Just some sappy message from Crimson
Hi everyone. Look… I just wanted to get this off my chest and say this to all of you considering this is Valentine’s Day and… the one year anniversary of…. Well… some shit that I caused. But I’m not here to talk about what happened or what you think of it or me. I’m just here to say thank you for those who did show they cared about me and still do. Over the past year is when I feel like in terms of emotions and depression, I’ve been at my absolute worst so far. But despite what I did or what happened to me or how I felt afterwards, I still had the support of a lot of friends and other users here, and eventually I was allowed back here to continue providing hypno art and having fun doing so as well as being with a lot of awesome people. While I still do feel deep sadness and regret for what happened, and do wish I could do anything to attone or be forgiven, I already know that’ll never happen and I should be appreciating what I still have: all of you and the awesome stuff HypnoHub still has. So I just want to say thank you all, both to all you who care about me or support me when I’m down and even those who didn’t do anything for me in particular, but still make HypnoHub a place worth coming back to.