03/04/19 05:37PM
Anyone has good quality hypno-fantasy videos?
Basically videos that implies hypnosis, but in a fantasy setting (transformation of the viewer, seduction by a demon ect...)
Also, if possible, with a nice soothing voice (good mic quality, the white noises are annoying)
03/04/19 05:50PM
That's a too broad question.

Define "good quality":
* 4K? or does 1080p or 720p also works for you?
* Special effects à la Hollywood quality?
* A good plot or good performance of acting?

How about to ask something more specific in forum #10859 ?
03/04/19 05:55PM

-graphic quality does not matter, only the voice is
-sfx are totally optional
-good plot is preferable, as well as acting

And the hunting thread is for something you already ssaw, i’m looking for something new

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