03/15/19 06:58AM
Cass' Catastrophic Corner! My New Chat!
I have created a new chat for all to see!
Come one, come all, but Beware, there will be no trigger warnings here mwuhahahaha.

Basically I got banned from from the Hub's chat, so I decided to take Bender's logic and make my own! With Blackjack, and hookers! Okay maybe not Hooker and blackjack, but still!

Anyways, post on here, or message me if you think you're interested, for this, cause it'll be a chat for all you Spicy Meme lovin Bois and Gorls. It's got channels for RP, Hypno Stuff, Porn, Chats, Arguments, basically whatever, and it will be a beautiful place, Proving that Comedy Is indeed, Not Dead, among other things.
If enough people get interested, I'll probably just post the link here, but in the meantime, I'll just message it to ya!
03/19/19 08:57PM
Oy ahoy for all ye hublovers, we still be acceptin' new mates on this here chat. Yarrrr
04/04/19 01:04AM
Could I have an invite?
04/04/19 01:41AM
Kachopper9 said:
Could I have an invite?

Same, i join all hypno discord rooms
04/04/19 05:26AM
I'll give it a try
04/05/19 10:58AM
I think Imma just put the link here, HOPE YALL ALL JOIN!

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