01/12/19 08:43AM
Games you like... buuuut everyone else seems to hate
Hey guys! So with the influx of gaming-based prompts here I kinda wanted to introduce one of my own.

See, recently I've been replaying a game. A REALLY. REALLY. GOOD. game that everyone hated. And I was curious if anyone else had this experience of playing a game and really loving it, only to find that literally everybody and their mother hated it.

I'm curious to see what people come up with, and why they love these games.

As for me, the game which prompted this is DMC, the Devil May Cry remake. However some other choices I'd have here...
Fallout 4
Killer Is Dead
Brutal Legend
Fable 3 (Granted, I still vastly prefer Fables 1 and especially 2)
Saints Row 1 and 2, as opposed to 3 and 4 (Really didn't like the later installments as much)
and, more recently, Darksiders 3

And mods, I realize this post COULD get... well... bad. So uh... no hard feelings if this ends up needing a lockdown.
01/12/19 09:02AM
Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen for the PS3
01/12/19 09:17AM
Do it
<<youtu.be/_kTBbTSjZpI?t=1m11s|DO IT!>>

Mindcollector13 said:
Brutal Legend

Duuuude I fucking loooooove this gaaaame, always make time to play it once a year, it's a tradition, such an underrated classic.

Defcon7 said:
Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen for the PS3

Oh hey I remember having a lot of fun with that one actually, always meant to pick it up again.
01/12/19 03:15PM
It seems that Dragon Age Inquisition sucks now due to The Witcher 3 simply existing + it being published by EA + not having the first game's clunky ass combat system, which is stupid because Inquisition is easily the best game in the series. Its got the best combat, visuals and score of the series. And while the writing isn't quite as iconic as the first game, it holds its own quite well thanks to its own nuances, how it explores faith and the fact its the first game in the series where I felt like I was free to make decisions that didn't make me afraid to do them in the event my party disapproved whatever it is I did. An exhausting game but easily one of Bioware's best and one of my all time favorites.

For a more obscure example, I really like the Kane & Lynch games due to the horribleness of its protagonists and the unflinching nihilism they present. I'd kill for a proper third game, even though the chances of that are slim to none lately.
01/12/19 05:34PM
Contorted said:
It seems that Dragon Age Inquisition sucks now due to The Witcher 3 simply existing + it being published by EA + not having the first game's clunky ass combat system, which is stupid because Inquisition is easily the best game in the series. Its got the best combat, visuals and score of the series. And while the writing isn't quite as iconic as the first game, it holds its own quite well thanks to its own nuances, how it explores faith and the fact its the first game in the series where I felt like I was free to make decisions that didn't make me afraid to do them in the event my part disapproved whatever it is I did. An exhausting game but easily one of Bioware's best and one of my all time favorites.

For a more obscure example, I really like the Kane & Lynch games due to the horribleness of its protagonists and the unflinching nihilism they present. I'd kill for a proper third game, even though the chances of that are slim to none lately.

I'd never say that I hate DA:I, but I do have a problem with the fact that they hide very important story elements behind paid dlc such as Trespasser. From what I heard, even the last game, DA2, also introduced the main bad guy of Inquisition in a DLC. I will never be a fan of that.
01/12/19 06:46PM
For me it's Battleborn.
I loved this game when it came out. Fast paced gameplay, decent story, and memorable characters. Unfortunately everyone who played it jumped to Overwatch when it came out. Since it's an online game, not having people online made the game very boring. The people who did still play it clung to the PvP gametypes, so the story missions became impossible to play since no one else was playing them.

I went on again a few months ago and found things to be mostly the same. There were still people playing the game, but I still couldn't do the story missions because everyone was in PVP. It's a shame because the game was a lot of fun. Plus it was funny as hell (I miss Minrec).
01/12/19 07:54PM
i love monopoly, ... but my friends just want to flip the board whenever it is my turn, weird...
01/12/19 08:23PM
Well, I don't know if I'd say people hated it, but I remember spending a loooong time on Star Wars: The Old Republic. Cool MMORPG taking place in the Knights of the Old Republic universe (now considered non-canon thanks to the folks at Disney), it had some of the best PVE content I've experienced in a game like this. Unfortunately, people aren't really too invested in it anymore, and it's all but a commercial failure at this point - it's always had its problems such as a lacking PVP system, but it's still kind of sad, and for a game that seemed that it would never live up to KotOR's legacy, I at any rate was pleasantly surprised.
01/12/19 09:11PM
Contorted said:
It seems that Dragon Age Inquisition sucks now due to The Witcher 3 simply existing + it being published by EA + not having the first game's clunky ass combat system, which is stupid because Inquisition is easily the best game in the series. Its got the best combat, visuals and score of the series. And while the writing isn't quite as iconic as the first game, it holds its own quite well thanks to its own nuances, how it explores faith and the fact its the first game in the series where I felt like I was free to make decisions that didn't make me afraid to do them in the event my party disapproved whatever it is I did. An exhausting game but easily one of Bioware's best and one of my all time favorites.

I would never call DA:I a "bad game" but it's certainly my least favorite of the three games. I enjoyed the story elements and mechanics, but the side quests felt one-dimensional and overly-plentiful, as well as them being almost necessary to reach the suggested levels for quests. It felt more like an MMO in that aspect and I dislike that. As well, it probably has the least quality in companions IMO. And that includes the Awakenings party.
Even so, I'd give it like.... a 6.5/10. Not a bad game. Not one I hated. But not something I'd recommend unless the person was already a fan of DA.

averageguy17 said:
I'd never say that I hate DA:I, but I do have a problem with the fact that they hide very important story elements behind paid dlc such as Trespasser. From what I heard, even the last game, DA2, also introduced the main bad guy of Inquisition in a DLC. I will never be a fan of that.

DA2... only sort of did this. Realistically DA:I only suffers minor changes without the DA2 DLC because the DA2 DLC was pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Yeah, you meet the villain of Inquisiton but it has no real importance to it. Honestly I think it made Inquisition a worse experience because I recognized the guy, who was a pushover in DA2 and was both underwhelmed and confused for another 5 hours of gameplay.

TheMadPrince said:
Well, I don't know if I'd say people hated it, but I remember spending a loooong time on Star Wars: The Old Republic. Cool MMORPG taking place in the Knights of the Old Republic universe (now considered non-canon thanks to the folks at Disney), it had some of the best PVE content I've experienced in a game like this. Unfortunately, people aren't really too invested in it anymore, and it's all but a commercial failure at this point - it's always had its problems such as a lacking PVP system, but it's still kind of sad, and for a game that seemed that it would never live up to KotOR's legacy, I at any rate was pleasantly surprised.

It it INCREDIBLY rare for me to get into an MMO. This is probably the only one that didn't feel super grindey. You don't need to complete every single quest on a planet. You don't need to spend hours farming tough opponents. You sit down, play, and enjoy the experience. Plus each character has a unique story arc. It's great... but hated for no real reason
01/12/19 09:49PM
Mindcollector13 said:
It's great... but hated for no real reason

I wouldn't say there's no reason, because people compare it unfavorably to the Old Republic games before it (probably wanting a KotOR 3) - it's still a bad reason in my opinion, but yeah.
I agree though, it's a solid game in its own right, and pretty much every storyline has something to offer. Also the environments are pretty well-designed, and there's even a few decent questlines involving mind control. Fuck, I might need to play it again.
01/12/19 10:20PM
In my friends...Final Fantasy xD!!!
01/12/19 10:26PM
yume nikki dream diary

01/13/19 12:25AM
Chrono Cross, have always liked it more then trigger even though a lot of people call it trash. Great music, interesting story, good character design, and interesting combat once you get used to it.

Final Fantasy 8 as well is my favorite, which is pretty low on most peoples list
01/13/19 01:20AM
Dark Souls. I have a couple friends that like it, but everyone else either doesn't like it, or doesn't like the idea of it. I hate having to try to defend it from its reputation. It's not actually that hard, it just punishes haste and carelessness. But a lot of people I meet want a game that's less punishing and "hard"
My friends are all avid gamers, guys, girls, and anyone else alike, but they just do NOT want anything to do with Dark Souls and it sucks that I have nobody to really talk to about it anymore.
01/13/19 01:55AM
Shadow The Hedgehog, In played it as a little kid, was obsssseeeeeeesssed with the mjsic for a little while, and thought it was pretty fun.
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