02/08/14 08:51AM
Some Important Changes (Old News)
There is some (arguably) good news, indeed. Two big things, in fact.

(Old, non-QCC news has been spoilered.)
First off, I'd like to introduce our new Administrator. That's right, one of our members has been added to the ranks of the people who run the site. I'd like to give a hearty welcome to <<|Henry>>!

Henry has been a big help in decision making and a good window into the community for quite some time now. From supporting Mindwipe and I, to helping us come to decisions on who to make IRC moderators and not, to something so simple as being a good friend, Henry has done more than enough to prove himself capable of handling the role he now has. I expect everyone to show him the same respect that you would Mindwipe or myself. Oh, and feel free to call him Cthulhu.

Moving on to an equally big (possibly even bigger) bit of news, our quality control policies have just been completely overhauled! After hours of consideration in a meeting, Mindwipe, Henry (that useful bastard), and I have decided what to do. We're going to try this new system for a little while and see how it works out. If all seems good, it will be how we do things from now on. Thank you everyone who had taken part in our thread about the policy. All of your opinions and ideas were very useful in helping us come up with the best course of action, even the ones who yelled at us for potentially driving the site into an iceberg. :P

We are going to have a Quality Control Council (the QCC for short) of 5 members chosen by certain criteria which largely amount to if they're artists/manippers or not and if they seem level-headed in their critique of art. We have 5 nominees in mind already (more on that in <<|this thread>>), but when there are open slots, we'll handle it similarly to how we handle IRC moderators: through open volunteering.

Once the council is in place, the following steps are an outline on how the system will work:

* Step 1: One of the admins put an image up for judgment publicly, via comments; the same way it's done now. The image under judgment will be linked to and noted in a new forum thread, for ease of noticing that it's up for judgment.

* Step 2: The council will each individually look at the image, making their own decision on it however they might do so; by critique or otherwise. They can talk to one another if they want input from the other council members. Every other user may bring up their own thoughts as well if they wish, as it may help the council come to a decision. The decisions of the council will be dmailed to the administrator who initiated the judgement.

* Step 3: When all 5 council members vote, the results of that vote decide the fate of the image. Administration will keep or remove the image accordingly.

* Note 1: The administrators will retain the sole right to bring an image to judgement.

* Note 2: The rule that allows an image to pass judgment if half the administrators think the image is fine remains. In this way, administration can overrule the decision of the council and keep other administration in check.

* Note 3: The QCC members will not have a special user rank or special privileges in the site. The only "power" they have over that of other members is their position on the council. They are not moderators.
03/28/14 06:21AM
Unstickying this thread, as most people who care probably already know of the change.

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