01/24/19 10:49PM
Worlds most ignored rule.
The topic is exactly what you think it is. What would you say is the worlds most universally ignored rule?

For me, its "no outside food or drinks in the theatre"
01/24/19 10:51PM
no smoking

seriously you spend 5 minutes at one of pittsburgh's t stations and youll see this rule broken
01/24/19 11:02PM
crazyman said:
no smoking

seriously you spend 5 minutes at one of pittsburgh's t stations and youll see this rule broken

Or 10 seconds on a College campus. I know every College near me has banned smoking. And yet if you simply look on campus while driving by you can see dozens of students smoking.
01/24/19 11:07PM
For me there’s a few general rules I follow
1: respect those who show respect
2 ( seconded ) no smoking
3 ( here is where I will give a warning this is not to turn into a political debate )
Don’t trust any politician any thurder than you can throw them
01/24/19 11:14PM
Speed limits. I follow them, but the rest of the world considers them "speed suggestions". Can't tell you how uncomfortable I feel on the Highway with everyone 5-20 miles over the limit.
01/24/19 11:17PM
HiddenAgenda said:
Speed limits. I follow them, but the rest of the world considers them "speed suggestions". Can't tell you how uncomfortable I feel on the Highway with everyone 5-20 miles over the limit.

The reason for this, interestingly, is cops. I have a few areas near me where cops WILL pull your ass over if you're doing 30.002 in a 30. NOBODY speeds there. But anywhere else a 30 actually means "Anywhere from 25-35"
01/25/19 12:22AM
dont masturbate in public
01/25/19 12:42AM
Hmm....I think its easily no littering. People would do it anywhere and everywhere, hell I even had to avoid a trash bag or two on the road to work...
01/25/19 12:49AM
HiddenAgenda said:
Speed limits. I follow them, but the rest of the world considers them "speed suggestions". Can't tell you how uncomfortable I feel on the Highway with everyone 5-20 miles over the limit.

No kidding. I actually remember the DMV manual I was given to study, for getting my driver's permit, actually quizzed on how many miles per hour above the speed limit is often tolerated by cops. The "5 MPH over the limit" principle was etched into my memory from how bizarre it was so see. How many other materials from government agencies tell you "police prob won't care if you break the law, so long as it's not too bad of an offense"? It felt so backwards. And I knew it wasn't just me; a sociology course I took later on actually brought up dilemmas with laws by using the question "how many of you speed while driving?"
01/25/19 12:49AM
"Please tag the artist"

"Source field is for outside links"

01/25/19 01:41AM
“Don’t say mean stuff online or people will become depressed”

Fortunately we all gain the ability to take banter as we get older
01/25/19 01:45AM
No loitering and no parking in the fire lane. If you've ever been to a Wal-Mart, you'll see people in the fire lane all the goddamn time.
01/25/19 02:28AM
HiddenAgenda said:
Speed limits.

I think this might be the empirically correct answer.

01/25/19 02:57AM
Mindwipe said:
No loitering and no parking in the fire lane. If you've ever been to a Wal-Mart, you'll see people in the fire lane all the goddamn time.

I always hope that one of those people will be the first confirmed spontaneous human combustion and can't be saved just cause they parked there
01/25/19 03:20AM
It's got to be terms and conditions, they pop up and you just click accept without even thinking about it.
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