01/05/19 03:07AM
Who is the best mod to DM about the site rules?
My attempts to operate within the official policies of this site are at this point a kafkaesque farce.

Anyway, regarding the topic: RedCollarBlackCollar has stated explicitly that they are not "the best person for this" but beyond that I don't know the structure of the rule-making body because I've been mostly off the site for 2 years.
01/05/19 03:09AM
Define best.

The mod who agrees with you and do buddy-buddy things for you or the mod who's ok with spending time to explain everything in detail for you? |=(:3
01/05/19 03:14AM
Probably best to DM <<|Dreamshade >> he's an ADMIN.
01/05/19 03:15AM
Someone who's in good contact with the other mods and has a lot of context to work with in terms of what discussions have happened regarding recent rule changes and what discussions need to happen to enact amendments, so that there can be less of a "game of telephone" in out 1-on-1 DMs since discussion in the round is apparently impossible on these boards and supposedly unfeasible outside of them.

edit: Thanks argonis, you can lock this if you want.
01/05/19 03:19AM
alright locking thread.
happy i could help.

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