01/15/19 04:38PM
Better Consistency from Mods
So I've had some issues with mods recently.

As a quick recap in case anyone missed it: Yesterday, I <<|posted>> a short comic I found on Twitter that humorously recounted how wolves were domesticated into dogs, with the addition of cute anime girls. I intended this to be a joke about the "domestication" tag.

It did not go down very well.

Almost immediately, debate started in the comments as to whether the post actually counted as MC, and RedCollarBlackCollar and Mindwipe both agreed that it wasn't, so RCBC decided that the post should be deleted (I was the one to actually delete it so that the votes would carry over). In a moment of frustration, I hastily made a bad spiral-eyes edit of the comic and changed the "10,000 years later" caption to "One moderation flag later" and re-uploaded the comic. I also started working on an empty eyes edit in case the spiral-eyes version got taken down for QC.

While I was working on the empty-eyes edit, I calmed down a bit and realized that directly mocking the mods' decision was probably a bad idea. I apologized to RCBC, and they said "It's fine. Happens."

But then Argonis saw that post and decided it wasn't fine, so then deleted that version. And then Mindwipe deleted the empty eyes version, suggesting that I instead only upload the edit of the final part of the comic just to avoid any confusion that it's MC. So I did just that, and went to bed.

I woke up this morning to find that Dreamshade had re-instated the original post and pegged the new edit for deletion. Again, I deleted that post and transferred the votes over to the original.

The implication, at least as far as I'm concerned, is that if Dreamshade had been active when the post originally went up, then none of this would have happened.

I am not blaming RCBC, Mindwipe, or Argonis for their decisions. They did what they thought was appropriate; it wasn't out of malice or because of a grudge. That being said, the inconsistency in what is acceptable is, frankly, ridiculous. Going back and forth on what's okay and what isn't is extremely frustrating. I understand the mods are all individuals with their own tastes and preferences and interpretation of the rules, but there has to be some form of consistency in how cases like this are handled. Users should be able to know exactly what is and is not acceptable, and having edge cases be decided by whoever happens to be there at a given time is not a sound strategy.

I'm not here to give a solution to the problem. I don't know what the best course of action would be, but I do know that the current situation cannot continue. If we keep having situations like what happened yesterday, this site is not going to sustain itself. If the users aren't sure whether what they post is going to be randomly deleted, they are going to go somewhere else.
01/16/19 12:43AM
I was actually gonna write something about this as well, so I’ll just throw it here instead.

Mod inconsistency is by far the worst problem on the hub right now. Whether it be rule implementations or addressing situations, most of these situations had inconsistent decisions or statements from the mods that ended up making all the drama worse than it should have been. Let’s take the iControl situation for example. The mods decided to enact a low-effort manip rule, mostly on empty eyes manips, but most people didn’t notice it until posts started getting deleted because it was never officially announced on the hub iirc, unless it was announced in some random forum thread. It only became a real issue because at least 90% of iControl’s manips were taken down as a result of this, so much so that there is <<|11 pages of deleted iControl images in the deletion log.>> How many non-iControl manips got tanked in the purge? << |Literally only 14.>> I’m honestly surprised this didn’t become more of a problem than it already was, considering this comes off as a complete targeted purge against iControl, despite that possibly not being the mods intention. On the other hand, the “text block” fiasco was by far the worst the mods got with inconsistency. While I won’t go into complete detail as the mods are well aware and have even addressed their inconsistency in the original discussion thread, the fact that none of the mods could come to a solid, consistent conclusion of what was going to be affected made the whole thread 100 times worse than it could have been. Not to mention, despite the mods reassuring us that the rule would not go into effect until the thread closed, multiple posts got deleted during that time frame for reasons we were currently discussing in the thread at the time, like <<|this caption>> for example. This one really makes me sad personally looking back now because, even though that caption in particular wasn't that great, at the time, DrainedFoxy’s captions were some of my favorite to come out, since they came out around a time where the hub was relatively quiet, especially with pov_sub uploads. But considering they haven't uploaded anything since, I have a feeling that situation discouraged them from uploading.

I didn’t write this as a hate piece, so if the mods take offense to this, I’m sorry, that was not my intent. It’s just that, in my 4-5 years of lurking here, 2018 was by far the worst year for the hub, not just with the drama, but with the amount of creators/commissioners that left, and the amount of artists that requested to be put on the DNP list, on top of the fact that it was a relatively slow year from some of the hub’s biggest artists. 2019 has already started on a bad note. Please don’t let it get worse. The internet sucks for finding hypno content since most of it is either scattered, behind a paywall, or just kinda sucks, so the hub has always been the best place to find free, high quality hypno art, as well as the various forum threads that help find other hypno-related content in other types of media. It would suck to see more people leave and take their art elsewhere, making it even more scattered.

I understand you mods are dealing with a lot right now, and there’s probably a lot of behind the scenes stuff going on that we aren’t aware of. As an ending statement, I will say, you guys handled the loli/shota situation pretty well and stayed pretty consistent, so it sucks that you guys have to deal with the people that can’t process the fact that you changed the rules because you had to, not because you wanted to, and are painting you guys as tyrannical anti-loli dictators.

Now, if you don’t mind me, I’m back to lurking. I just needed to vent this out while this is still relevant.
01/16/19 08:27AM
BigTrasho said:
Mod inconsistency is by far the worst problem on the hub right now.

That and the lack of communication. Especially when they laid out the text wall rule without giving anyone an early warning about it.

BigTrasho said:
I’m honestly surprised this didn’t become more of a problem than it already was, considering this comes off as a complete targeted purge against iControl, despite that possibly not being the mods intention.

After months of waiting to see if they would continue that low-effort manip rule, it starts to feel like that considering how they went out of their way to delete any posts that my tag. Like IDPet's manip of my manip of Chun-li which had more effort put into it by changing her expression, but was still deleted. Fortunately for IDPet, it was restored. Goes to show that they just straight up deleted my posts without a second thought. Plus, there's another manipper who manips spirals into the eyes like I do and none of those posts have been flagged or deleted by this low effort rule. Inconsistency, I say.
Oddly enough, I noticed that my Serafall Leviathan bunnysuit manip was restored after I posted the text version. Hmm...
01/16/19 10:05AM
This Arc is so awesome, I can't wait the anime version.
01/16/19 10:11AM
Can we just fucking STOP.

The past few months whenever the mods do ANYTHING everyone comes out of the woodworks to yell and kick and scream. If you have so many complaints, make it known that you are dissatisfied and then do the mature thing and talk in FUCKING PRIVATE to get the matter resolved. If talking directly to the mods doesn't resolve anything then you can air the dirty laundry to prove a point.
01/16/19 10:52AM
DouDile said:
This Arc is so awesome, I can't wait the anime version.

Is 4-Kids or Toonami going to dub it though?
01/16/19 11:21AM
MissCass said:
Is 4-Kids or Toonami going to dub it though?

Maybe in Netflix.
01/16/19 02:22PM
EoD said:
do the mature thing and talk in FUCKING PRIVATE to get the matter resolved

Because settling problems with transparency should always be done behind closed doors.
01/16/19 04:17PM
EoD said:
(...) talk in FUCKING PRIVATE to get the matter resolved. If talking directly to the mods doesn't resolve anything then you can air the dirty laundry to prove a point.
It's not necessary to do it in private when the matter may cover more than one person. Like content what's (not) allowed (anymore).

Doing it transparently creates "jurisprudence", where mods could refer to when other persons have the same question. Also, the same other persons could find their answer at their own as well instead of asking a mod.

It also prevents that some persons get Carte Blanche while others don't, while it's about the same subject. Furthermore, when there is still inconsistency, it means the rules need to be more specified.

Now I think about it, I think it's better to define "Mods" as stated in the topic title more carefully.

"The Mods" are the group of mods, excluding the admins (Dreamshade & SlackerSavior) and the Hoster (Slayerduck), and left alone ex-Admins & -Mods (like Henry-Killenger, Mindwipe, Vanndrill).

Not sure why anyone would listen what the ex-Admins & -Mods say, because they're stripped from power nor have veto (if not we've the same wacky situations like FurAffinity does) and are plain normal members.

So, Are we addressing the whole staff or just the mods (and ex-mods)? Is this addressed to the ones who execute the rules (mods) or the ones who decide the rules (admins and hoster), or the whole staff?

If you ask my opinion as a member, the comic could stay because there are dozen of posts which the submissive subject has heart eyes and poses a submissive pose. Also, beat me why the manips which depict the hypnosis/MC better are deleted.

It could also be passed to Quality Control Council to decide upon. Also note:
help:rules and policies said:
The administrators still reserve the right to save an image regardless of the QCC’s decision, although this is a rare case.
01/16/19 04:18PM
01/16/19 04:28PM
hypfrosis said:

I am very sorry, but, even if I don't have any problems with mods (mostly because my postings are very rare and I myself is willing to just lay down and take it), this is still a poor excuse.

If you are doing something - you have to do it properly, free or not.

EDIT: Yes, working for free gives some leeway (a little), but still.
01/16/19 04:40PM
T323 said:
If you are doing something - you have to do it properly, free or not.

Well, sort of - I mean, I agree on principle that it's better, if you undertake a task, to actually at least try to do it properly. That said, if you do something for free, and especially on a privately-owned space, then you don't really owe anyone anything.

Like, I understand that, ethically and socially speaking, it's better for everyone's comfort to ensure that a system runs smoothly and with as little conflict as possible. I really agree, on principle. But, when it comes right down to it, the fact of the matter is that the people who moderate are nothing more than volunteers, that take time out of their lives to actually try to make a porn site function (which is more than I would ever do). So, because of that, I don't think it's fair or realistic to treat them like professionals at all, who are supposed to be held at a certain level of accountability. When people talk about transparency, process, precedents, and all those sorts of aspects, I don't think it'll ever seriously happen, and I'm not even sure it's worth discussing.
01/16/19 04:50PM
Normally I wouldn't comment on something like this, seeing as how it doesn't really affect me, but my two cents would be that maybe there should be something like a "head moderator" instated, and posts should be discussed among all the mods as a group committee and not just as singular entities, considering that hasn't seemed to work very well.

For example: a post goes up of questionable quality; the mods come together as a group to discuss it. Half the mods think the quality is good enough for it to stay up, half think it should be taken down. The final decision falls to the head moderator on what should ultimately be done with the post. Another example: a post goes up of questionable quality, the mods discuss it, but more than half of the mods are in favor of taking it down and the head moderator is of the opinion that it should stay up. The mods have majority vote, so the head moderator would elect to have it taken down. This way any issue is sufficiently reviewed, and if the owner of the post has a problem or question they can take it up with the head moderator instead of fumbling to contact one of the several other mods.

If that sounds like too much work, considering this site likes to boast about how it has higher quality standards than places like DeviantArt, I would think a bit more work would be expected to keep that quality standard. I realize the mods aren't being paid to do this, but like I said, if you're going to be smug about how much better your site is, it would help to actually have some punch behind your statements.
01/16/19 05:00PM
I try my best to do my job well.
01/16/19 05:35PM
Argonis said:
I try my best to do my job well.

And cudos to you. But... Eh...

I think we need to re-evaluate HH's standards of quality, so we all can agree on that stuff and both mods and users can address it in case of disputes.
...Because it seems there are some problems with current ones.
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