes it much easier to relax and let yourself go.
01/04/19 05:35PM
I consider hypnosis to be a subset of S&M which is a fetish based around trust. Therefore consensual hypnosis on this site is essentially “realistic” hypnosis.
01/04/19 06:11PM
shotgungunshot said:
It's more of a "trust" thing when I like it. The sub gives consent to be brought under and be unable to refuse your commands. If the dom wanted to they COULD make the person do anything, but the sub is into it as well, and has consented to the idea of having no control.

It's the difference between "giving up" control and "taking" control. Both can be incredibly hot, but some enjoy it more to know that the sub is giving up control on their own, to know that they truly want to sub just as much as the other person wants to dom.

And as I said, another layer is trust. Some people find intimacy very attractive, and telling your dom "I trust you enough to give you my entire free will. I trust you enough to let you command me in any way you want, because I know I'll enjoy it too" is something that people can find very erotic and intimate if done right.

Consensual hypnosis, as I enjoy it, doesn't mean that the person does what you want them to do. It means that the other person is completely willing to GIVE you control. As a Sub, I love the idea of giving up control willingly, but just being told what to do isn't as kinky. I like not being in true control, and knowing the dom can command me is hot as Hell, even though I consented to it, it's that loss of control that takes it that extra step over the edge. I CAN'T refuse, and I consented to that of course, but now I can be made to do anything without my control.

Meanwhile, as a Dom, I do like knowing that my sub wants this, and that they enjoy it as much as I do. So the consent factor is one good way to know that they want it as much as I do.

Of course, I like all sorts of hypnosis and mind control, consensual and non-consensual. Just wanted to explain some of the things I like about it at least.

You explain it better than I could.
01/04/19 06:25PM
I see what you mean but it's like asking "What's the point of consensual BDSM? Couldn't they simply keep their arms and legs where they'd be tied up?"

To answer both, yeah they could, but it's 500x more fun for someone with the kink to experience it.

01/04/19 09:54PM
Because my fetish is hypnosis and sometimes I want to see it without secretly thinking about how fucked up it is the entire time.
01/05/19 12:52AM
shotgungunshot said:
It's more of a "trust" thing when I like it. The sub gives consent to be brought under and be unable to refuse your commands. If the dom wanted to they COULD make the person do anything, but the sub is into it as well, and has consented to the idea of having no control.

It's the difference between "giving up" control and "taking" control. Both can be incredibly hot, but some enjoy it more to know that the sub is giving up control on their own, to know that they truly want to sub just as much as the other person wants to dom.

And as I said, another layer is trust. Some people find intimacy very attractive, and telling your dom "I trust you enough to give you my entire free will. I trust you enough to let you command me in any way you want, because I know I'll enjoy it too" is something that people can find very erotic and intimate if done right.

Consensual hypnosis, as I enjoy it, doesn't mean that the person does what you want them to do. It means that the other person is completely willing to GIVE you control. As a Sub, I love the idea of giving up control willingly, but just being told what to do isn't as kinky. I like not being in true control, and knowing the dom can command me is hot as Hell, even though I consented to it, it's that loss of control that takes it that extra step over the edge. I CAN'T refuse, and I consented to that of course, but now I can be made to do anything without my control.

Meanwhile, as a Dom, I do like knowing that my sub wants this, and that they enjoy it as much as I do. So the consent factor is one good way to know that they want it as much as I do.

Of course, I like all sorts of hypnosis and mind control, consensual and non-consensual. Just wanted to explain some of the things I like about it at least.

I don't have anything to add to this. You explained pretty much exactly what my views are on consensual hypnosis.
01/05/19 05:57AM
HollyDolly said:
Everything that shotgun said, basically. Sure, you could just follow orders, just like you would with a teacher or a boss. But with that, there's always the option to do something else instead. When you give up control to your hypnotist, you're essentially taking away that option. You know you could stop at any time, but you never quite want to stop just yet. And if you're with a hypnotist you trust, one who knows the right song for your mind to play, you never really want to stop at all.

This is a good way to put it. Essentially you're making the choice to not have a choice. Or choosing the option that takes the option away from you. Some find that alone very erotic, and I enjoy it myself from time to time.

CJO1234 said:
You explain it better than I could.

NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I don't have anything to add to this. You explained pretty much exactly what my views are on consensual hypnosis.

Thank you both. Heh... I spend too much time thinking about the intricacies of my own fetishes. :P

If I thought it would fly I'd likely end up writing my thesis on this kind of stuff because it is fascinating to me. But either way, I love being able to write and talk about this kind of stuff, and at least a "general" idea of the psychology behind certain aspects of a hypnosis fetish.
01/05/19 04:38PM
only thing I can add is that I like the romantic angle of some consensual pictures; I'm a sucker for a good sweet romance in my pictures
01/06/19 08:33AM
shotgungunshot said:
(a wall of text big enough for Trump's approval)

You're all talking about this like you can actually potentially physically experience it, as if it were real, which is weird, but I understand it a bit more now. Thanks!
01/06/19 10:30AM
On the one hand, I would say that this thread is giving me some trouble as I try to reconcile two beliefs that I hold both of: That hypnokink is perfectly OK and a fun thing for consenting adults to engage in, and that a sexual act is only consensual if that act is in fact consented to at the time by all participants. But... if some of them are incapable of withdrawing consent in the moment, that seems to kind of cast a shadow on the act itself.

On the other hand, with the sort of fantasy MC that I prefer to imagine, the dom might as well be throwing fireballs, so real-life consent issues are hardly relevant there. And outside of that? As far as I understand hypnosis in real life, it's far too complex to believe in hard and fast rules regarding how it affects the ability to consent - but the one time I recall of ever hearing anyone in this community do anything even vaguely like abusing hypnosis, they pretty much got run off by an angry crowd. And even that, I think, might have had a significant aspect of RP in it. So I guess I don't personally feel *that* conflicted.
01/07/19 02:40AM
ReyXD.VaXRuby said:
You're all talking about this like you can actually potentially physically experience it, as if it were real, which is weird, but I understand it a bit more now. Thanks!

01/07/19 02:54AM
Zermelane said:
On the one hand, I would say that this thread is giving me some trouble as I try to reconcile two beliefs that I hold both of: That hypnokink is perfectly OK and a fun thing for consenting adults to engage in, and that a sexual act is only consensual if that act is in fact consented to at the time by all participants. But... if some of them are incapable of withdrawing consent in the moment, that seems to kind of cast a shadow on the act itself.

There's a simple little fix for that issue.

A safeword.
01/07/19 10:29AM
ReyXD.VaXRuby said:
You're all talking about this like you can actually potentially physically experience it, as if it were real, which is weird, but I understand it a bit more now. Thanks!

I mean, with any Hypnosis, it's fantasy that your brain makes real. If you WANT to go under, you WILL go under. It's pseudo-science without a shadow of a doubt, but just as you can implant false memories in a person, you can also make them more open and suggestible, they just have to be open to doing so.

It's kind of like the placebo effect, with a dose of desire. People do experience "trance" as a concept, and if a subject properly wants to go under, they can.

Of course, just like any fantasy, you can remove yourself from it at any time. My wall of text was more an explanation on why people might particularly enjoy THAT fantasy, so I speak as though it actually happens just for the sake of explaining the kink. Sorry for being so wordy, analysis of this stuff is a bit of a passion of mine.

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