09/12/13 09:05AM
Vanndril and Mindwipe: Declassified
A few days ago, Vanndril suggested making a thread for highlighting some of our funniest behind-the-scenes moments of running the hub. The following are some of those moments. Since a lot of the hub stuff involves long-winded debates about policies, things that are only funny in a "you had to be there" way, and just generally boring stuff, I've tried to help make this more entertaining by throwing in some of our best quotes... taken entirely out of context for your amusement! :D For added fun, try to guess just what the hell we were talking about when we said these things. Here's Vanndril and I, uncut and uncensored:

* Vanndril: Well, tonight should be fun...

* Mindwipe: Should it?

* Vanndril: Yep.
** I've done all the prep I could possibly do...
** All I have left is to actually try to apply the new CSS
** To the live site.
** Nothing could possibly go wrong. :P

* Mindwipe: Absolutely nothing.

* Vanndril: Exactly.

* Mindwipe: I'll start the microwave.

* Vanndril: Don't forget to put the popcorn in first.

* Mindwipe: Oh, we're using popcorn now? I wonder how they taste gelled.

* Vanndril: Wrong microwave.
** Use the one to the LEFT.

* Mindwipe: Shit, I've been calling that a computer this whole time.
** No wonder I couldn't run Windows on it.

* Vanndril: You didn't try to install windows my inserting the installation discs into the "disc tray", did you?

* Mindwipe: Well, they're the same shape...


* Mindwipe: I was killing time playing an old game demo. :P

* Vanndril: Instead of MY old game demo, you bastard? :P

* Mindwipe: Your game demo doesn't let me blow shit up. :P


* Mindwipe: Fuck circles.


* Vanndril: oh, forgot to announce h

* Mindwipe: Ecchi!


* MIndwipe: 'Sup?

* Vanndril: Popcorn.
** Tons of it.
** Omnom
** Aside from that, not much.
** You?

* Mindwipe: Eh.

* Vanndril: Eh?

* Mindwipe: Mhm

* Vanndril: And what does "eh" mean?

* Mindwipe: Nothing...literally.

* Vanndril: If it means nothing literally, then is it figurative by definition?

* Mindwipe: * brain explodes *


* Vanndril: I'm like the womanizing one-night-stand-man of hentai.


* Mindwipe: Here's the deal: I'm going nuts.

* Vanndril: Old news.


* Mindwipe: I haven't finished the wiki yet, btw.

* Vanndril: WHY NOT? XD
** goddamn ya

* Mindwipe: Because there's a lot! And it's boring!

* Vanndril: Don't talk to me about a lot and boring...

* Mindwipe: Okay, I think I fixed all that I could figure out.

* Vanndril: How long did it take you?
** about how many tags? :P

* Mindwipe: * shrug * A while. A lot.

* Vanndril: numbers. estimate.


* Mindwipe: Note to self: before entering unknown settlement, ensure it is not a military base... with helicopters.


* Vanndril: i think ima take a look at this tag via the database

* Mindwipe: You do that. I just stole a helicopter.


* Vanndril: Right. I was simply explaining that I changed the colors of shit
** And before that, you said something about pasta


* Mindwipe: I should probably go to bed half an hour ago.


* Vanndril: "Your best friend probably loves getting horsewhipped while he or she snorts antifreeze out of a shoe."
** I love you, BluRider!
** hahaha

* Mindwipe: Quite the imagination on that one.
** I await P.Chronos' pic of that.


* Mindwipe: Yup

* Vanndril: Mhm.

* Mindwipe: * sage nod *

* Vanndril: * re-sage nod *

* Mindwipe: * un-sage nod *

* Vanndril: * sad-sage nod *

* Mindwipe: * headdesk *


* Vanndril: We have a happy_hair tag
** I think someone was tired


* Mindwipe: In Gensokyo, gaps mind YOU!


* Vanndril: ...FUCK
** how in hell..
** * facedesk *


* Vanndril: i dread letters P and S


* Mindwipe: So, we should probably change that.
** It would better fit the rest of our "cum" tags, anyway.
** Any objections, lady?

* Vanndril: eh?
** sorry, was explaining the Freudian psychology concept of Thanatos to Luna.

* Mindwipe: dafuq

* Vanndril: *sigh *
** copypasta

* Mindwipe: NO
** Don't care
** Answer question


* Vanndril: FUCK THAT Y KEY!


* Mindwipe: Am I the only one weirded out that the Japanese drink a brand of bottled water with the word "sweat" in the name?


* Vanndril: My dinner disagreed with me for a while. We broke up.


* Mindwipe: I found a tank.
** And I drove it right into a military base. Then, I said "You know what I hate? The military."


* Vanndril: she overclocked her toilet


* Mindwipe: Dammit. Forgot to buy milk. Now I gotta eat cookies with soda.


* Vanndril: I have the sudden temptation to pull an elaborate troll over the entire hypnofetish community

* Mindwipe: By doing what?

* Vanndril: havent gotten that far yet o.O

* Mindwipe: ...
** Is that so?


* Mindwipe: Mwuahahahaha
** Expose his samefaggotry. >:D

* Vanndril: Not samefag because not replying to self.
** ...or was he...?

* Mindwipe: OR DID HE?! Dun Dun Duuuuuun

* Vanndril: nope

* Mindwipe: Aw


* Mindwipe: I could write another song...

* Vanndril: NO!

* Mindwipe: ...Okay...


* Vanndril: FUND.IT. (Note: Google chat changed this to a link)
** See? Google agrees.

* Mindwipe: YUS XDDDDDDD
** That url
** I NEED it
** I need it in my life

* Vanndril: lol

* Mindwipe: fund dot it

* Vanndril: perfect
** the domain is being held by a reseller

* Mindwipe: Oh god. Someone buy it please.


* Vanndril: Imagine Cirno floating about in a lab coat.
** that's twice her size

* Mindwipe: I always do

* Vanndril: lol

* Mindwipe: SCIENCE!


* Mindwipe: Or I suppose I could just stew in my own depression for a few days to see where it takes me...

* Vanndril: Knowing you? Probably to furious masturbation. Oh, and 6 saved bucks.


* Vanndril: I think we blew everyone's minds.

* Mindwipe: We blew something.

* Vanndril: ...I'm not sure what to make of that statement.


* Vanndril: Hey...
** when we get the new site open to the public...
** do you think I should hunt down and approach Rosvo, extending an invitation if he's willing to try to deal with the bunch of us again?

* Mindwipe: Up to you.

* Vanndril: You wouldn't be against it, though?

* Mindwipe: Not really. You can't burn a burned bridge any further. You can only repair it or leave it as is.

* Vanndril: Then it's something to consider.
** But...What if it's still on fire?
** The bridge.

* Mindwipe: Then I would advise not standing on it.

* Vanndril: But....I'm cold....

* Mindwipe: Buy a sweater. Light it on fire.

* Vanndril: THEN can I stand on the flaming bridge?

* Mindwipe: No. You might get splinters. And that shit hurts.

* Vanndril: I could wear gloves...
** Oh, and boots.

* Mindwipe: Eh, fine.

* Vanndril: Gotcha.
** So I need to buy and wear a sweater and light it on fire while otherwise wearing *only* gloves and boots as to avoid splinters, then I can go meet Rosvo on the flaming bridge of fiery death?

* Mindwipe: That about sums it up. Don't forget to bring flowers.
09/12/13 09:08AM
These are in no real order, but they're all from within the last month or so. If anyone at all finds this entertaining enough to continue, I'll keep digging through our chat logs to find more goofiness. If it goes on long enough, you may eventually see chats from before we made Hypnobooru (assuming they haven't been deleted). And one last quote that isn't funny, but for some reason, I still feel like sharing it:

* Vanndril: I'm more like...a system admin
** you'd be the community manager

* Mindwipe: I like the sound of that.
09/12/13 09:49AM
What is 'happy_hair'???? 0.o
And Rosvo doesn't like us as it seems....(y_y)
Mindwipe playing GTA Vice City?
09/12/13 10:16AM
I love working with someone you know. You get priceless quotes like these. I used to do a lets play with a friend of mine before scheduling conflicts. Anyway it's great to see these. Really made my day more enjoyable.
09/12/13 11:09AM
With this, the clones will be more convincing.
09/12/13 11:30AM
Glad to see positive reactions already.

Anno1404 said:
What is 'happy_hair'???? 0.o

Like Vanndril's next line implies, someone just goofed while tagging and combined happy_trance with XXX_hair. That particular quote was from when we were adjusting tags before the move to this site.

Mindwipe playing GTA Vice City?

Nope. :P
I wonder if anyone can guess what it was. It was a demo, like it says in the 2nd quote. Not that that will really help you figure it out.

Fossilbrand said:
I love working with someone you know. You get priceless quotes like these. I used to do a lets play with a friend of mine before scheduling conflicts.

I know that feel. I wanted to do a let's play with a friend, but we haven't even been able to get a free day together in months. It sucks growing up when you realize all your friends have their own lives now. Fun fact: Vanndril and I have never met IRL, or even heard each others voice or seen each others face. We live in different parts of the country. We met on Hypnochan, and somehow, we've become like old friends. Funny how something like a fetish can start such a friendship.

Anyway it's great to see these. Really made my day more enjoyable.

Very glad to hear that. :D

Henry-killenger said:
With this, the clones will be more convincing.

Exactly as planned, eh?
09/12/13 11:35AM
More please.
09/12/13 11:52AM

Exactly as planned, eh?

Only if you post more quotes ;)
09/12/13 12:32PM
These remind me of my British friend and I... who I'm pretty sure isn't British. I should really talk to him again one of these days.
09/12/13 02:20PM
Reading this topic made me want to draw Cirno in an oversized labcoat flailing stuff about--

It also made me burst into tears of laughter jfc you guys-- :'D;;
09/12/13 04:02PM
Lol, guys that stuff right there is surely the glue that binds you two together!
09/12/13 11:17PM
Thanks for that title now I'm just imagining the new Xcom game cover except it's "The Booru, Mindwipe and Vanndril: Declasified" and there's an anime chick on the front, but instead of the black-out marker the face is covered by badly-manniped spiral eyes. (And maybe an explosion and helicopter in the background )
09/13/13 12:21AM
Lord-Enonymous said:
Thanks for that title now I'm just imagining the new Xcom game cover except it's "The Booru, Mindwipe and Vanndril: Declasified" and there's an anime chick on the front, but instead of the black-out marker the face is covered by badly-manniped spiral eyes. (And maybe an explosion and helicopter in the background )


09/13/13 12:30AM
petal said:


Hahaha Comic Sans with rainbow fill is the cherry on top of the cake xD

I think I can count the blocks in that image.
09/13/13 12:44AM
petal said:


Have I told you people that I love you? Because I really, REALLY do. XD

If this is the kind of hilarity I can expect from sharing my chats with Vanndril, then I have no choice but to continue this. However, I think I should make this a scheduled thing. Like once a week, or something, so as to keep it special and ongoing. How does that sound? Every week, I'll post a set of hilarious, mostly-out-of-context quotes from Vanndril and myself, and you guys can laugh at us and make more hilarious stuff like the above.
1 2345>>>

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