02/08/14 09:07AM
The Quality Control Council Thread
This thread will be used for open volunteering for a position in the <<|quality control council>> and will be locked unless a position is open.

If you are willing to be one of the 3 members on the QCC, who make the decision on which way Quality Control Judgments end (with the judged image either being deleted or kept), then please volunteer.

Requirements For The Position
* 1: A QC Judgment may be initiated at any time, and responses by the QCC should be swift. On average, we hope that all members be able to access the site at least every other day and have ample time to cast their vote should images be undergoing judgment.

* More requirements to be added if necessary.

The Current QCC
1: - Mindwipe
2: - Argonis
3: - RedCollarBlackCollar
02/08/14 09:07AM
The administration have come up with names of who we would wish the first five QCC members to be. If your name is on the list, please do contact Henry via Dmail on whether or not you're interested.

1: Zko
2: Lillytank
3: Vorp
4: Bellchan
5: Dantus

The thread will remain unlocked for now, in case any of these 5 do not accept the position.
02/08/14 02:17PM
I volunteer if a space opens up; while not an artist or manipper, I think I can both express myself well and not take judgements too personally. While my views on art may be best expressed as "open" and "relaxed", or even "low-brow", that could make me a good representative for the division of users who want looser standards
02/09/14 09:59AM
Grim said:
I volunteer if a space opens up; while not an artist or manipper, I think I can both express myself well and not take judgements too personally. While my views on art may be best expressed as "open" and "relaxed", or even "low-brow", that could make me a good representative for the division of users who want looser standards

Being an artist/manipper isn't required. In fact, we want to ensure that not everyone IS an artist/manipper, but rather that some are just viewers since, you know, that's most of our community. :P

Just wanted to clear that up, since it's not entirely evident.
02/13/14 12:42PM
So, is Dantus yet to confirm, or has confirmed and the thread hasn't been updated? I suppose it doesn't really matter until there is a conflict anyway
02/14/14 06:33AM
We have a queue of conflicts atm, for when the council is full. Dantus, to my knowledge, is still unconfirmed. It's been long enough, so we're likely to consider others, soon.
02/14/14 09:05AM
Despite my comments being fairly scarce, I literally check this place via my phone at least once a day, then again on my computer. I'd love to be able to help do some clean-up around here. I love this place and you guys are pretty great too, so y'know, I'd love to help keep things going around here besides throwing my stupidly-large list of commissioned pics here. =P

I will, of course, take the job seriously and not let personal bias get in the way of the actual quality of the image. I would like to say this isn't my first time doing something along the lines of quality control, but that was quite some time ago so take that with a grain of salt. I'd still like to think I can handle things though.

That's all I got really.
02/14/14 09:40AM
I'll volunteer to have my name thrown in the hat if a spot is open as well.
02/14/14 09:42AM
AC said:
I'll volunteer to have my name thrown in the hat if a spot is open as well.


How did you know how we decide who to choose from this pool of people?
02/14/14 09:46AM
Vanndril said:

How did you know how we decide who to choose from this pool of people?

I must know if the hat is a fedora, top hat or baseball cap. This information is crutial and the very balance of this website hinges on the type of hat used for this process.

02/14/14 10:02AM
I wanna volunteer i wanna do sumthing for the community even though i don't have any skills.
02/14/14 10:47AM
Guess I'll throw my name here as well, though it looks like the council's already pretty much all manippers. And just because either I've managed to forget already or it wasn't made all that clear, the QCC makes a decision based on the art and/or MC content quality? As in, they judge images where the admins don't "see the MC" or think the art is sub-par?
02/14/14 11:15AM
I'll be more than willing to lend a hand with any quality control needed. My schedule is somewhat flexible, and I can access the site at least every other day.

Alas, while the content may be slim pickings for this fetish, there apparently is still the proportion of sub-par material that occurs with most other fetish groups.
02/14/14 11:48AM
Uh this seems like a pretty bad idea to me. Like, I'm okay with a circlejerk once in a while, those are fine, but as it stands this is about the only dedicated site for collecting this stuff. I'd rather it be a little more democratic than this. Now I consider myself a ~*connoisseur*~ of this shit, so I'm not getting off on the garbage, but some people do. Plus, the five of you aren't perfect people, nobody is. I don't expect any of you guys to go wild with this, but you'll all have your own opinion on the artists whose stuff is being voted on. So I hereby propose the 3/5 Compromise v2 (you set this up for me lads) to dilute individual bias. Add public downvoting. More than, say, 60% of the votes are negative? 3 "council" votes towards removal. 60+% positive = 3 votes towards keeping it. Between those two, no community vote, just you five. Maybe put a minimum limit too, if there aren't five community votes on it, the community probably doesn't care about that pic. Hopefully that'll encourage a little more audience participation, yeah? You still have enough (5/8) to overrule the community at large on an issue. Heck, I'd say 4/8 for "remove" should be enough if something is even brought up as being shitty and is embattled.

Addendum: I'd say an image that doesn't break any rules other than quality should be given a few days to collect public opinion before being considered for removal. Maybe 2 or 3?

Also, my justification for this is that if it's really, REALLY shitty, admins are gonna kill it sooner anyways. And that 5 people is hardly a sample size.
02/14/14 12:00PM
You can add me to the list. I check here about 3 - 5 times a day for new content.
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