02/11/19 08:06PM
They're making a new Demon Headmaster!

If you're a 90's kid from Britain, you already know what this means, but if you're not...let's just say that a new generation of hypnofetishists are on the way.

The premise of this series is that Diana Glass (I think that's her name, it's been a while) moves into a new foster family and starts a new school, but there's something strange about it. All the students act like robots, and the prefects act like prison guards. It's because they're under the spell of the Demon Headmaster, who uses hypnosis to keep all the children in order, as part of a plan to enslave the world through his hypnotic power.

Based on a series of books by Gillian Cross (each one with a hypnosis-heavy plot), this is like an introduction to hypnofetishism for kids. While most of the protagonist group are immune to the Headmaster's control, Diana is anything but. She goes under several times during the series, and in the books especially it gets some lovely detail. Fun fact - this is probably what laid the hypnofetish seeds in my brain :P

It wasn't just her though - I'm pretty sure there was at least one series where he focused only on adults. It had a computer that he was using to enslave people, I think - basically made them human robots. I remember they had these badges shaped like hands, and if you spoke non-logical sentences into them it made the people wearing them shut down or something? I might have to go back and check.

It looks like it's based on a new book, so I have no idea what it's about, but the old one had some great moments and lines, so it'll probably be worth a look. But yeah, expect this to be the cause for a whole bunch of British hypnosis fans in a few years.

"Curiosity is the curse of the human brain..."
02/11/19 08:14PM
Damn, I remember watching this way back. I wonder how well it will do and how they plan to illustrate the control effects wise.
02/11/19 08:41PM
Hell yes. This was definitely an if not THE early influence on me and my kink. Remember getting all the books out at the local library as well. Who'd have thought CBBC would be a corrupting influence

HollyDolly said:
If you're a 90's kid from Britain, you already know what this means,

Did at least make to Sweden I know
02/11/19 10:19PM
[spoiler=Pinch me, I'm dreaming]OUCH! NOT THAT STRONG! D:<)=|[/spoiler]

The TV adaptation of The Demon Headmaster was a great one. I think it influenced my affection of hypnosis more than any Disney movie. I didn't read Gillian Cross' books tho.

Some portions of my Pokésona are based on The Demon Headmaster (never noticed what I have on my head?).

Terrence Hardiman's portraying of the Headmaster was outstanding. He's still alive, but I doubt he would play him again |=(:C

Anyway, it isn't a remake, but a sequel in a different setting, based on Gilllian Cross' book Total Control from 2017.
I'm already happy it's not a total remake, so people with nice memories of the first instalment won't get hurt.

Let's hope for the best |=(:3

It wasn't just her though - I'm pretty sure there was at least one series where he focused only on adults. It had a computer that he was using to enslave people, I think - basically made them human robots. I remember they had these badges shaped like hands, and if you spoke non-logical sentences into them it made the people wearing them shut down or something? I might have to go back and check.
Yep, that was The Demon Headmaster Takes Over. The 3rd season.
I still recommend to rewatch (or maybe) reread it, since it's so relevant in the era of smartphones, surveillance and Artificial Intelligence.

EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Did at least make to Sweden I know
Psst, it was also subbed in Dutch |=(;3

02/11/19 10:51PM
I've kind of heard of this, but I've never seen it. Would anyone have some recollection of which episodes specifically contained mind-control (preferably relevant to my own interests, so female), or know of a database or list of some kind?
02/11/19 11:31PM
TheMadPrince said:
which episodes specifically contained mind-control


Seriously. It's the centre of the plot
02/11/19 11:59PM
And for a moment I thought this thread was all going to be "only 90s hypnofetishists remember"
02/12/19 08:23AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:

Seriously. It's the centre of the plot

Several plots, in fact. Sometimes it's hypnotic eyes, sometimes it's subliminal adverts, sometimes it's tech control. This DVD trailer shows it off a bit - www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pkcMnCY72E

Mr.H said:
And for a moment I thought this thread was all going to be "only 90s hypnofetishists remember"

Haha, we should do something like that!

02/12/19 09:58AM
I've not seen the show, but I recall reading the books and feeling weird.

Years later figured it out.
02/12/19 11:50AM
The Demon Headmaster aired at just the wrong time for me in Finland, I was 14 and wasn't going to be watching children's shows at that age. I sure do remember really liking the eye effects when I saw them in ads, though.
02/15/19 01:14AM
I didn't read Gillian Cross' books tho.

You should. They are very good books in their own right. They got adapted for a REASON.
11/14/20 03:33PM
I remember there being a thread about this so I dug it up. Just finished the series and it was pretty decent. Kinda gave me the same vibes as Jessica Jones but obviously less messed up. The show really delves into mind control in cool ways and weaves it into the plot really well. It also connected with the old series instead of just remaking it too which was a nice surprise.
11/14/20 04:18PM
Damn, I thought this was announcing a second reboot and got excited for a moment before seeing the date of the original topic.

Sleepyhead97 said:
I remember there being a thread about this so I dug it up. Just finished the series and it was pretty decent. Kinda gave me the same vibes as Jessica Jones but obviously less messed up. The show really delves into mind control in cool ways and weaves it into the plot really well. It also connected with the old series instead of just remaking it too which was a nice surprise.

The only scene I'm familiar with from this reboot is one where a female journalist, if I recall correctly, gets hypnotized from her computer screen by a video sent by the Headmaster - that was pretty hot. Would you happen to have examples of other scenes, by any chance? If at all possible, a mention of the episodes where they occur would be grand.
11/14/20 04:56PM
TheMadPrince said:
Damn, I thought this was announcing a second reboot and got excited for a moment before seeing the date of the original topic.

The only scene I'm familiar with from this reboot is one where a female journalist, if I recall correctly, gets hypnotized from her computer screen by a video sent by the Headmaster - that was pretty hot. Would you happen to have examples of other scenes, by any chance? If at all possible, a mention of the episodes where they occur would be grand.

The series has mind control in pretty much every episode but a majority of it is the young main characters being controlled which isn't appropriate. In episode 8 all the parents get hypnotized by tablets which was kinda nice similar to the journalist scene. There's also a scene at the end of episode 7 that's great but it's a spoiler.
11/14/20 06:34PM
TheMadPrince said:
Damn, I thought this was announcing a second reboot and got excited for a moment before seeing the date of the original topic.

The only scene I'm familiar with from this reboot is one where a female journalist, if I recall correctly, gets hypnotized from her computer screen by a video sent by the Headmaster - that was pretty hot. Would you happen to have examples of other scenes, by any chance? If at all possible, a mention of the episodes where they occur would be grand.

What episode is the journalist scene, by the way?
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