03/10/19 08:25PM
advertising for a potential game reset (D&D 3.5e)
so I'm planning to restart a campaign that's been on Hiatus for too long and gonna start it at lvl 1. Setting is in the Forgotten Realms, in the continent of Kara-Tur (FR Asia) and starting in the country of Kozakura (FR Japan, Ashikaga period), and time period is starting at 1359. Edition used is 3.5e. When this restart happens, I'll put another message here to see if folks want in.

and for those that are wondering, this is the game that Dale and Kaelin came from if you remember the art of them on this website.
03/11/19 12:22AM
someguy231 said:
so I'm planning to restart a campaign that's been on Hiatus for too long and gonna start it at lvl 1. Setting is in the Forgotten Realms, in the continent of Kara-Tur (FR Asia) and starting in the country of Kozakura (FR Japan, Ashikaga period), and time period is starting at 1359. Edition used is 3.5e. When this restart happens, I'll put another message here to see if folks want in.

and for those that are wondering, this is the game that Dale and Kaelin came from if you remember the art of them on this website.

Sounds interesting, haven't played 3.5th edition in forever, but I'd be interested.
03/11/19 12:42AM
SLIGHT UPDATE: there's a good chance that this game may be 5e instead and can be nsfw with lots of mind control in it

in this case I'm aiming specifically for Maledom/Femsub
and if the party is mostly sub I may make it a restriction to have an all female party
03/11/19 01:03AM
Then I am definately interested. Big 5e fan. Also, totally down for playing a femsub.
03/11/19 01:24AM
Super down to play if scheduling permits!
03/12/19 04:03PM
I'm down to dom
03/12/19 04:48PM
Hmm, been meaning to sink my teeth into tabletop for months now. Time permitting, I guess my hat's in the ring.
03/12/19 07:57PM
Ohhh sounds like fun :D would love to be a dom of the group
03/13/19 12:23AM
so looks like we got two doms and a sub. So far for time and day, I'm aiming for 1 PM EST and on Sundays. though since I may run this as the lewd game and run the actual reboot on that time then I may move this game to another time zone.
03/13/19 12:29AM
unless its 4e, im out
03/13/19 12:34AM
crazyman said:
unless its 4e, im out

4e is not an option, mostly cause I never played 4e and don't know how to play it.
03/13/19 12:37AM
someguy231 said:
4e is not an option, mostly cause I never played 4e and don't know how to play it.

twas a joke, 4e is dogshit
03/13/19 02:02AM
If you still have room, I'd be interested. I know 5e like the back of my hand and I could pick 3.5 back up if need be. Also I am convinced that I am the only person who kind of liked 4e.
03/13/19 03:23AM
thedude107 said:
If you still have room, I'd be interested. I know 5e like the back of my hand and I could pick 3.5 back up if need be. Also I am convinced that I am the only person who kind of liked 4e.

I enjoyed 4e, Though defonately prefer 5e.
I do think 4e had the better combat though.
03/13/19 03:24AM
someguy231 said:
so looks like we got two doms and a sub. So far for time and day, I'm aiming for 1 PM EST and on Sundays. though since I may run this as the lewd game and run the actual reboot on that time then I may move this game to another time zone.

I can definately do sundays, so I am hands down game if you want.
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